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The Krone Library collections primarily serve the Idyllwild Arts students and faculty, Idyllwild Arts staff, visiting instructors, and volunteers.


Circulation policies are as established by the Jana Morlan, Library Coordinator, in accordance with Idyllwild Arts Academy policies.


Borrowing criteria for the library are summarized in the Table below.


Some materials in the collection have restricted circulation due to their condition, rarity, value or specific function in the library. Please refer to the borrowing criteria for the Krone Library summarized in the Table below.


Borrowed materials, including interlibrary loan materials, may be returned to the library during operating hours. Materials remain the responsibility of the borrower until they have been checked in at the library.


Borrowers may renew materials in person at the library, and faculty or visiting instructors may renew by email or phone, provided there are no holds or recalls active for the materials. The same renewal policy applies to interlibrary loan materials.


All library materials are subject to recall. A borrower, who wishes to recall material from another borrower, or to have an item held on its return, may submit a hold/recall request by email to the librarian, or in person at the library.


Overdue notices are sent to borrowers as a courtesy reminder. Borrowers are responsible for notifying the library of any email address or regular mail address changes. Prompt response to any reminder notice is appreciated.


The library operates on the honor system. No fines are charged for overdue materials. However, if a student has not returned a book after two overdue notices, the student will be “campused� (not allowed to leave campus on extracurricular trips or activities, including weekend runs into town) until the book is returned. A replacement and processing fee will be charged for materials a borrower does not return to the library at the end of the school year.


All lost materials are assessed at the current replacement price plus a $15.00 processing fee.


Borrowers may pay fees by mail or in person at the IAA business office. Students may have fees deducted from their account with the IAA business office.


Borrowers who fail to return or renew material, or to pay fees are blocked from further borrowing until all materials have been returned to the library or all fees have been paid.

Acquisitions Policy The Krone Library collection supports the educational and residential life program objectives for high school age students and as such is governed by, and must be consistent with, the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, the Federal Internet Child Protection Law, and WASC accreditation standards for private high school libraries. The collection also serves the curricular objectives of the Idyllwild Arts Summer Program teachers and adult students. New materials for the collection are selected upon the basis of information gathered from student and faculty surveys, from suggestions received from library patrons, and as collection development needs are revealed through analysis of the existing collection. The Library Coordinator works closely with Idyllwild Arts Deans and Department Chairs to identify acquisition goals and objectives that guide the selection of new materials.

Donations Policy Krone Library welcomes donations of new and gently used materials. However, the Library cannot accept paper materials that have become too acidic. If requested, the donor can receive a tax letter from the Advancement office for the donor’s annual income tax report.

Copy Policy o

Library materials may be photocopied, or otherwise duplicated, if doing so will not damage the material. The library reserves the right to limit duplication of materials due to copyright regulations, donor restrictions, or related issues.


Library patrons are permitted to do photocopying, or other duplication of library materials as long as copyright restrictions are observed. Jana Morlan, the Library Coordinator, can answer questions about “Fair Use.”


The library does not have sufficient staff available to perform copying for patrons; however, library staff can assist patrons with copying when possible.

Computers, Network and Internet Services Policy o

Faculty, visiting instructors, students, IAA staff, administrators, and associates can use the computers in the library free of charge during normal operating hours.


After-hours use of the computers in the library is allowed for IAA administrators, faculty, library staff, and visiting instructors.


The library reserves the right to shut off Internet access during the nonoperating hours of the library. IAA faculty or visiting instructors who have a legitimate reason for needing after-hours access to the Internet can make arrangements with Buck Little, Network Administrator, or Jana Morlan, Library Coordinator, for after-hours access to the Internet.


Abuse of the Library computers and IAA network in terms of unlawful activities, breach of system security, copyright infringement, access to inappropriate material, or unauthorized use of software will result in disciplinary and/or legal action against the individual committing the violation.

Weston Room Policy o

The Weston Room, a multi-media classroom in the Krone Library, is intended for one-time or short-term use by IAA faculty, students, visiting instructors and guest speakers.


Extended use of the Weston Room by IAA faculty or visiting instructors can be arranged when necessary with the faculty's or instructor's Dean in coordination with the Director of the Krone Library. Questions about extended use of the Weston Room can be directed to Anna-Karin Li, Dean of Academics.


After-hours use of the Weston Room by IAA faculty is permitted provided the faculty does not alter any furnishings or equipment that may be specially configured for events or classes using the Weston Room during normal operating hours.

Table 1 : Borrowing Criteria

Borrower Academy Faculty & Visiting instructors IA administrator s & staff

IA senior students

IA undergrad students Trustees & Associates of IA

Books & Bound Music Scores Borrowing period/Renewal s

DVDs & CDs


Music Recordings

Borrowing period/Renewal s

Borrowing period/Renewal s

Borrowing period/Renewal s

120 days/2

7 days/1

7 days/1

14 days/2

120 days/2

7 days/1

7 days/1

14 days/2

14 days/4

Use inside library only

Use inside library only

14 days/3

Use inside library only

Use inside library only

Use inside library only unless permission granted in writing by teacher or Director of the Library Use inside library only

30 days/1

Use inside library only

Use inside library only

Use inside library only



MINIMUM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The laptop or desktop computer should contain at minimum the following:

MACINTOSH OS X or higher


PC-COMPATIBLE Windows XP or higher


800 Megahertz or faster


512 Megabytes or more 40 Gigabytes or larger


10/100 BaseT Ethernet wired connection and/or 802.11g wireless (Wireless supported in dorms and some campus areas, including the library.)


CD-RW drive A USB flash drive with at least 64MB capacity is recommended for portable storage of class work and other data

A Macintosh computer is recommended if you are planning to use the computer primarily for multimedia, graphics work, and Internet access. A PC-compatible computer is recommended if you are planning to use the computer primarily for word processing, spreadsheet work, and Internet access.

MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT Idyllwild Arts Academy is not set up to maintain or repair the personal laptop or desktop computers of students, faculty or staff. The IT staff will help when and if they can but good resources are available in Idyllwild. Please refer to the guide sheet for more information.

HARDWARE SERVICE Brad Rowland, System Solutions Mobile Computer Repair Phone: (951) 654-5362, cell phone (951) 2884347 Email: Rate: $40 first hour/ $45 each 1/2 hour over 1 hour PC service only


Blank storage media and Ethernet cables may be purchased from the student bookstore.

Welcome to This Web site is maintained by the Idyllwild Arts Academy Technology Department to help students and families by providing information about Internet and technology access on the campus.

High speed Internet access in the Krone Library

At Idyllwild Arts Academy we provide high-speed Internet access for students morning through evening in the Krone Library. We furnish Macintosh and PC computers, or you can plug in your laptop at one of the many computer tables in the reading room. We also provide network printers and many common programs, including Microsoft Office, for use with homework assignments. Please see the Librarian on duty for help. For more information about our campus networks contact:

Jana Morlan Library Coordinator, Krone Library Idyllwild Arts Academy 951-659-2171 x2323 Email: Buck Little Director of Information Technology Idyllwild Arts Academy 951-659-2171 x2348 Email:

Wireless Internet access from the dorms

All dorms have wireless (802.11g) access to the Internet available ONLY from 6pm to midnight on weekdays and from 8am to midnight Saturdays and Sundays. Wireless access is available in the Krone Library during all of the hours it is open.

Computer consulting services in a dorm room

Brad Rowland is an independent computer consultant approved to work on campus and is very experienced at dealing with all types of problems. Call him any time to inquire about his rates and/or to set up an appointment.

Brad Rowland System Solutions 951-654-5362 951-288-4347 Tech cell phone Email:

IDYLLWILD ARTS TECHNOLOGY Frequently Asked Questions 1) How does my child access the Internet at school? In their dorm room, wireless connections are available from 6pm to midnight on weekdays and from 8am to midnight on Saturdays and Sundays. Some additional areas of the campus, including the library, support wireless connection to the Internet available during all hours of operation. The library, student bookstore, and some classrooms support wired Ethernet connections to the Internet (please refer to the and Recommended Computing Hardware guide sheets for details). 2) What if my child doesn't have a computer? Are there computers at school they can use? Yes. The library has 12 Mac G5 computers and 2 PCs in the reading room, plus 15 Mac G5s in the computer lab. There are other computer labs on campus, in addition to the library computers. Students must be enrolled in a class using these labs in order to have access to all lab computers, including the library's lab G5s. 3) Is the availability of free terminals at the library sufficient/ready enough for a student who was using them exclusively for his/her course work, i.e., if my child needs to use one, what is the probability one will be available? The library's computers are available most of the time (the exception would be the G5s in the computer lab). The busiest hours of use are 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 4) What are the library hours (weekday and weekend)? The library is open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Sat. 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., and Sun. 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 5) When it comes to researching for school papers and projects, what relative percentage is done by students on the Internet versus the school's physical library? Approximately 85% of students' research is done on the Internet. More faculty, though, are requiring students to do research papers with half their references based on sources from our physical library, and resources obtained through interlibrary loan. 6) What (rough) percentage of the student body did NOT use a personal computer but rather used the school's terminals instead? The library's terminals are used by all the students, both those who have their own computer at IAA and those who don't, however, in 2004-2005, we noticed a continued increase in the number of students and faculty who used their own laptops in the library. 7) What critical problems did those who only used the school's terminals (question 6) have that those with their own laptop did not? The students who only used the library's terminals had fewer problems in some respects. The students who did their homework on their own laptop who then brought their homework to the library to be printed had problems with data transfer (e.g., damaged disks from improper

handling, difficulty with downloading email attachments, network connectivity problems), or file format incompatibilities. Students who used only the library's terminals didn't have to go through this learning curve about file formats, care of removable media, and the nuances of sending and receiving email attachments. But these students had to discipline themselves to work within the library's hours of operation and had to learn to plan their time to anticipate the complication of high use of the library's terminals right before deadlines and exam periods. Students who work on the library terminals must remember to either save their work to a removable storage device (usb/flash drive) or email themselves their work. The library and computer lab computers are reset each night and work saved on these computers will be lost. 8) Who do I contact with other technical questions? For questions about our campus technology facilities you may contact the Director of IT: Buck Little Director of Information Technology Idyllwild Arts Academy 951-659-2171 x2348 Email: For general computer questions or services please consult with Brad Rowland, owner of System Solutions Mobile Computer Repair: Brad Rowland P.O Box 653 Idyllwild, CA 92549 (951) 288-4347 E-Mail: or

Peer-to-peer File Sharing Although Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing can sometimes be used for legitimate reasons, any use of P2P software on the Idyllwild Arts network is prohibited. There are several important issues that warrant this prohibition: Excessive bandwidth consumption, security vulnerabilities and violation of copyright laws.

Bandwidth Consumption The network is a shared resource and we must ensure that it is available to all users. P2P file sharing consumes a disproportionate amount of resources, both in bandwidth and human technical support. File sharing programs automatically distribute files. Many programs turn on sharing without clear notice when installed. Left unchecked, P2P applications can consume all available network bandwidth and in fact this has happened frequently in the past.

Security Vulnerabilities P2P applications are considered a big security risk because they use direct communications between computers (or "peers") to share or transfer data. They require client software to be installed and, by so doing, expose the network to a number of risks. Security flaws in P2P applications may provide attackers with ways to crash computers, access confidential information, or infect the entire network.

Copyright Violations Violation of copyright law can result in serious consequences for the person in violation and possibly for the school as well. The following excerpts from the Columbia University Copyright Policy presents the relevant legal issues clearly and briefly. The entire policy and additional resources can be found at

You must respect copyright. Copyright protection covers any original work of authorship that is fixed in some tangible medium of expression. To be original does not mean that it has to have any literary merit. Even ordinary e-mail messages or postings are protected by copyright. Nor does the creator have to do anything for a work to be protected by copyright. A work is protected from the moment it is created, and it does not have to contain a copyright notice to qualify for protection. What this broad coverage means is that just about any work you come across, including software, books, music, film, video, articles, cartoons, pictures, and e-mail, whether on the Internet, a CD, DVD, or tape, is likely to be protected by copyright. Copyright law prohibits anyone from copying, distributing, making derivative works, publicly displaying or publicly performing a copyrighted work unless the user has the express permission of the copyright owner or the user qualifies under one of the legal exceptions, the most common of which is "fair use." Fair use is a complex doctrine that does not provide clear rules about which uses are fair and which are not. However, "fair use" almost never allows the distribution of a complete work, or

even significant portions of one. The sharing of copyrighted music, film or other media, via a file sharing programs like Kazaa, Morpheus and Gnutella is virtually never a fair use. All network users must comply with federal copyright law. Violations of copyright law are also violations of University policy. (See Computer Use Policy) Copying, distributing, sharing, downloading, or uploading any information or material on the Internet may infringe the copyright for that information or material. File-sharing programs automatically distribute files. Please be aware that programs like Kazaa, Morpheus, and Gnutella automatically turn on sharing when installed. If you use such programs, please ensure that you are not violating copyright by default, e.g., by sharing music or other media files or software you have loaded on your computer. Even unintentional infringement violates the law.

Enforcement and Consequences of Violation Idyllwild Arts monitors its network for P2P file sharing activity and disables Internet access for computers found in violation of its policy. Any computer running P2P software will be blocked from campus network access until the software has been removed from the computer. Someone from the Information Technology staff must verify removal of the P2P software before network access is restored. Further consequences will be in accordance with the Idyllwild Arts Internet Use Policy.

Rules of the Library A true and honorable friend of the library respects its rules.

 THE LIBRARY IS A PLACE FOR QUIET ACTIVITIES. Loud talking, running, or other disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the library. Anyone who is unable to honor the right of others to study in a quiet environment will be asked to leave the library; however, they will be welcomed back when they can behave quietly.  THE LIBRARY IS A PLACE FOR RESEARCH AND STUDY. Loitering or sleeping in the library is strongly discouraged. There are other centers around campus that are more appropriate for hanging out, sleeping, or loud talkative socializing.  FOOD, CANDY, OR DRINKS IN OPEN CONTAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN THE LIBRARY EXCEPT the Weston Room, the main hallway and outdoors on the patio and porches (food crumbs attract mice and insects that feed on the glue and paper in books; spilled drinks can ruin a keyboard or mouse; dropped candy and gum can ruin the carpet and furniture). Please eat your snacks in the library's main hallway or outside.  STUDENTS AND FACULTY MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH LIBRARY STAFF TO USE THE WESTON ROOM, COMPUTER LAB, OR THE HOLMES MUSIC LISTENING LAB for presentations, classroom use, or other events to ensure that these shared rooms are available fairly to all. The head librarian will resolve any scheduling conflicts.  ACCESS TO THE INTERNET IS A PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT. Students who have not signed the Internet Use Policy agreement will not be allowed to use the Internet (but may use the computers for non-Internet purposes). Students who abuse their Internet access will have their access privilege taken away (please read the Internet Use Policy for what is considered "abuse" of the Internet) and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action.  DOWNLOADING AND UPLOADING, OR COPYING SOFTWARE TO OR DELETING SOFTWARE FROM LIBRARY COMPUTERS IS PROHIBITED unless permission to do so was given by an Idyllwild Arts authority. Downloading and uploading of illegal software is punishable by United States law. Students who do not follow this rule may be referred to the Dean of Students and subject to disciplinary action.  PRINTING OR PHOTOCOPYING OF INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL OR EXCESSIVE QUANTITIES IS NOT PERMITTED. Please ask the library staff, if you are not sure what is considered "inappropriate material."  PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE IN THE LIBRARY (you may use your cell phone outside of the library where your phone will have better reception).  PLEASE USE YOUR HEADPHONES TO LISTEN TO MOVIES OR AUDIO FILES that you want to play on a computer.  CUTTING UP LIBRARY MAGAZINES IS NOT ALLOWED (instead ask the library staff for materials that may be available for collage).  HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

IDYLLWILD ARTS Internet Use Policy and AGREEMENT FORMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following is the Acceptable Use Policy of Idyllwild Arts. All users of the school network must comply with this policy in order to have Internet access. Furthermore, all students, along with their parents, must sign the agreement form before use of the Internet will be allowed. (The Terms and Conditions of this Acceptable Use Policy and the Student and Parent Agreement Form are to be reviewed by Idyllwild Arts on an annual basis.) Educational Purpose Internet access is available to the Idyllwild Arts community. The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks linking thousands of computers and millions of individual subscribers. The purpose of providing access to the Internet is to support research and education in and among academic institutions by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. With such access comes the availability of materials that may not be considered to be of educational value. Idyllwild Arts has taken available precautions to restrict access to inappropriate sites. However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials. Therefore, it is essential that parents, students, and Idyllwild Arts work together to comply to utilize the network in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner, and such use must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of Idyllwild Arts. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that users are aware of, and adhere to the guidelines set by Idyllwild Arts for acceptable use while on the network. Internet Access The Internet is a public network, and as such, e-mail is not private. The Idyllwild Arts Network Administrator has access to all user account directories and data, e-mail, personal web pages, and any other files that are stored on Idyllwild Arts’ network system server(s). The Network Administrator may delete files at any time to conform to network system storage needs. Access to the Internet from the Idyllwild Arts network and the receipt of an Idyllwild Arts network account is a privilege, not a right. Responsible Use When accessing resources on the Internet and Idyllwild Arts network, students will abide by these guidelines for responsible use: 1. When using telecomputing services or sending messages, students will conduct themselves in a manner which is appropriate and proper as a representative of Idyllwild Arts and the community.

2. All materials, databases, and Internet sites accessed by the student via Idyllwild Arts computers or other technology equipment must be acceptable and appropriate for classroom use and support the educational objectives of Idyllwild Arts. 3. Students may sign up for lists, mailings, and other information that may be delivered automatically to Idyllwild Arts computers only after approval from the Idyllwild Arts Network Administrator, or other responsible authority, and providing sufficient resources are available. 4. Use of other organization’s network or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. 5. Students must observe all other rules as outlined in the remainder of this document. Student Safety Because the Internet is so large, and open to so many people, safety is an important issue. Any person using the Internet via the Idyllwild Arts network system will comply with the following guidelines: 1. Do not post personal information about yourself or other people. This includes addresses and telephone numbers. 2. Do not agree to meet with someone you have met online. 3. Do not engage in any activity that requires an exchange of money, credit card numbers or where he or she may enter into an area of service for which Idyllwild Arts will be charged an additional fee. Purchases or sales of any kind are prohibited without having first obtained parental permission or permission from the Dean of Students. 4. Report to an Idyllwild Arts authority any message you received that makes you uncomfortable. Appropriate User Behavior (Netiquette) Idyllwild Arts Internet services must be an uncensored and open forum for expression. Any statement of personal belief in e-mail or other posted material is understood to be the author’s individual point of view, and not that of Idyllwild Arts or the administrators of the Idyllwild Arts network system. However, since the Idyllwild Arts network services, which includes access to the Internet, is provided as an instructional tool rather than a personal forum, no Idyllwild Arts network user shall use the Idyllwild Arts network access to demean, defame, or denigrate others for race, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, gender, sexual persuasion, or other reasons. All Idyllwild Arts network users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette while using the World Wide Web. These include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others. 2. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. 3. Do not send chain letters, junk mail, or advertisements. (Spam) Inappropriate Use Abuse of the Idyllwild Arts network in any of the following ways will result in disciplinary and/or legal action against the individual committing the violation: I. Unlawful Activities - The following activities are considered illegal, and will not be tolerated by Idyllwild Arts: gaining unauthorized access to other computer

networks, personal accounts, or personal files; vandalism such as attempting to spread computer viruses; and/or engaging in illegal acts such as alcohol / drug sales, threatening others, etc. Attempts to access unauthorized machines via the Idyllwild Arts network, to decrypt encrypted materials, or to obtain privileges to which the user is not entitled is prohibited per Public Law 98-473, Chapter XXI. II. P2P File Sharing - Peer-to-peer file sharing is prohibited on the Idyllwild Arts network. Our experience is that P2P traffic frequently consumes all available network bandwidth and excludes any other use of the network. In addition to consuming bandwidth and technological resources, P2P file sharing exposes the network to viruses, spyware and other attacks. It also is frequently used for†illegally distributing copyrighted works. File sharing applications such as Ares, Azureus, BitTorrent, BitLord, eDonkey, KaZaA, LimeWire, Sareaza and uTorrent are examples of software used for P2P file sharing. III. Copyright Infringement - All resources accessed through the Internet must be used with compliance to copyright laws and guidelines. Text, graphics, sound or animation used in the creation of Web pages must display a notice crediting the original producer of the material, and state how permission to use the material was obtained. (For a clear explanation of the U. S. Copyright law, see * The UT System Crash Course in Copyright; IV. System Security - A user is responsible for his/her own account password. Under no circumstances should that password be shared with another. Furthermore, if a user feels he/she can identify a security problem on the Internet, the user must notify the Network Administrator. Under no circumstances should the problem be demonstrated to other users. V. Access to Inappropriate Material - The Internet will not be used to access material that does not comply with educational objectives. Should a user accidentally access an inappropriate site, it should be reported immediately to an Idyllwild Arts authority. This will protect the user from accusations of inappropriate use. VI. Unauthorized Use of Software - Information and application programs contained on the Idyllwild Arts network are placed there for the general use of students and Idyllwild Arts personnel. Idyllwild Arts has software licenses for the software available through the Idyllwild Arts network. Any commercial or other unauthorized use of such software (including copying, downloading, or uploading), materials, or information from Idyllwild Arts owned equipment in any form is forbidden and prohibited by U. S. Code, Title 17, Section 106. Consequences of Violation The use of the Internet is a privilege not a right. Inappropriate use will result in penalty including, but not limited to, reprimand, cancellation of Internet privileges, referral to the Dean of Students, and referral to state and/or federal authorities for further action. The Network Administrator and Dean of Students will decide what is inappropriate use and what the appropriate penalty should be, and their decision is final. Also, the Network Administrator may close an account at any time, if deemed necessary. The administration, faculty, and staff of Idyllwild Arts may request the Network Administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts. Failure to comply with the guidelines set by the network may result in legal prosecution and/or be processed through the Idyllwild Arts discipline code. It is important to note that the Network Administrator does not have access to all mail and activity conducted on the network, only that which resides on Idyllwild Arts’ network server(s).

Idyllwild Arts Liability Idyllwild Arts makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing, nor will it be responsible for any damages the student may suffer. This includes loss of data or service interruptions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the student’s own risk. Without limitation on the generality of this disclaimer, the parents of each student by their signature(s) on the attached “Student Agreement Form� are thereby acknowledging that unauthorized use of the Internet can lead to undesirable consequences for their child, for which Idyllwild Arts cannot, and will not, be responsible.

IDYLLWILD ARTS INTERNET USE STUDENT AGREEMENT FORM I have read the terms and conditions for Internet access and agree to abide by all the rules and standards for acceptable use stated within. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and that Idyllwild Arts has taken available precautions to eliminate inappropriate material.

Student’s name (please print): _________________________________________________ Student’s signature: _________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________

IDYLLWILD ARTS INTERNET USE PARENTAL RELEASE FORM As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms and conditions for Internet access. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and that Idyllwild Arts has taken available precautions to eliminate inappropriate material. However, I recognize that it is impossible for Idyllwild Arts to restrict access to all inappropriate materials and I understand that Idyllwild Arts shall not be liable for any damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from my child’s use of the Internet at the School. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not through the Idyllwild Arts network. I hereby give my permission to issue an Idyllwild Arts network account for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent or Guardian (please print): ___________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Student's name:_________________________________________________________

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