El Chicano 01 27 22

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Vol 59, NO. 06

Januar y 27, 2022

Hundreds gather to honor, celebrate the life of Dr. Margaret Hill


VP Harris, Gov. Newsom visit SB Pg. 3



Hundreds gathered to honor the life and legacy of beloved Dr. Margaret Hill, who left an indelible mark on the community and hearts of so many with her love and compassion, on Saturday at San Manuel Stadium. The City of San Bernardino declared Jan. 19, 2022, to be honored as "Dr. Margaret Hill Day." Pictured top right: YVYLA Founder/CEO Terrance Stone, San Bernardino Councilmembers Damon Alexander, Kimberly Calvin and Ben Reynoso. To view more pictures, please visit IECNWeekly on Facebook.

Crestview Ter race is investing in human capital in the hear t of San Ber nardino By Manny B. Sandoval


n January 20, National C o m m u n i t y Renaissance (National CORE) and the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino hosted an opening celebration and ribbon cutting for Crestview Terrace, a new affordable housing community providing 184 market-rate apartments in the heart of San Bernardino.

County Schools, DA’s Office launch civil liberties pilot program Pg. 8 PHOTO


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(From left) Cathy Paredes - Inland Empire Market Executive, Bank of America; Damon L. Alexander - City of San Bernardino Seventh Ward Council Member; Jason Pu - Region IX Regional Administrator, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Curt Lewis - Grant Program Director for Representative Pete Aguilar; Douglas Kleam - Hospital President, Dignity Health St. Bernardine Medical Center; Maria Razo - Executive Director, Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino; Greg Bradbard - President, Hope through Housing Foundation and Senior Vice President, National CORE; Kimberly Calvin - City of San Bernardino Sixth Ward Council Member; Pat Clancy - The Clancy Company; Prince Ogidikpe - District Representative for Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes; Ruby Padilla - Crestview Terrace resident.

The transformational affordable housing project is part of the 300unit-plus Arrowhead Grove community and part of the citywide reinvestment initiative Uplift San Bernardino. “This project recognizes that it’s not just housing that residents in San Bernardino are struggling with, it’s also economic development. This initiative is ensuring that people in this city develop Housing, cont. on next pg.

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