Febr uar y 17, 2022
Vol 150, NO. 1 0
Colton High School stude nt str uck by car, residents demand f lashing stop sign By Manny B. Sandoval
n February 1, dozens of constituents Colton took to the city council to express Colton High School (CHS) traffic safety concerns and demand a flashing stop sign after a female student was struck by a vehicle in late January.
While the student is expected to make a full recovery, parents, students, and residents are requesting action to avoid another incident on Rancho Avenue.
County couples tie the knot on Valentine’s Day Pg. 4
While the city goes through the process to determine the best plan of action to elevate safety traffic measures on Rancho Avenue, Colton Police Department patrol vehicles will be present to enforce traffic.
“My goddaughter Reyna goes to CHS. She was struck by a car last week and was just left there. She was walking home from basketball practice and the driver didn’t even stop to check on her. My family, friends, and I…along with her basketball team, coach, and parents of the team are here to ask the city council to take Crosswalk, cont. on next pg.
J o s é O l i v a r e s p r e s e n t e d w i t h C I T Y TA L K A w a r d By Dr.G (Dr Luis S González), community writer
SB Symphony adds new Youth Wind Ensemble, Bratcher to head program Pg. 5
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
n Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S González) presented the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” to José Olivares, owner of SandRail Fabricators, located at 293 W Olive Street, in Colton. As part of the February 9 presentation, José met with Dr. G and colleague Eloy Sanchez from the Immaculate Conception Church. Eloy has been the coordinator of the community “Dinner Hour” as well as the annual December “Toy Drive” for over 30 years. José provided them with a donation of $400 to the Christmas Toy Drive which was used to help Eloy and his team purchase hundred of toys that were given out to many children from the community. The Dinner Hour toy Give-a-Way was held on Tuesday, Dec 21, at the Immaculate Church. Several hun-
From left: Filbert Olivares, Moises Meneses, Dr. G, Council Member; José Olivares, owner; Eloy Sanchez, Coordinator; Berta Mejia, Filiberto Olivares, Jaime Olivares. Not pictured: Facundo and Francisca Olivares, parents and founders of SandRail. dred children and their families attended to enjoy refreshments, listen to various performances, and of course participate anxiously for the toy “Give-a-Way.”
With their donation, “SandRail became an official sponsor of this event,” says Eloy Sanchez. Along with this designation, José Olivares is also recognized by Dr. G as a valuable community part-
ner in receiving the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award.” The purpose of this presentation was to officially recognize their support, not only to the Award, cont. next pg.