Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 1

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Fa c e b o o k : f a ce b o o k .co m / i d w p u b l i s h i n g Tw i t t er : @ i d w p u b l i s h i n g

Yo uTub e: yo u t u b e.co m / i d w p u b l i s h i n g Tumb lr : t u m b l r. i d w p u b l i s h i n g .co m

In s t a gr am: i n s t a g r a m .co m / i d w p u b l i s h i n g


ISBN: 978-1-63140-580-8

19 18 17 16

1 2 3 4

MICKEY MOUSE: TIMELESS TALES, VOLUME 1. MAY 2016. FIRST PRINTING. All contents, unless otherwise specified, copyright © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. IDW Publishing, a division of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editorial offices: 2765 Truxtun Road, San Diego, CA 92106. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, none of the contents of this publication may be reprinted without the permission of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Printed in Korea. IDW Publishing does not read or accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories, or artwork. Originally published as MICKEY MOUSE issues #1–6 (Legacy issues #310–315).

Te d A dam s , C EO & P ubli sher Gr e g G old s t ein, Pr e sident & CO O Robbie Robbin s , E V P/ Sr. Gr aphic A r t i s t C hr i s R y all, C hie f C r e a t i ve O f fic er/ Edi t or- in - C hie f Ma t t he w Ruzic k a, C PA , C hie f F inanc ial O f fic er Dir k Wo o d, V P o f Mar ke t in g L or elei B unje s , V P o f Digi t al S er v ic e s J e f f Webb er, V P o f L i c e n s i n g , D i g i t a l a n d S u b s i d i a r y R i g h t s Jerry Bennington, VP of New Product Development Special thanks to Curt Baker, Julie Dorris, Manny Mederos, Beatrice Osman, Roberto Santillo, Camilla Vedove, Stefano Ambrosio, Carlotta Quattrocolo, and Thomas Jensen

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Casty, 1967- author, illustrator. | Cavazzano, Giorgio, 1947illustrator. | Wright, Bill, 1917-1984, illustrator. Title: Mickey Mouse : timeless tales / [by Andrea Casty Castellan, author, cover design, artist ; Giorgio Cavazzano, artist ; Bill Wright, artist]. Description: San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, [2016] Identifiers: LCCN 2016012057 | ISBN 9781631405808 (v. 1 : hardcover) Classification: LCC PN6728.M46 M53 2016 | DDC 741.5/973--dc23 LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016012057



Originally published in Topolino #2507 (Italy, 2003)





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