El Chicano 01 06 22

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Vol 59, NO. 03

Januar y 06, 2022

Tyro Times brings San Ber nardino High School students oppor tunity and a voice

By Manny B. Sandoval



an Bernardino High School’s (SBHS) Tyro Times began publishing back in 1895, before becoming dormant in 2011. The publication ultimately made a strong return in 2016, when a student asked Teacher Librarian Rochelle Schmidt now also Tyro Times advisor to help bring back the student newspaper.

Food distribution dates, locations Pg. 3

The Tyro Times is providing students in San Bernardino an opportunity to gain experience in all areas of journalism, including copywriting, copyediting, photography, layout, social media, and interviewing. “This publication serves as a vehicle for our students to have a voice. A voice to show their peers and the community that they’re Tyro Times, cont. on next pg.


SBHS journalism students reviewing the program’s social media policy and guidelines.


Pa n da E xp r es s o p en s n ewe st restaurant on 5th and H

By Ricardo Tomboc


n Wednesday, December 22nd, a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held for the newest San Bernardino Panda Express, located at the corner of Fifth and H streets. The ceremony was conducted by the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce (SBACC).

New type of h ear t valve is minimally invasive Pg. 4


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Panda Express opened its newest restaurant in the city on Wednesday, Dec. 22 and celebrated the occasion with a ribbon cutting ceremony organized by the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce.

Joining in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony were Panda Express staff and executives, and several members of the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce who came to support their newest member. Several dignitaries also attended the celebration including San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Board Member Gil Botello, a representative from the California Panda, cont. on next pg.

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