By the best-selling creator of Corto Maltese! Set in the snowy wastelands of Canada around 1912, this provocative graphic novel deals with complex moral choices. Jesuit Joe, the protagonist, is of French-Canadian and Mohawk descent and is embarked on an obsessive religious search for the Absolute. His actions reflect a disturbed personality with an unorthodox ethical code. He kills with terrible ease and reveals an unmatched cruelty and ferocity, yet when his mood suddenly shifts, he is capable of unexpected acts of kindness and compassion.
He wears the red serge jacket of the Canadian Mounties that he found in a hut—which gives rise to a series of misunderstandings when he is mistaken for a member of the Canadian Mounted Police—and is tracked by his nemesis, Sergeant Fox, whose mission is to capture Jesuit Joe and bring him to justice.