*Colton Courier 02/01/24

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C O L T O N C O U R I E R WWe e eekkllyy

In the early hours before d a w n , t h e c i t y o f S a n B e r n a r d i n o b e c a m e a m o s a i c o f c o m p a s s i o n a n d commitment, as hundreds of v o l u n t e e r s , a c c o m p a n i e d b y city officials, embarked on the annual Point-in-Time Count (PITC), an initiative aiming n o t j u s t t o e n u m e r a t e t h e homeless population, but to connect the most vulnerable with critical services and, perhaps most importantly, recognition of their humanity



By Dr.G (Dr Luis S González), community writer

On Wednesday, January 24, Council Member Dr G (Dr Luis S Gonzalez) presented the CITY TALK “Community Impact” recognition

award to “Coach” Carlos Palomino, Director of the “Cops4Kids & Community” boxing program for Colton youth For the last twenty-six years, Coach Carlos has been mentoring inspired youth who have demonstrated the desire to learn the skill of boxing to improve their self-

This year, the count included a groundbreaking component, PITC Plus (PITC+), designed to offer real-time assistance to those in dire need, including veterans, the elderly, and families The initiative represents more than just a count; it's a lifeline extended into the comm u n i t y, a b r i d g e b e t w e e n despair and hope

S u p e r v i s o r J o e B a c a J r , among the forefront of the volunteers, traversed the dimly lit streets of Bloomington and

confidence, conditioning and competitive spirit

Many enthusiastic youth, boys and girls, over the years have come to the gym to ask questions, be evaluated, and enter a training program as they step into the world of boxing “The program has always been free for the kids, explains, Coach Carlos, who elaborated, “Several of them have gone on to a high level of success ” When referring to those high-level boxers, Coach Carlos mentioned such names as Eduardo Gomez; Jesse Rivas and Freddie Barrera To be clear, many boxers who trained at the gym under the tutelage of Coach Carlos and his staff have been very successful in terms of winning individual bouts, and even placing first at local and regional boxing tournaments But perhaps more important, have made improvements in their personal lives, even beyond boxing

When asked when he started boxing, Coach Carlos reminisced, “I was 8 years old when my dad took me to a boxing show ” From that day forward, young Carlos felt that this path was for him, as school was a challenge, and other options were quickly diminishing “I found a lifeline with boxing, and I was quite successful,” smiled Palomino, who after his last

F e b r u a r y 1 , 2 0 2 4 Vo l 1 5 2 , N O 0 6
S u p e r v i s o r B a c a ' s E n c o u n t e r i n B l o o m i n g t o n : P o i n t - I n - T i m e C o u n t I l l u m i n a t e s t h e S t r u g g l e a n d H o p e s o f U n h o u s e d 3 5 - Y e a r - O l d Coach Carlos cont next pg C I T Y T A L K R e c o g n i z e s “ C o a c h C a r l o s ” f o r O u t s t a n d i n g S e r v i c e PITC, cont next pg I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m i e c n . c o m I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ g m a i l c o m Fontana High Realizes Dream, Welcomes Fire Engine to Campus with Traditional PushIn Ceremony $10,000 Contribution for SBVC Baseball Field Renovations Announced by Super visor Baca P g. 4 P g 4
L to R; Dr G, Council Member and Community Advocate; Coach
Director of “Cops4Kids & Community” Boxing Club
PHOTO DR G Carlos Palomino,
$35 Million in Bold Move to Combat San Ber nardino Homelessness P g. 8
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL The 35 year old unhoused Bloomington man questioning why is it so difficult for the homeless to obtain identification PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Supervisor Joe Baca Jr , connecting with the San Bernardino County Sheriff s Hope Team before driving to Bloomington from the National Orange Show

San Bernardino In a field shadowed by the austere brick walls near the Bloomington Pilot Travel Center on Cedar Avenue, the count became more than numbers it became a story, a narrative of overlooked lives One such life belonged to a 35-year-old man, who, with a sense of resigned dignity, shared his two-year ordeal with homelessness "The simplest things, like a chance to shower, is what I need," he remarked, his voice a blend of fatigue and a faint, lingering hope

His aspirations, to create music and sing, stood in stark contrast to his reality, one mired in the struggle for basic identification documents, such as ID card and birth certificate, a struggle that keeps opportunities, even those as fundamental as employment, agonizingly out of reach

The man's possessions were meager, but his spirit revealed a defiant streak of humor and resilience He joked about his confidence, enough to ride a pink Hello Kitty beach cruiser, a stark image against the backdrop of his makeshift dwelling in the field, home to about five other unhoused individuals

Supervisor Baca, reflecting on the gravity of the day, emphasized the collective responsibility of the community "It's a big, challenging issue," Baca acknowledged, underscoring the significant increase in unsheltered individuals from the previous year "Today is going to be challenging but it's important and critical that we have a good count, not just for funding, but to shape policy and focus our efforts where they are needed the most "

Mayor Helen Tran, echoing Baca's sentiments, highlighted the Point-in-Time Count as more than a statistical exercise "It's about the human story behind the numbers," Mayor Tran emphasized, urging volunteers to approach the count with compassion and empathy, recognizing the profound significance it holds for the city and its

Coach Carlos

fight in 1986 in Las Vegas, turned to coaching

Accepting an invitation to help coach boxing, Coach Carlos came to the Salvas Robledo Boxing Club to ignite the fire in the five student boxers at the time, and bring energy to the program so that it would not only grow, but excel That’s exactly what Coach Carlos did, and within 6

efforts to address homelessness comprehensively

San Bernardino Public Information Officer Jeff Krauss reiterated the practical implications of the count "The importance of the count is that it is used in funding formulas and grant applications," Krauss stated, acknowledging the volunteers' dedication in braving the pre-dawn cold and rain "You are playing your part," he added, a nod to the collective effort fueling the initiative

As the city, under the watchful guidance of its leaders and the tireless work of volunteers, navigated the delicate balance between statistics and stories, the San Bernardino Police Department played a pivotal role On-site to coordinate groups, the department's command staff not only ensured safety but also disseminated vital information, embodying the count's spirit of care and community

According to a Point-in-Time Count and Survey conducted last year, homelessness in San Bernardino County increased by over 25 percent in 2023, and 71 percent of the homeless population were unsheltered In the heart of Bloomington, amid the stark reality of a field and the distinct image of a pink beach cruiser, the Pointin-Time Count transcended mere numbers, weaving a narrative rich with struggle and resilience

As Supervisor Baca moved on to count unhoused in Muscoy, and the city of San Bernardino came together in a unified effort, last year's statistics loomed as a sobering backdrop

The count, far more than a mere enumeration, emerged as a testament to the power of compassion, a force capable of rendering the invisible, visible, and the silent, heard

It stood as a poignant reminder of the community's commitment to not just count, but to truly see and uplift every individual facing the harsh reality of homelessness

months, the club grew to twenty-five boxers, and the kids were winning regularly at tournaments With his success, Coach Carolos teamed up with the Colton Police Activities Program (PAL) to establish one of the finest boxing programs in the region which later branched out to become “Cops4 Kids & Community”

San Ber nardino City Council Ward 3 For um Takes Unconventional Tur n at KVCR as Candidate Shaughnessy Alleges Incumbent Figuer oa Misappr opriated Funds

The City Council Ward 3 candidates' forum at KVCR studios took an unconventional turn on January 25th, as Candidate Christian Shaughnessy engaged with the community in the notable absence of his opponent, incumbent Juan Figueroa Under the moderating of former senator and KVCR General Manager Connie Leyva, Shaughnessy seized the platform to articulate his vision for the city before a gathering of nearly 50 constituents

In response to environmental concerns regarding the logistic industry, Shaughnessy advocated for a comprehensive strategy, including traffic impact fees and a transition to electrified vehicle fleets, emphasizing the wellbeing of residents and workers alike "And when you have that holistic, proper approach, then you'll be able to improve public health outcomes and you'll be able to have a better business climate at the same time," he stated

The forum's intensity escalated as Shaughnessy delivered a fervent critique of his absent opponent "If you go look at a gentleman who unfortunately did not make it here today, for whatever reason, he has on many occasions taken money from people that he should not have," Shaughnessy charged He accused Figueroa of misappropriating public funds for the legal

defenses of controversial figures and neglecting community engagement in favor of private interests This poignant address highlighted a stark contrast between Shaughnessy's community-first approach and the questioned priorities of his absent adversary

On the pressing issue of affordable housing, Shaughnessy spotlighted innovative solutions like a community land trust initiative He passionately detailed how this model could significantly reduce housing costs and revitalize vacant spaces within the city

Through partnerships with agencies and nonprofits, Shaughnessy envisioned a future where inclusionary zoning and community benefit agreements lay the groundwork for affordable living, combating the housing affordability crisis head-on "And then part of the community benefits agreements that are pressing for the city and that we will see accomplished under my terms as councilman, is the construction of affordable housing," he elaborated

Addressing his contingency plans should he not win the seat, Shaughnessy pledged his enduring dedication to San Bernardino's progress, emphasizing his readiness to ensure a worthy candidate fills the seat if not himself

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Page A2 • February 1, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Colton Courier
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL (Left to right) KVCR General Manager Connie Leyva moderating the forum with San Bernardino Ward 3 Candidate Christian T Shaughnessy and an empty chair to the right
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Along the brick wall opposite of the Pilot Travel Center was another unhoused man, 47, whose shelter is covered by tumbleweeds to hide encampment from the passerbyers on Cedar Avenue

Community News

Lawmakers and tribal and law enforcement users of the year-old Feather Alert, found use of the notification system delivered positive results in locating Native American persons who have gone missing but some wrinkles need to be addressed for a more effective use of the program

The assessment came at a hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on Native American Affairs

Assemblymember James C Ramos who authored legislation creating the notifica-

Community News

The City of San Bernardino has announced that City Manager Charles Montoya has temporarily brought the Housing and Homeless Division under direct oversight of his office

“Housing and Homelessness are two of the City’s top priorities,” said Montoya

“We have several large projects to complete in a short period of time and must ensure that the recent temporary injunction restricting our ability to address encampments is lifted quickly ”

Last week, the City announced it had received nearly $35 million from the State to construct its Community Wellness

Community News

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (RYucaipa) has introduced Senate Bill 943 that would require the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to waive appropriate civil service bachelor ’s degree requirements for U S veterans who served at the rank of E-6 or higher for more than two years

“Our military personnel acquire special

Community News

On January 23, 2024, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department responded to the rural unincorporated desert area of Adelanto after a 911 call from Franklin Bonilla, stating he had been shot

Upon arrival, five deceased individuals were located and a short time later, Mr Bonilla was found deceased nearby Detectives with San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Specialized Investigations Division Homicide Detail assumed the investigation and identified five suspects Jose Nicolas HernandezSarabia, Toniel Beaz-Duarte, Mateo Beaz-Duarte, Jose Gregorgio HernandezSarabia, and Jose Manuel Burgos Parra

All suspects were taken into custody Sunday, January 28, 2024

tion system said, “This alert is a great tool for Native Americans trying to bring attention to loved ones who are missing and possibly at great risk of physical or even fatal harm New programs should be assessed to ensure that they are working effectively ”

He added, “One thing we do know about the Feather Alert is that when there is no alert, there is a much greater chance that we’ll be grieving and not celebrating ”

Ramos said the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) has been an issue since his election in 2018 when he became the first California Na-

Campus, a development of 140 interim housing units for homeless men in partnership with Lutheran Social Services of Southern California It was the largest grant awarded during the current round of State funding and is believed to be the largest competitive grant San Bernardino has ever received A condition of the funding is that the project must be completed within twelve months

San Bernardino is also working to develop a homeless navigation center at the former School of Hope site on 6th Street The facility will provide both housing and services in a central location with as many as 224 housing units in its first phase The City has allocated $21 million to build the navigation center, with $12 4 million coming from Federal American Rescue

knowledge and skills during their time in service that are valuable and should be considered when applying for jobs,” said Senator Ochoa Bogh “By supporting and acknowledging the contribution of veterans, California can create more job opportunities and benefit from a uniquely experienced workforce ”

California is home to 8% of U S veterans and 30,000 new veterans will be discharged each year, more than any other state However, the number of veterans

tive American elected to the state legislature “California has the greatest number of Native Americans within its borders than any other state, but we’re also in top five in the nation with the highest number of unsolved missing and murdered cases for Native people, especially for women and girls They are victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and murder One study by the Sovereign Bodies Institute reports 18 new cases of missing and murdered Indigenous people each year in California ”

Ramos noted that one challenge is making tribes and the general public aware of the Feather Alert and another is bridging

Plan Act (ARPA) funding These funds must be obligated by the end of this year

“We can’t put these projects on pause,” added Montoya “The clock is ticking to get them accomplished ”

Montoya stated that he and Assistant City Manager Edelia Eveland would oversee the department for approximately 90 days, until a new Community Development and Housing Director is hired and brought up to speed on the issues

Other housing and homeless initiatives currently underway at the City include finalizing agreements on temporary shelter beds while the Community Wellness Campus and Navigation Center projects are under construction, developing addi-

per capita have decreased by 48% between 2000 and 2016

The California Civil Service is losing a significant share of its veteran workforce due to aging and veterans leaving In 2021, the number of veterans who retired from state civil service was more than three times higher than those hired SB 943 will incentivize more veterans to remain in California and fill vacant civil service positions by requiring CalHR to

communication gaps among various law enforcement agencies and the tribes

“Over the past year, I’ve conducted summits with tribes, the CHP, and local law enforcement to foster awareness and understanding of the program, but also to foster better communication among Indian Country and city police departments, sheriffs, and the California Highway Patrol,” he stated Ramos said he has held summits in the Counties of Fresno, San Bernardino, Mendocino and Los Angeles and added that he hopes to hold more summits

On January 30, 2024, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office Major Crimes Unit reviewed the investigation and based on the evidence to date, have filed the following charges

Defendant Toniel Baez-Duarte (35)

Six felony counts of PC187 – Murder, with special circumstance allegation of PC190 2 – Multiple Murders

Six felony counts of PC211 – Robbery

Defendant Jose Nicolas HernandezSarabia (33)

Six felony counts of PC187 – Murder, with special circumstance allegation of PC190 2 – Multiple Murders

Six felony counts of PC211 – Robbery

Six special allegations of 12022 53 (b)(d) - Use of a firearm in commission of a felony

Defendant Mateo Beaz Duarte (24)

Six felony counts of PC187 – Murder, with special circumstance allegation of PC190 2 – Multiple Murders

Six felony counts of PC211 – Robbery

Six special allegations of 12022 53 (b)(d) - Use of a firearm in commission of a felony

Defendant Jose Gregorgio HernandezSarabia (36)

Six felony counts of PC187 – Murder, with special circumstance allegation of PC190 2 – Multiple Murders

Six felony counts of PC211 – Robbery

Six special allegations of 12022 53 (b)(d) - Use of a firearm in commission of a felony

Jose Manuel Burgos Parra(26)

Six felony counts of PC187 – Murder, with special circumstance allegation of PC190 2 – Multiple Murders

tional partnerships with the County of San Bernardino, and working with the court to lift a recently issued temporary injunction against the City involving encampment cleanups

On January 12, a judge issued a temporary injunction against San Bernardino, prohibiting City staff or its contractors from performing encampment cleanups to ensure that individual’s property is protected, and accommodations are made for disabled individuals The court indicated it would consider vacating its order restricting cleanups if the City submits a written policy outlining its homeless encampment clean-up procedures The City is currently developing such a policy

identify which classifications are appropriate for waiving bachelor ’s degree requirements for veterans who served at a level of E-6 or higher for more than two years SB 943 will also require CalHR to create and implement the waiver by July 1, 2026

By removing educational barriers to entry into the civil service sector, SB 943 will help address both the exodus of veterans out of California and the civil service workforce shortage

Six felony counts of PC211 – Robbery

Six special allegations of 12022 53 (b)(d) - Use of a firearm in commission of a felony

“This mass murder, done in a dark secluded desert, clearly illuminates the violence and crime that exists as a direct consequence of illegal marijuana operations,” said San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson “I commend the Sheriff ’s investigative team for their rapid and thorough work and send my condolences to the families of the victims ”

As this is an ongoing investigation, our Office may file additional charges upon review of any forthcoming evidence

All defendants are held in custody with no bail, to be arraigned on Tuesday January 30th, at the Victorville Courthouse, Dept V2

L a w m a k e r s a n d T r i b e s : O n e Ye a r R e v i e w o f F e a t h e r A l e r t , P o s i t i v e O u t c o m e s B u t N e e d s T w e a k s Inland Empire Community Newspapers • February 1, 2024 • Page A3
Follow us on Instagram @IECommunityNews And on Facebook @ Inland Empire Community News S a n B e r n a r d i n o C i t y M a n a g e r A s s u m e s O v e r s i g h t o f C i t y H o u s i n g P r o g r a m
S e n a t o r O c h o a B o g h S e e k s M o r e J o b O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r Ve t e r a n s
C h a r g e s F i l e d A g a i n s t S u s p e c t s f o r t h e M a s s M u r d e r o f S i x M e n i n R u r a l S a n B e r n a r d i n o C o u n t y D e s e r t

$10,000 Contribution f or San Ber nardino Valley College Baseball Field Renovations

Announced by Super visor Joe Baca, Jr.

Community News

In a significant return to his alma mater, Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr stepped onto the field at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) to throw the honorary first pitch at the college’s first baseball game of the season

Demonstrating his commitment to community roots he proudly revealed a generous contribution of $10,000 for the renovation of the San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) baseball field

Supervisor Baca, Jr emphasized the profound importance of this renovation, highlighting how the condition of the

field directly impacts the safety, wellbeing, and overall experience of the players Supervisor Baca, Jr expressed “Investing in the safety and well-being of our community is a priority This contribution ensures that our community, especially our college students, has access to facilities that promote safety, well-being, and

overall enhancement ”

This significant contribution is a testament to Supervisor Baca, Jr 's support for San Bernardino Valley College We extend our congratulations and emphasize our determination to provide our students with upgraded facilities that foster safety, well-being, and overall betterment

Fontana High Realizes Dr eam, Welcomes Fir e Engine to Campus with Traditional Push-In Cer emony

Community News

More than 25 Fontana High School students smiled with joy as they huddled around a fire engine and helped deliver it into the school’s Fire Technology and Emergency Services classroom, McGinnis Station 815, during a traditional push-in ceremony on Jan 10

Members of the Fontana Rotary Club and San Bernardino County Fire Department, who teamed up to donate the fire engine to Fontana High, joined students and staff in cheers and a round of applause during the push-in ceremony It was the first of many hands-on activities for Fontana High’s Fire Technology and Emergency Services career technical education (CTE) students on the retired

San Bernardino County fire engine

“This fire engine is going to deepen the learning experience for our fire and EMT students,” Fontana High Fire Technology and Emergency Services CTE Director George Rojas said “We are going to be getting valuable handson experience working with this fire engine every day ”

The San Bernardino County Fire Department donated the fire engine to the Fontana Rotary Club and Luis Echeverria, the owner of Final Touch Construction Echeverria and the Fontana Rotary Club then donated the fire engine to Fontana High

For many at Fontana High, the push-in ceremony was emotional on more than

one level as it served as a testament to the enduring legacy of Michael McGinnis, the first director of Fontana High’s Fire Technology program McGinnis, who died in 2021 and had the program’s classroom named in his honor in October 2023, first presented the idea of bringing a fire engine to Fontana High to then and current assistant principal Marissa Beitler

“To many this may just be a beautiful and well-loved fire engine, but to some of us here this is an absolute dream come true,” Beitler said “McGinnis’ time on earth here was cut short but this engine before you is proof that he is still working for FOHI and helping us complete McGinnis Station 815 ”

Before the day was done, Fontana High

Fire Technology cadets met with San Bernardino County Fire Department Chief Bryant O’Hara and asked him questions in front of the new campus fire engine

Fontana High students will get regular practice washing and waxing the fire engine, pulling and rolling up its hose and deploying its ladder, aiming to provide the cadets a leg up on their peers as they pursue careers as a firefighter, Rojas said

“This makes everything so much more real for us,” Fontana High senior and Fire Technology Cadet Battalion Chief Delilah Garcia said “We can learn how to work with a fire engine in real life, instead of having to watch a video or read about it in a book ”

Page A4 • February 1, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
PHOTOS OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR BACA JR Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr presenting a check to SBVC’s baseball team and throwing the first pitch at the team’s first game of the season PHOTO FUSD Fontana High students and staff gathered for a traditional push-in ceremony as Fontana High s fire technology and emergency medical technician career technical education pathways students guided a new fire engine into McGinnis Station 815 on campus on Jan 10 The Fontana Rotary Club and San Bernardino County Fire Department donated the fire engine to Fontana High

In a significant stride toward combating homelessness, Representative Pete Aguilar, in collaboration with Lutheran Social Services, announced a substantial $34,944,702 grant from the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Homekey Program This funding, aimed at addressing the burgeoning homelessness crisis in San Bernardino County, will pave the way for the construction of 140 new interim housing units and the provision of comprehensive supportive services

The announcement, made during a press conference on January 24th, 2024, comes at a critical juncture as the county grapples with a staggering 25 percent increase in homelessness, with 71 percent of the affected population unsheltered, as reported in last year ’s 2023 Point-in-Time Count survey

The newly allocated funds are expected to transform the landscape of homeless care in the area The interim housing units will be situated in an existing campus, designed to provide a sanctuary for the homeless Moreover, the initiative includes an array of supportive services such as case management, peer support, rehabilitation services, and assistance in obtaining essential documentation, further supplemented by educational and employment services

Rep Aguilar, a key advocate for the American Rescue Plan, which funded the grant, emphasized the importance of this project in making housing more affordable, particularly in the Inland Empire Aguilar also spotlighted the recent introduction of additional housing vouchers specifically for local veterans

Governor Gavin Newsom lauded the efforts, stating, “San Bernardino is helping the state address homelessness by delivering a unique Homekey project Their Community Wellness Campus is a creative approach that will serve individuals experiencing chronic homelessness The work and partnership behind this effort demonstrates what is possible when people think outside of the box and refuse to accept the status quo ”

The vision behind the Community Wellness Campus was passionately shared by LaSharnda Beckwith, President and CEO of Lutheran Social Services, who highlighted the collaborative efforts and initial steps taken in 2021 to upgrade facilities, signaling the inception of a broader vision to establish wellness campuses across Southern California

Mayor Helen Tran of San Bernardino expressed immense pride in securing the grant, stating, “This grant represents the largest sum awarded during the current round of Homekey funding, and this is believed to be the most substantial, competitive grant ever received by our city This is huge for San Bernardino ”

City of San Bernardino Public Information Officer Jeff Krauss detailed the significant role of the American Rescue Plan and Rep Aguilar ’s continuous involvement in ensuring the effective utilization of funds He stressed the importance of the homeless point-in-time count (which was scheduled the next morning), an initiative crucial for understanding and addressing the needs of the homeless community

A testament to the profound impact of the initiatives led by Lutheran Social Services was shared by Ramona Jimenez, a former recipient of the organization’s services, who has now transitioned to an employee role Jimenez

recounted her harrowing journey from a tumultuous childhood marked by poverty and violence to her struggles with addiction and legal challenges Lutheran Social Services played a pivotal role in her rehabilitation, offering wraparound services that enabled her to regain custody of her children, maintain sobriety, and eventually earn a bachelor's degree in human services

Jimenez, now a peer support advocate, emphasizes the transformative power of the services provided, stating, “This project is all about the power of prayer and people taking the time to see beyond somebody’s circumstances and see the human being that they are, despite how they’re living Through that, Lutheran Social Services supported me so that I could get my bachelor ’s degree from California Baptist University in human services

Since then, I have been able to flip that switch from being a person who is being helped to being a helper ”

Rep Pete Aguilar, reflecting on the broader implications of the grant, remarked, “This grant is not just an investment in our infrastructure, an investment as we just heard in second chances On top of the interim housing units, it’ll also be used to provide education and employment services, behavioral and physical health, peer support activities and much more so that our unsheltered friends and neighbors can get back on their feet for a better and brighter future that is secure ”

As San Bernardino embarks on this ambitious project, the concerted efforts of government officials, community organizations, and dedicated individuals like Ramona Jimenez underscore a united front against homelessness, paving the way for a future where every individual has access to shelter, support, and the opportunity for a renewed life

Page A8 • February 1, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers R e p . A g u i l a r A n n o u n c e s $ 3 5 M i l l i o n i n B o l d M o v e t o C o m b a t S a n B e r n a r d i n o H o m e l e s s n e s s v i a L u t h e r a n S o c i a l S e r v i c e s
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL (Left to right) Representative Pete Aguilar, San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran, and Governor Gavin Newsom Senior Advisor on Homelessness Hafsa Kaka viewing a rendering of the forthcoming interim housing units PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL (Left to right) San Bernardino PIO Jeff Krauss, Representative Pete Aguilar, Mayor Helen Tran, Lutheran Social Services CEO LaSharnda Beckwith, Governor Newsom’s Senior Advisor on Homelessness Hafsa Kaka, and Lutheran Peer Support Advocate Ramona Jimenez

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