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W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 145, NO. 35

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner A3

Ex em pl ary A rroyo Val ley Hi gh student Mar lene L imon A5

Cal Portland annexation a possibility, but officials face hurdles By Anthony Victoria


ity Council members directed staff this week to investigate ways they could annex the Cal Portland Cement property. Councilmembers David Toro, Luis Gonzalez, and Isaac Suchil brought up the idea of annexation during their meeting on August 15 to address residents’ concerns with dust and other particles stemming from cement plant demolition operations. “We’ve been called many times by residents with complaints about the cement plant,” Gonzalez said. “Many say they have to have their windows closed. They suffer from asthma and other irritations due to the dust that’s picked up.” Gonzalez said the Council is only exploring the option and not fully supporting an effort at the moment. However, he did admits taking control of the property will give Colton better local authority. “The goal is to have control of what is being developed and reap the benefits, while also addressing health concerns,” he said. Annexation, cont. on next page

Crafton H il l s graduates 87 th Param edi c clas s

1979 The last time the region had a partial solar eclipse Where to view the eclipse: PHOTO/CITY OF COLTON The Colton City Council discussed the possibility of annexing property owned by the Cal Portland Cement Company to address resident concerns with air particles.

Officials provide update on street sweeping enforcement By Anthony Victoria



A3 A5 A9 A4 A8

HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Editorial: Advertising:

Total solar eclipse Monday

9 a.m. Time the solar eclipse will be visible from Southern California


Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406

August 17, 2017

Aug. 21 Date of the solar eclipse


Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds



IECN PHOTO ANTHONY VICTORIA Colton officials urge residents to comply with parking laws that prohibit parking on the street on street sweeping days.

esidents who don’t move their vehicles during street sweeping days will be cited by parking enforcement, officials clarified on Tuesday. Utility Director David Kolk explained to the City Council on August 15 that the city is issuing $35 parking tickets to residents who don't move their vehicles from street curbs on street sweeping hours. Kolk said efforts began when some residents complained about their neighborhoods being skipped over by sweeper trucks due to cars being parked on the streets. Councilman David Toro suggested discussing the item because there were some concerns regarding parking availStreet, cont. on next page

Cal State San Bernardino Solar scopes and eclipse viewing glasses will be available for those attending the gathering which will be on the lawn in front of the library. 10 a.m. Cal State San Bernardino, on the lawn in front of the library, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino. Free. 909-537-5000,

Bi-weekly mini job fairs


ini job fairs will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the AJCC, 658 E. Brier Dr., Ste. 100 in San Bernardino. Please be prepared to interview with employers and dress for success. Many conditional job offers are made on the spot. Job fair hours are from 9 a.m. 12 p.m. featuring 15 - 20 employers. Bring plenty of resumes and cover letters.

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