Colton Courier 11/11/21

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November 11, 2021

Vol 149, NO. 48

C h r i s N i c h o l s p r e s e n t e d C I T Y TA L K A w a r d By Dr. G (Dr Luis S González), community writer


n Wednesday, October 27 Council Member Dr. (Dr. Luis S G González) presented the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” to Chris Nichols, Senior Vice-President of Chino Valley Ranchers, located at 331 W Citrus St. in Colton. For many years, Chris Nichols and his family have operated Chino Valley Ranchers and have been a mainstay in North Colton creating an industrial giant within the city and the surrounding region.

IECN salutes veterans and their families

In 1959, in Arcadia, CA, the family began acquiring chickens and producing their own eggs. Charles, his wife Isabella and their three sons, David, Steve and Charles Jr. worked hard and used innovative methods to provide better care for their birds. One of Award, cont. on next pg.


D R. G

From left: Pino Espudo, volunteer, Chino Valley Ranchers Senior Vice President Chris Nichols, Kathy Nichols, Chief Financial Officer, Dr. G, Council Member, and Eloy Sanchez, Dinner Hour Ministry Coordinator.

Andrew Perez appointed Utilities Commissioner By Dr. G (Dr Luis S González), community writer


t the council meeting Tuesday night, Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S Gonzalez) appointed Mr. Andrew Perez, as a Utilities Commissioner, and was unanimously confirmed by the council. Perez has lived in the city of Colton for 16 years, first living near Colton High School for many years, and most recently, as a homeowner with his family in La Loma Hills.

Musicians sought for Salvation Army Red Kettles

Currently, he is a construction technician with the Southern California Gas Company. He also has served two years as Director of Coaches for the Colton Youth Soccer Organization.

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As a commissioner, Perez will be required to attend and participate in Utilities Commission meetings once a month. Days

Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

Dr. G, Council Member, and Andrew Perez, Utilities Commissioner.



Perez, cont. on next pg.

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