Vol 59, NO. 10
Febr uar y 24, 2022
San Ber nardino teacher makes Elite 100 list out of 800,000 for helping students succeed during the pandemic how educators can combine the powers of empathy and personalized instruction to make a lasting, positive impact in learners’ lives.”
By Manny B. Sandoval
eslie Pjerrou, a fifthgrade teacher at Riley College Prep Academy in San Bernardino, was recently awarded for being one of 100 of the top teachers around the world for helping students succeed during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“Early on in the pandemic it was a challenge to teach, especially because I had never done any type of remote teaching and for the most part, it was a new concept for students as well. But the IXL program really helped me successfully guide my students through language arts, reading, writing, math, and science,” said Pjerrou.
The Elite 100 list, produced by IXL, a K-12 personalized learning program used by 13 million students, over 800,000 teachers, and Pjerrou was one of those recognized.
Aguilar visits affordable housing community Pg. 3
“The past few school years have been some of the most challenging, but they are also clear reminders that nothing is more important to a child’s education than support from great teachers. Dedicated educators have engaged, encouraged and empowered students so that they receive the best education possible,” said Paul Mishkin, CEO of IXL Learning. “This year’s Elite 100 is an outstanding example of
She said that while teaching remotely she would teach her lessons via Google Classroom, then assign work via IXL.
Riley College Prep Academy Fifth Grade Teacher Leslie Pjerrou is a 20-year elementary school teacher, and now on the IXL Elite 100 list for helping dozens of students succeed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“IXL was great because the work correlated with my curriculum. So I would teach the lesson, then assign them the work; and on IXL teachers can log in, see if students are doing their work in Elite, cont. on next pg.
L a r g e d o n a t i o n s t o S B V C Va l l e y 3 6 0 R e s o u r c e Center expand suppor t to students in need
an Bernardino Valley College’s (SBVC) local community’s generosity ensures the Valley 360 Resource Center can consistently provide food and essentials to students. SBVC’s long-established partners’ donations afford students peace of mind to focus on their education without worrying about their next meal.
Student films sought for upcoming Wolverine Con & Int’l Festival
The Valley 360 Resource Center, in cooperation with the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County, recently received numerous significant contributions allowing expansion of its services and equipment. The Center can sustain itself and better assist students in its reach thanks to these types of gifts.
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The resource center is open to students registered for the current semester, with one visit per week.
“Through these donations, we have been able to support the basic needs of our students durSBVC, cont. on next pg.