Colton Courier 12 02 21

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December 02, 2021

Vol 149, NO. 51

Mi ss Col ton Pa g ean t r etur ns in May 2 022


he Rotary Club of Colton is proud to bring back the Miss Colton Pageant this May 2022. This year the Rotary Club will be crowning 2 queens, Miss Teen and Miss Colton. If you are between the age of 15-25, and live in the city of Colton or its unincorporated areas, we are currently accepting applications. Once we receive your applications we will send out additional information to you. Entry fee to participate in the pageant is $250. You can have your family and friends sponsor you or if you have a favorite business that is willing to sponsor you for the pageant that’s great, or we can assign a sponsor.

Highland Senior Center hosts drive-thr u T ha n sk g iv in g distribution Pg. 3





The Rotary Club of Colton is accepting applications for the upcoming pageant for individuals aged 15 - 25. Pictured from left are: Miss Colton – Lexie Trujillo, Jr. Miss Colton – Jessa Martinez, Little Miss Colton – Aria Padilla and Toddler Miss Colton – Hazelee Meza attended the Veteran’s Day Parade honoring Colton Veterans.

To all the businesses out there in the Colton area. We are looking for sponsors. The cost to enter the Miss and Teen Miss Colton Pageant is $250. In order to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the pageant a donation Pageant, cont. on next pg.

Colton Lion’s Club hosts annual toy drive for local youth Dec. 11 By Maryjoy Duncan


Dignity Health distributes T hanksgiving meals to over 300 inland families Pg. 8

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

he Colton Lion’s Club will be hosting its second annual toy drive at the Stater Bros. parking lot on Valley Blvd. Saturday, Dec. 11 from 8 am - 3 pm. For those who are able to, please make a donation that will brighten the holidays for Colton youth. Donations will be distributed to families in the south side of the city through nonprofit organization Faith, Hope & Change. According to Lion’s Club president Erik Morden, last year’s drive amassed over 200 new toys, and the club is hoping for the same turnout this year. “If there are toys left over we will give it either Santa Claus Inc. or were we feel there is a need,” Morden remarked. “The Lion’s, cont. on next pg.



The Colton Lion’s Club will be hosting its 2nd annual Holiday Toy Drive on Saturday, Dec. 11 from 8 am - 3 pm in a drive-thru format. Pictured are club members during last year’s event that amassed over 200 new toys. Pictured from left: Rebecca Jaurigue, Carlos Araiza, Evelyn Lopez, Ed Morden, Soledad Morden and Carmen Lozolla.

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