El Chicano 01 14 21

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Vol 58, NO. 04

Januar y 14, 2021

New travel center approved for nor th end San Ber nardino

By Manny B. Sandoval



n December 16, in a 43 vote San Bernardino City Council approved the San Bernardino Travel Center to be built on the corner of N. Palm Avenue and W. Kendall Drive, in the Verdemont neighborhood. Ahead of discussing the item, 6th ward Councilmember Kimberly Calvin recommended council revisit the item in the near future to provide new councilmembers an adequate amount of time to review details of the project, discuss project with constituents and generate a wellrounded scope of questions for the developer. “I’ve pulled this item because I don’t feel I have enough information to vote on this matter. I Center, cont. on next pg.



Dozens of diesel trucks can be seen parked illegally on the empty lot located at N. Palm Avenue and W. Kendall Drive, the location of the forthcoming San Bernardino Travel Center.

CSUSB professor and CSUSB alumna featured on Netf lix show ‘Blown Away’


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Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

fter a highly successful first season, the second season of the glassblowing competition show “Blown Away,” which once again features Cal State San Bernardino’s art professor Katherine Gray as the resident glass evaluator, will premiere on Netflix on Friday, Jan. 22. Season two also welcomes CSUSB alumna Nao Yamamoto ’14 as a contestant. Blown Away features 10 master artisans who are given an art or design challenge each episode, with one contestant eliminated each time. The first season’s contestants were from the United States and Canada. The second season has gone global and now features glass artists from around the world. “There was an equally interesting mix of contestants, and this time around, they were keenly Netflix, cont. on next pg.



Blown Away features 10 master artisans who are given an art or design challenge each episode, with one contestant eliminated each time. The first season’s contestants were from the United States and Canada. The second season has gone global and now features glass artists from around the world.

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