Lemon Lily Festival Program 2017

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Idyllwild CA

Lemon Lily Festival June 24th & 25th, 2017 ~ Idyllwild Nature Center



n behalf of Friends of San Jacinto Mountain County Parks (FSJMCP) and our-cosponsors, Idyllwild Nature Center, and Supervisor Washington (CID grant), we welcome you. The festival is designed to provide joy, fun, listening pleasure, and education for our visitors. The festival is, of course, dedicated to one of our indigenous flowers, the lemon lily (Lilium parryi). The mission of the Lemon Lily Planning Group (George Ray, Ann Wehn, Paul Jensen, Larissa Moss, Amanda Allen, and Irena Carlson) is to foster an appreciation for the threatened native lemon lily, educate the public of its plight and relevance to Idyllwild, restore it to its historical range, and benefit Idyllwild economically by promoting Idyllwild as a visitor destination. Enjoy! FSJMCP is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to assist, promote, advance, and develop the historical, scientific, educational, and cultural aspects pertaining to San Jacinto Mountain County Parks. FSJMCP is guided

Pioneer Town – Fun For All Ages!


wide range of activities are planned for kids of all ages (yes, you too). Pioneer Town features old west activities, including rocking horses – live pony rides – horse shoe tossing – roping - target gallery – fool’s gold panning – blacksmithing – flint knapping, and more. Hands on activities include apple pealing, washboard laundry, crafts, soap bubbles, and much, much more!

by a board of directors that typically meet monthly to guide its affairs. Membership is open to everyone interested in promoting these goals. For more information contact staff or volunteers at Idyllwild Nature Center located at 25-225 Highway 243, Idyllwild, CA, telephone number (951) 659-3850, or visit our website at www.idyllwildnaturecenterfriends.org

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Entry fees $5 adults $4 children $1 dogs Members of Friends of San Jacinto Mountain County Parks will be admitted free. Parking is limited at Idyllwild Nature Center. Shuttle Service: Leave your car in town and catch one of the free shuttle vans running between the Idyllwild Monument (near Idyllwild Inn), the Idyllwild School parking lot and Idyllwild Nature Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Idyllwild Radio Club members will be assisting with parking at the Idyllwild Nature Center. See map on page 3 for shuttle stop locations.

OUR MISSION The mission of the Lemon Lily Festival is to foster an appreciation for the threatened native Lily, Lilium parryi, educate the public of its plight and relevance to Idyllwild, restore it to its historical range and benefit Idyllwild economically by promoting it as a visitor destination.

INSIDE: Art Raffle Drawings, pg. 2 Map pg. 3 \ Schedule pgs. 4-5 How the Lemon Lily became a cause to celebrate by Kate Kramer pgs. 6-8 1

Lemon Lily Walks and Marketplace


un for adults include shopping at vendor booths, raffle or art items, lectures, music, and tasty food. Explore the Idyllwild Nature Center by tagging along on guided nature walks. Explore Lily Creek, and marked trails on your own, see bedrock mortars fashioned years ago by Mountain Cahuilla, and mingle with

local flora and fauna. Enjoy scheduled informative talks in the auditorium, music by the Stone Creek Stompers and Three for Joy. Lemon Lilies and native plants will be on sale. Make sure your location is suitable for lemon lilies, however. Another option is to Adopt-a-Lily to be planted along Lily Creek.

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