Colton Courier 01 06 22

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Januar y 06, 202 2

Vol 150 , NO. 04

Colton residents set to utilize organic waste trash bins, potential trash can placement policy change By Manny B. Sandoval


n December 21, Colton City Council approved ordinance No. O-12-21 to bring the city into compliance California’s Climate with Pollutant Reduction law SB 1383.

The goal of the new ordinance adoption is to assist with reducing the disposal of organic waste in landfills, streamlining the collection and disposal process of residential organic waste.

Food distribution dates, locations Pg. 3



Colton residents will soon have a trash bin for organic waste and potentially see a policy change on the placement of trash cans for pickup, from alleyways to the curbside.

“The most basic element of the regulation is that jurisdictions are required to provide an organic waste collection service to each of their residents and businesses. The regulations also require all residents and businesses to use an Organic, cont. on next pg.

Community remembers lost children during 20th A n n u a l L i g h t s f o r L i t t l e L i v e s M e m o r i a l Wa l k By Ricardo Tomboc


New type of h ear t valve is minimally invasive Pg. 4

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

n Friday, December 31st, the Unforgettables Foundation (TUF) gathered at the Ronald McDonald House parking lot in Loma Linda for the annual New Year’s Eve Memorial Celebration and Remembrance for Little Lives. Tim Evans, Founder and CEO of TUF, welcomed guests and turned the microphone to Stan Morrison, former TUF Board Co-Chair to Emcee the remainder of the event. Traditionally, the observance begins at the Ronald McDonald parking lot, then the Memorial Walk Procession will take participants to the Campus Hill Church were the remainder of the celebration activities take place. However, this year due to the rise in COVID-19 and with an abundance of caution, organizers conducted all of the celebrations outUnforgettables, cont. next pg.



The Ortiz family came to remember Valentina Orozco Ortiz who passed away September 12, 2021.

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