“ 1 0 0 % H I G H F U N ! ” — NEW
“The comic book industry’s most obscure and outrageous stories! Simply must be read to be believed!” —Dave Colton, USA Today
“Craig Yoe and Clizia Gussoni are the Masters and Johnson of oddball, Cold War-era, sexytime comics!” —Dan Greenfield, 13th Dimension
“Some of the more depraved love stories of the 1950s. If that’s not something you’re into, I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.” —Topless Robot
“Weird as hell. Each one more bizarre than the last. I went into this comic thinking that I knew what to expect and was still blown away!” —8th Dimension Comics “This blew my f****** mind. This is going to sound strange, but I would love for a feminist studies class to dissect these stories because the way the women are perceived was the most interesting aspect for me.” —Comic Bastards “Each of the stories were a kitschy brand of fun and I never missed IDW’s wink at the sheer lunacy of some of the narratives and dialogue that seem so ridiculous to us now. The art was enjoyable to behold in a delicious Andy Warhol ‘pop art’ sort of way. And while I fully embraced my time in this Weird Love world, it only further reminded me of why I am always glad to have been born a woman in the later part of the century.” —Watch Play Read “Few comics re-packagers have remained as steadfastly committed to the idea of comics as disreputable art as Craig Yoe. Yoe and his crew of digital tweakers present this entertaining crap with a historian’s affection and a winking recognition of its essential silliness.” —Blog Critics
Presented by
“The best reprints in the history of comic books ever!” —Decapitated Dan
Introduction by
KAREN GREEN ...and much more!
This is a
YOE-MANCE Publication
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ISBN: 978-1-63140-616-4
idwpublishing.com $29.99 US