Febr uar y 24, 202 2
Vol 150, NO. 11
Juice It Up! brings fresh ing redients and healthy smoothies to Colton By Manny B. Sandoval
rand new Juice It Up! franchisees Michael and Amanda Prieto, both Colton natives and Colton High School alumni, opened their first store on February 4.
Prior to the new store located at 1040 South Mt. Vernon Ave., Suite A1 — residents in the city had to drive about five miles just to get their hands on the delicious and nutritious fruit smoothies.
Aguilar visits affordable housing community Pg. 3
“Amanda and I had been trying to identify the type of business we wanted to move forward with for a while. We’ve been fans of Juice It Up! for quite some time and I wanted to sell something that we believe in,” said Michael.
Michael and Amanda Prieto (pictured) are alumni of Colton High School, and now owners of Juice It Up! Colton.
He also stated that Juice It Up! made sense for them as it's a product already loved by milFranchise, cont. on next pg.
D r G n a m e d “ L a y M i n i s t e r ” a t Fa i t h w a y F e l l o w s h i p By Christina Perris
Student films sought for upcoming Wolverine Con & Int’l Festival Pg. 4
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
ast Sunday the Board of Directors of the Faithway Fellowship Church of the Nazarene, presented Dr G, Council Member and well-known Historian and Community Advocate, with the certificated authority to serve as a “Lay Minister” for this calendar year. Faithway Fellowship, located at 292 East E Street in Colton, has been in a growing mode since the current Pastor Ronnie Steen started serving in November 2021. After diligently working to establish a new service format, a building improvement program, and new community outreach programs, Pastor Steen has marked this year as period of building the membership. Previously Dr G was presented a membership to Faithway Fellowship, cont. next pg.
D R. G
Dr G will serve as Lay Minister for this calendar year. Pictured from left: Jeff Fay, Audrey Fay, Council Member Dr. G, Pastor Ronnie Steen, Doreen Steen, Raymond Gochanour, Susan Gochanour, Julie Geertsma, Wendy Wright, and Amy Wright.