Colton Courier 02 03 22

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Febr uar y 03, 202 2

Vol 150 , NO. 08

As one City of Colton mural is cancelled, another is created By Manny B. Sandoval


n Monday, January 24 the Colton Beautification Committee held a meeting for the first time since the onset of the pandemic.

The committee includes Councilmembers Dr. G, Isaac Suchil, and David Toro — along with City Manager Bill Smith, Assistant Public Works Director and City Engineer Victor Ortiz, and Public Works and Utility Services Director Brian Dickenson.

Leighton new SBSO Principal Guest Conductor Pg. 3


D R. G

The murals painted on La Cadena Drive catch the attention of hundreds of drivers per day, who could be seen stopping to snap a photo every now and then.

One major item of discussion during the meeting was in regards to putting the once forthcoming mural located over the Santa Ana River Bridge on hold due to significant challenges, but in lieu agreed upon another locaMurals, cont. on next pg.

C o l t o n C o m e d y C l u b p r e s e n t s s e c o n d s h o w, connects with community By Dr.G (Dr Luis S González), community writer


ICUC continues t o p r ov id e pandemic relief to families Pg. 4

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

n Saturday, January 29, 2022 the Colton Christian Comedy Club set out to present their second public show at Le Rendez-Vous Café in downtown Colton. The early evening show was very successful in that the audience took to responding to the guest speakers and performers in such a way that by the end of the presentation, they all left as friends. Opening the show was Council Member Dr G, well-known community advocate, historian, and fellow Christian comedy fan. He offered an official welcome to the show, and then talked about the history and highlights of Colton First Assembly of God. In addition to a great night of fun, the goals of the Comedy Club are to promote local churches, offer local talent, and offer a love offering to be given to a local Comedy, cont. next pg.



Colton Christian Comedy Club presented its second public show at Le Rendez-Vous Café on Saturday, Jan. 29, organized by Randy Lopez (above), a local comedian, musician and member of Centerpoint Baptist Church.

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