El Chicano 01 21 21

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Vol 58, NO. 05

Januar y 21, 2021

Suavesitos Car Club takes final ride over Mt. Ver non Bridge


CHC professor pens book on life of an EMT Pg. 4


ozens of car enthusiasts traveled over the historic Mt. Vernon Ave. Bridge in San Bernardino for the last time on December 27, 2020. Suavesitos Car Club President Chris Moreno, who was born and raised in the Mt. Vernon neighborhood, felt it was important to pay tribute to the iconic bridge built in 1934 before it closed to the public for disassembly and reconstruction. “We wanted to go and take pictures of the bridge before it was torn down, and also to take pictures of it for memories,” Moreno said. “I want to make poster boards to give to the during our neighborhood Veterans Day and Cinco de Mayo events when we’re able to get together again.” The Suavesitos were joined by Suavesitos, cont. on next pg.



Car enthusiasts traveled over the Mt. Vernon Ave. Bridge for the last time on Sunday, Dec. 27 to pay tribute to the historic, 86-year-old bridge before it closed to traffic to undergo reconstruction.

Libreria Del Pueblo celebrates 35 year s of transfor ming immigrants’ lives in SB County By Manny B. Sandoval


ibreria Del Pueblo services over 2,000 clients per year and in January 2021, celebrated 35 years of serving San Bernardino County residents with immigration and legal services.

CSUSB professor consults on Pixar film “Soul” Pg. 5


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

Since 1985, the organization has been providing immigrants an opportunity to gain citizenship by preparing clients with English language workshops, a U.S. history class, legal representation and practice citizenship tests ahead of being administered the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Civics Test. “It’s a great feeling to be able to be in existence for over 35 years and help so many people in our community and beyond. We don’t do much advertising, which proves a large portion of our Libreria, cont. on next pg.



Libreria Del Pueblo staff Danny Morales, Fr. Patricio Guillén, Maria Dejesus, Alicia Enciso, Uriel Rodriguez and Luz Barron, (pre-COVID-19) celebrating their hard work, as they service over 2,000 clients per year.

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