Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan, Deluxe Workprint Edition

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Includes Secret History of the Foot Clan #1–4 plus all script and inks pages. $4 9 . 9 9 • www. id wpublishing. c om



Story by Mateus Santolouco Script by Mateus Santolouco and Erik Burnham Art by Mateus Santolouco Colors by João “Azeitona” Vieira Letters by Shawn Lee Series Edits by Bobby Curnow Cover by Mateus Santolouco Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon Production Assistance by Shawn Lee

Workprint Edition • Created to showcase outstanding artistry and creativity in comics. Each page of script and inked art is presented individually.

Special thanks to Joan Hilty, Linda Lee, and Kat van Dam for their invaluable assistance.

ISBN: 978-1-63140-089-6

www.IDWPUBLISHING.com IDW founded by Ted Adams, Alex Garner, Kris Oprisko, and Robbie Robbins

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TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE FOOT CLAN, WORKPRINT EDITION. AUGUST 2014. FIRST PRINTING. © 2014 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. © 2014 Viacom Overseas Holdings C.V. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom Overseas Holdings C.V. Based on characters created by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman. © 2014 Idea and Design Works, LLC. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. IDW Publishing, a division of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editorial offices: 5080 Santa Fe St., San Diego, CA 92109. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, none of the contents of this publication may be reprinted without the permission of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Printed in Korea. IDW Publishing does not read or accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories, or artwork. Originally published as TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE FOOT CLAN issues #1–4.

Page 01 Panel one Close on the Yuu Clan’s flag balancing in the wind. Snow falls in the skies behind it. 1.

Caption: The Yuu Clan.


Caption: Ruled by the daimyo Ashikaga Yuu, this was one of the greatest clans of the Muromachi period.


Caption: Enjoying considerable support from the samurai class, Ashikaga was well on his way to becoming shogun. Instead of ruling Japan, however, he was brutally murdered and after his death, his entire clan simply… vanished.

Panel two An armored ninja (a previous version of the Foot armor from TMNT #5) stands alone. His stance is battle ready. Snow continues to fall all around him. 4.

Caption: History suggests that Ashikaga’s downfall may have come at the hands of one of his own clan members, Takeshi Tatsuo, a man whose skill with the sword was matched only by his own ambition.

Panel three Close on the enraged face of Tatsuo. 5.

Caption: Tatsuo’s reputation had grown so much in such a short time that even his own master—Ashikaga—had come to fear him.


Caption: And no man who would be shogun could afford that kind of fear…

Panel four Tatsuo faces off against a horde of samurai warriors, some of whom carry the Yuu flag. 7.

Caption: …So Ashikaga sent Tatsuo off on a mission into the mountains to kill thieves.


Caption: It was, of course, a trap.


Caption: To kill one man, Ashikaga had sent a legion of warriors.


Page 02 Battle scenes. Mateus will keep the worst of it implied or obscured, no doubt! Panel one Tatsuo jumps towards the samurai, sword drawn, ready to fight. 1.

Caption: For any ordinary man, the story would end here.

Panel two Tatsuo unleashes a violent strike that takes out several of the opposing warriors. 2.

Caption: But Takeshi Tatsuo was not an ordinary man. He surprised his attackers and flew into battle like a man possessed.

Panel three Using two swords, Tatsuo cuts through several more men, but he is taking some hits as well. Panel four Pull back to see the battlefield. Dead men litter the ground and Tatsuo is more on the defensive here, caught in kind of a backward walk. 3.

Caption: He showed the men sent to kill him just how deserved his reputation truly was.


Caption: But though it was a battle worthy of the many stories written about it‌


Page 03 Panel one Blood dripping on the snow. 1.

Caption: …It still came down to one man against many.

Panel two The badly wounded Tatsuo is surrounded. Panel three Tatsuo kills three men with one strike, while another sneaks up behind him. 2.

Caption: And the fewer of Tatsuo’s opponents that remained…

Panel four In silhouette, a sneak attacker cutting off part of Tatsuo’s right leg. 3.

Caption: …The easier it became for their swords to find him.

Panel five (Small panel)—Close on Tatsuo, a mix of desperation and anger on his face. Panel six Tatsuo continues to fight furiously, all while balancing on one leg. Panel seven (Small panel)—Close on Tatsuo, again, no more desperation—he’s pure rage now. 4.

Tatsuo: Aaaaaaaaiiiiii!


Page 04 Panel one The last opponent drops dead in the snow in the foreground. Tatsuo stands on one leg, weary. 1.

Caption: The remains of the men sent against Takeshi Tatsuo were found after the snows melted.


Caption: It was assumed Takeshi didn’t survive, either.

Panel two Tatsuo is leaning against the mountain rocky wall. 3.

Caption: Because what man could?

Panel three Closer focus on Tatsuo, staring blankly at his surroundings, serene in a way… he is waiting for death. His posture makes it clear he is about to fall. Panel four A cloaked woman—we can’t see her face—approaches a now unconscious Tatsuo. Panel five The woman—obviously stronger than she should be—carries the limp body of Tatsuo towards a temple (which was nowhere near the battleground).


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