The 24th Idyllwild Earth Fair By Marshall Smith Assistant Editor
“B The 2012 Idyllwild Earth Fair.
File photos
ack to the Garden” is the theme for the 24th iteration of the Idyllwild Earth Fair. The Earth Fair has the same small town friendliness long associated with other traditional Idyllwild events, the Fourth of July Parade, the Lemon Lily Festival and the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
24th annual
MC: Doug Austin
Music: Idyllwild Arts Jazz Ensemble • Swift Pony Idyllwild All-Stars with Robin Adler, Dave Blackburn, Barnaby & Anne Finch, Don Reed & Lily McCabe
ADMISSION IS FREE! • Dolma’s Samosas • Henna Painting • Solar Energy • Native Plants • Organic Treats • Sage Mtn. Burritos • Recycled Art • Composting • Butterflies, Reptiles & Lots More! A Fun Day For the Whole Family!
DESSERT RECEPTION c aFriday, nce May 17th, 7pm, lTown leHall d Greenwood Award Presentation to Mtn. Communities Fire Safe Council Silent Auction Magic & Hand Shadow Show Scrumptious Desserts Tickets at the door
It takes place from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturday, May 18, at Idyllwild Town Hall. Admission is free and fair goers can enjoy multiple attractions including live musical performances, tasty food and activities for both adults and children. Organizer Holly Owens promises attendees a wonderful mix of interactive booths featuring recycled art, solar energy, earthfriendly products, composting, wildlife education,
henna painting and more. Returning is the very popular Butterfly Pavilion offering the chance to experience and get to know the Western Monarch butterfly. Also available for meet and greets are a variety of reptiles, insects, a goat and some chickens. Emceeing the entertainment is avuncular Doug Austin. Performers include the Celtic-influenced sounds of Swift Pony and See Earth Fair, next page
Pine Cove Water District
Raising environmental awareness by helping our customers to conserve water & to be good stewards of their mountain homes. We are currently providing the following products & services FREE OF CHARGE to all Pine Cove Water District customers. • Water conservation kits & information. • Wood chips and compost for soil amendment and garden mulching. Large quantities are available & can be delivered. Contact us for more information. • Blue bird houses made from recycled wood. • Irrigation & environmental consulting. • Rebates on low flow toilets, HE front loading washing machines, hot water recycling systems, smart water watering systems, rain water collection systems. • - a website to provide information about the water district, rates, agendas, board meetings and conserving water. • - a blog to provide tips, news, weather, information & musings about the water district, water conservation, gardening, weather & other issues pertaining to environmental stewardship & living in Pine Cove. • Customer shut-off valve education campaign to assist Pine Cove Water District customers in locating, repairing, installing, using and maintaining their customer shutoff valves. Wood shavings for insulating customer boxes are available for pick up. • Leak Reward Program offers a $25 gift certificate to any local restaurant for reporting leaks. Natural springs are not included in this program and the leak must be verified by a PCWD employee. One reward per leak. • Coming Soon! PCWD will soon be on to provide short, informative, educational videos in response to our customer’s inquiries on a variety of topics. • Customer Appreciation Lunch will be held on June 8th from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Dutch Flats Aeration Plant off of Franklin Street. All PCWD customers are cordially invited to attend & enjoy a full picnic lunch, view our new fleet of vehicles, meet the PCWD employees, board members & district support persons. Please R.S.V.P. if you plan to attend. The Pine Cove Water District office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the Pine Cove Fire Station. We can be reached by phone at 951-659-2675 or you can email us at