El Chicano 04/21/22

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Vol 59, NO. 18

Apr il 21, 2022

Ju s ti c e Pa tr ic i a Gu e r r e r o i s f i r s t L a ti n a t o ser ve on Califor nia Supreme Cour t Governor Gavin Newsom swore in Justice Patricia Guerrero to the California Supreme Court – the first Latina Justice to serve on the bench of our state’s highest court, on March 28. A highly regarded jurist, Justice Guerrero’s nomination to the court was unanimously confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments last week.


Raised in the Imperial Valley by immigrant parents from Mexico, Justice Guerrero has served as an Associate Justice at the Fourth District Court of Appeal, Division One since 2017 and has wide-ranging experience as a trial court judge, partner at a major law firm and Assistant U.S. Attorney.

IECN recognizes Earth Day 2022 Pg. 8


Pg. 3

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Guerrero, cont. on next pg.

C i t y o f S a n B e r n a r d i n o t o h o s t A r b o r D a y, E a r t h


County’s unemployment rate reaches pre-pandemic levels


Governor Gavin Newsom swore in Justice Patricia Guerrero on March 28 with her husband Joe, and sons Anthony and Christopher by her side.

The Governor swore in Justice Guerrero in Sacramento at a ceremony joined by First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Chief

Day Par k Revitaliza tion an d Res ourc e Fair

he City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department will host a community Arbor & Earth Day Park Revitalization and Resource Fair from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturday, April 23 at Wildwood Park, located at 536 East 40th Street. The Arbor & Earth Day Park Revitalization and Resource Fair is a free community gathering that will include giveaways, environmental awareness, free mulch and compost for your yard, free document shredding, and a volunteer cleanup and tree planting at Wildwood Park. “Arbor Day and Earth Day are not just fun chances to learn about small steps we can take in our everyday lives to efficiently reduce our water and energy use,” said City Parks and Recreation Director Lydie Gutfeld. “It is also a chance to Revitalization, cont. on pg. 2


The event will take place from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturday, April 23 at Wildwood Park, located at 536 East 40th Street.

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