Januar y 27, 202 2
Vol 150 , NO. 07
Colton Woman’s Club presents HOBY Awards to Mia Zamora and Aiden Smith By Dr.G (Dr Luis S González), community writer
t the monthly business meeting, the Colton Woman’s Club presented two “HOBY Awards” (Hugh O’Brien Youth) to Colton High School sophomores Mia Zamora and Aiden Smith.
VP Har ris, G o v. N e w s o m visit SB Pg. 3
D R. G
Left photo: Councilman Dr. G, Mia Zamora and her father, Mr. Zamora. Right photo: Councilman Dr. G, Aiden Smith and his mother, Estella Smith.
The “HOBY Awards,” named after actor Hugh O’Brien, was established in 1958 to recognize students who excel in school academically and who demonstrate leadership potential. At that time, Hugh O’Brien was serving in communities abroad with wellknown humanitarian and writer Albert Schweitzer when they were talking about recruiting America’s youth for potential leadership/missionary opportunities. Later that year, Hugh Awards, cont. on next pg.
College students given oppor tunity to ser ve c o m m u n i t y, o b t a i n t u i t i o n a s s i s t a n c e
rafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College will create paid community service opportunities for students starting in the fall with a $1.7 million grant from California Volunteers, Office of the Governor.
County S c h o o l s , D A’ s Office launch civil liber ties p ilot pr og ram Pg. 8
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
Just 45 colleges and universities from around the state were selected to create a #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program in this first year. College Corps will provide 100 Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College students over two academic years with service opportunities in critical issue areas such as climate action, K-12 education, and COVID-19 recovery. Students who complete a year of service will receive $10,000 while gaining valuable experience serving in their communities. In his announcement last Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom Service, cont. next pg.
Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College will create paid community service opportunities for students starting in the fall with a $1.7 million grant from California Volunteers, Office of the Governor.