*El Chicano 07/20/23

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E L C H I C A N o

WWe e eekkllyy


I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s

O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8

E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m

L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m

In an unprecedented operation, the San Bernardino P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t

(SBPD) has seized 129 illegal firearms, including rifles, handguns, and ghost guns, marking o n e o f t h e l a rg e s t f i r e a r m seizures in the community's history

IECN Staff

The operation, which began on Wednesday, July 12th, and concluded on Thursday, July 13th, spanned across Hesperia, A p p l e Va l l e y, a n d S a n Bernardino The search warrants led to the discovery of illegal firearms in various locations, including a tune-up shop w h e r e w e a p o n s w e r e b e i n g manufactured

Ghost guns, firearms that are n o n - s e r i a l i z e d a n d t h e r e f o r e difficult to track, were among the weapons recovered These guns, along with 3-D printed firearms, pose a unique challenge to law enforcement due to their untraceability

"It’s harder to track ghost and 3 - D p r i n t e d g u n s b e c a u s e t h e y ’ r e n o n - s e r i a l i z e d , " s a i d

Captain Nelson Carrington of t h e I n v e s t i g a t i o n s D i v i s i o n

"These weapons are landing in the hands of criminals; they’re being modified Several rifles are fully automatic and have the ability to hurt lots of people "

In addition to the firearms, the SBPD also seized $600,000 in cash and a significant amount SBPD cont on next pg

SBCUSD Holds Back-to-School Extrava ganza on Jul y 19

The San Bernardino City U n i f i e d S c h o o l D i s t r i c t (SBCUSD) is holding its a n n u a l B a c k - t o - S c h o o l

Extravaganza on Wednesday, July 19 at Court Street Square in San Bernardino

The event is from 9 a m to 1 p m a n d f e a t u r e s c o m m u n i t y o rg a n i z a t i o n s a n d s p o n s o r s a l l focused on helping families prepare students to return to and succeed in school Sponsors include Amazon KSBD, San Bernardino Va l l e y C o l l e g e , M o l i n a H e a l t h c a r e , O m n i Tr a n s , I E H P ( I n l a n d E m p i r e H e a l t h P l a n ) ,

D i g n i t y H e a l t h , S t a t e r B r o s

C h a r i t i e s , M o t h e r ’s N u t r i t i o n a l Center, SMILE San Bernardino County, Loma Linda University–

I n s t i t u t e f o r C o m m u n i t y

P a r t n e r s h i p s , a n d C A A A S A

(California Association of African

A m e r i c a n S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s a n d


Families can enjoy free entertainment and participate in raffle drawings as they learn about services that can help children stay in school and overcome obstacles to a c a d e m i c s u c c e s s S B C U S D departments will be on hand to provide information and guidance

on the District's English-learner programs, after-school programs, special education services, student wellness and support services, and more Community sponsors will be giving out free school supplies, dental supplies, and information on how to access free and low-cost health and financial resources

Immunizations will be available for those who qualify All supplies and immunizations will be available only while supplies last

Attendance is limited to the first 3 , 0 0 0 S B C U S D s t u d e n t s w h o RSVP at https://sbcusd info/btse o r b y c a l l i n g t h e F a m i l y Engagement Office at (909) 8804057 You must provide a student ID number to register

Court Street Square is located at

s routes, including the sbX Green Line, have stops at or near Court Street Square

If you plan to attend the Back-toSchool Extravaganza and require reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the SBCUSD Affirmative Action Office at (909)

mike medina@sbcusd com

the event

Vo l 6 0 , N O 3 0
J u l y 2 0 , 2 0 2 3
S t
e e t i n S a
i Tr a n s
3 4 9 N o r t h E
n B e r n a r d i n o O m n
b u
3 8 1 - 11 2 2 o r
S B P D J u s t S e i z e d 1 2 9 I l l e g a l F i r e a r m s , R a i s i n g C o n c e r n s O v e r 3 - D P r i n t e d a n d G h o s t G u n s i n t h e I n l a n d E m p i r e
PHOTOS MANNY SANDOVAL Captain Nelson Carrington of the Investigations Division explaining how 3-D printed and ghost guns are difficult to trace as they are without a serial number Rifles, handguns, ghost guns, 3-D printed guns, and even brass knuckles are seized from eight illegally operating businesses in San Bernardino and across the Inland Empire PHOTO SBCUSD A student and her younger brother photographed at the 2019 SBCUSD Back to School Extravaganza
i e c n . c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ g m a i l c o m Teens Receive Handson Experience in Emergency Ser vices at Redlands Emergency Ser vices Academy Aquinas Catholic High School Graduate Diego Guer rero, Nominated by Rep Pete Aguilar, Set to Begin Jour ney at U S Naval Academy P g 4 Pg 8


of narcotics The operation has shed light on the growing issue of illegal firearm manufacturing in local businesses, some of which are using 3-D printers to supply criminals with these weapons

One of the locations where illegal firearms were recovered is a business on the 2200 block of Golden Avenue, in San Bernardino near Perris Hill Park

Captain Carrington urged the community to re-

Community News

The Inland Empire Community Foundation (IECF) is proud to announce its highly anticipated 3rd Annual Policy & Engagement Forum, set to take place at the Riverside Convention Center on August 9 -10, 2023

The Policy & Engagement Forum has become a hallmark event for IECF, promoting collaborative efforts and fostering a thriving community Most excitedly, the forum will bring attendees together for the first time in person after two years of virtual programming

“We’re thrilled to be able to gather in person this year and host an inclusive and diverse space for meaningful dialogue,” said IECF President and CEO Michelle Decker “It’s truly an opportunity for community leaders and advocates to collaborate and explore ideas that move our region forward We look forward to spending this time together ”

The Policy & Engagement Forum will feature an Opening Plenary with the IE Legislative Caucus, a Culture of Philanthropy Panel, and breakout sessions designed to encourage participation and inspire innovative ideas around IECF’s five policy priority areas: Education Equity, Inclusive Eco-

port any suspicious activities related to narcotics or illegal firearm sales "If you see any narcotic or illegal firearm sales, please reach out to us," he said

This operation underscores the urgent need for community vigilance and stricter regulations on ghost guns and 3-D printed firearms As the SBPD continues its efforts to combat illegal firearm activities, the safety of the San Bernardino community remains its top priority

Calif or nia FPPC Clear s Rialto Councilmember Andy Car rizales fr om Conf lict of Inter est Accusations Amidst Pepper Avenue War ehouse Contr over sy

nomic Development, Housing, Health the Environment Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with speakers, community advocates, and experts from various sectors

With the theme “Leading Together in the IE,” this year ’s forum aims to facilitate dialogue on creating greater policy capacity to address existing inequities, uplift current transformative work, and identify actionable steps toward positive change By bringing together diverse voices, the event will foster a sense of unity and strengthen collective efforts to build a stronger, more vibrant Inland Empire

IECF is also grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their support as Presenting Sponsor For inquiries about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Brie Griset-Smith, SVP of Charitable Giving, at bgrisetsmith@iegives org

Tickets are now available at www policyforum2023 eventbrite com Details about the event, including speakers, agenda, and sponsorship opportunities, can be found at www iegives org/policy For more information, contact Julian Cuevas, Director of Policy & Governmental Affairs at jcuevas@iegives org

The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has ruled in favor of Rialto Mayor Pro Tem Andy Carrizales, dismissing allegations of a conflict of interest related to the Pepper Avenue Specific Plan The decision comes after a thorough investigation prompted by accusations from Rialto Councilmember Joe Baca Sr and an anonymous complaint

The controversy began on April 25, 2023, when Carrizales voted on the Pepper Avenue Specific Plan Baca Sr subsequently alleged that Carrizales had a stake in a property located a few hundred feet from the proposed development, implying a potential conflict of interest

On June 21, 2023, an anonymous complaint echoing Baca Sr 's allegations was filed with the FPPC Days later, a sworn complaint by Lupe Camacho, an employee of San Bernardino County and Special Project Manager for County Supervisor Joe Baca Jr , was submitted to the FPPC, using the exact wording of the anonymous complaint

clude those of a public official's immediate family members The Act defines 'immediate family member' as the spouse and dependent children of a public official "

"Since it does not appear that Andy Carrizales or his immediate family members have an ownership interest in the subject property, Council Member Carrizales does not have a disqualifying conflict of interest," Burton wrote

Carrizales expressed relief at the FPPC's decision but also voiced disappointment at the actions of his fellow council members "Our community and residents deserve better," he said "To viciously attack my family and my wife's mother is just wrong! This was done for nothing other than political agendas "

Carrizales also pointed out the involvement of Baca Sr 's son, Joe Baca Jr , in the allegations "It's shameful that two seasoned political figures took it upon themselves to attack me and that a San Bernardino County Supervisor would have his staff play along with this injustice," he said

Anew dawn is on the horizon for Eisenhower High School as it embarks on a transformative journey that promises to redefine the educational experience for its students The Rialto Unified School District, in collaboration with Erickson-Hall Construction Co , broke ground on a state-of-the-art modernization project on July 13th

Mat Gates, President of Erickson-Hall, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, "We are deeply honored to be given the opportunity to reshape Eisenhower High School into a modern educational hub that will inspire countless future generations We understand this project's profound impact on the community and are eager to begin We aim to create an environment that nurtures creativity, innovation, and academic excellence for every student "

The project, a testament to the commitment of the Rialto Unified School District to provide quality education, will see the construction of a new 39,105 SF two-story classroom building and an additional 16,320 SF two-story classroom building

The plan also includes the creation of new concrete walkways, patios, exterior collaboration spaces, ADA parking stalls, and electrical charging stations On-site storm drains, landscaping, and irrigation systems in the courtyard will also be installed

This transformative project is not just about constructing buildings but building a future It's about providing Eisenhower High School students with access to enhanced 21st-century learning environments and increasing college and career educational opportunities It's about fostering a culture of innovation and academic excellence

that will echo through the halls of Eisenhower High School for generations to come Dr Cuauhtémoc Avila, the Superintendent, shared his excitement about the project, "Eisenhower High School students, staff, and the wider community will reap significant benefits from this construction project This construction will pave the way for enhanced learning and open-space concept instruction We are delighted to partner with Erickson-Hall for this project, given their exceptional track record in delivering similar projects for neighboring districts "

Erickson-Hall Construction Co , celebrating its 25th anniversary, has been a stalwart in the construction industry, successfully completing over $2 billion in construction projects and $1 5 billion for K-12 and higher education developments

The company's services include preconstruction, general contracting, construction management, design-build, design assist-build, lease-leaseback, and program management for a variety of sectors, including educational, fire, essential services, civic, parks, recreation, faith-based, office, and healthcare facilities With an award-winning portfolio of completed projects and numerous awards for safety, Erickson-Hall is a trusted partner in the construction industry

As the Eisenhower High School community eagerly awaits the transformation of their school, the groundbreaking ceremony will serve as a symbol of the bright future ahead The project, a beacon of progress, will stand as a testament to the commitment of the Rialto Unified School District, Eisenhower High School, and Erickson-Hall Construction Co to provide an enriching and inspiring educational environment for the leaders of tomorrow

Carrizales, however, has vehemently denied these allegations from the start "I sought legal advice regarding the vote on the Pepper Avenue warehouse, and I have no conflict of interest voting on that project," he said "My mother-in-law owns the property my family and I live in Therefore, I have no conflict of interest or financial interest "

The FPPC, after a comprehensive review of the complaint and evidence provided, found no evidence to support these allegations In a public letter, Christopher B Burton, Acting Chief of the Enforcement Division, stated that Carrizales "does not have a disqualifying conflict of interest in decisions regarding the Pepper Avenue Specific Plan Amendment and Industrial Development Project "

Burton further clarified the FPPC's decision, explaining, "Under the Political Reform Act, a public official has a disqualifying conflict of interest in a governmental decision if it is foreseeable that the decision will have a financial impact on their finances or other financial interests Financial interests in-

Last month, Baca Sr criticized Carrizales and Planning Commissioner John Peukert for participating in the vote, citing potential conflicts of interest due to their close residential proximity to the proposed warehouse He also questioned the project's economic benefit: "We don't know how many employees, tenants, or if it will even bring jobs "

Carrizales responded, "I believe Baca is upset because the developer didn't give him a donation to the Joe Baca Foundation! The foundation that was paying all of his family members until they were exposed; now that's a financial conflict of interest! I've told Baca if he believes that I am breaking the law or have some financial gain from this project to report me to the FPPC "

The FPPC's ruling has effectively cleared Carrizales of the allegations, reaffirming his position and right to vote on matters related to the Pepper Avenue Specific Plan The decision also serves as a reminder of the importance of due process and the role of regulatory bodies like the FPPC in ensuring the integrity of the public office

Page A2 • July 20, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano S u b m i t s t o r y i d e a s , p r e s s r e l e a s e s , b i r t h d a y s , a n n i v e r s a r i e s , o b i t u a r i e s , a n d t r a v e l p h o t o s v i a e m a i l a t i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m . I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n ’ s 3 r d A n n u a l P o l i c y & E n g a g e m e n t Fo r u m t o F o s t e r C o l l a b o r a t i v e S o l u t i o n s f o r S t r o n g e r, I n c l u s i v e I E
E i s e n h o w e r H i g
h S c h o o l P r e p a r e s f o r F u t u r e G e n e r a t i o n s w i t h S t a t e - o f - t h e - A r t 3 9 , 0 0 0 s q f t . C l a s s r o o m B u i l d i n g a t G r o u n d b r e a k i n g C e r e m o n y

With our 23-24 concert season on the horizon, the Redlands Symphony is excited to announce its new President of the Board, Kathy Cencirulo, and incoming Board Members Dr Robert Bourne and Dr Ronald Warnell

Cencirulo served as Vice Chair of the Symphony Board from 2021 to 2023 and brings with her a wealth of experience from her background in teaching, non-profit service and involvement in many Redlands organizations

A love and passion for music is a must for any Symphony Board member, and that is certainly true of new members Bourne and Warnell Bourne is a longtime attendee of the Symphony and a physician with Beaver Medical Group Warnell, also a longtime Symphony attendee, is a psychiatrist and recently finished a term as the President of the Spinet Music Club

“As we look at this transition in Board leadership for the Symphony, I am absolutely thrilled that these music loving–and most importantly Redlands loving–individuals will lend their time and talents to the Redlands Symphony Association, helping us continue the strong progress made in the last year in taking the Symphony to a new

The California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees has appointed Dr Mildred García to serve as the 11th chancellor of the California State University García currently serves as president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and previously served as president of California State University, Fullerton and California State University, Dominguez Hills García is the first Latina appointed to oversee the CSU's 23-campus system She will succeed Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester, who has led the university since May 2022

“The California State University is a powerful engine of change and upward mobility for California and the nation, supporting hundreds of thousands of students in achieving their educational, career and personal aspirations," said García “I am honored, humbled and excited for this opportunity to serve the nation's largest four-year university system and work alongside its dedicated leaders, faculty and staff, and its talented and diverse students to further student achievement, close equity gaps and continue to drive California's economic prosperity "

As AASCU president since 2018, García has been a strong advocate for public higher education at the national level, working to influence federal policy and regulations on behalf of 350 member colleges and universities She is the first Latina to lead one of the six presidentially based higher education associations in Washington, D C During her tenure at AASCU, she restored the financial health of the organization through strategic leadership, bold decision-making and vision She directed a strategic agenda that focused on public college and university leadership for the 21st century and provided professional development opportunities for presidents, chancellors and their spouses

García served as president of Cal State Fullerton from 2012 to 2018 and led the university to record improvements in graduation rates and nearly tripled new phil-

level,” notes Executive Director Dr Kevin Eberle-Noel

The Symphony also welcomes Dr Karen Hansberger as Vice President, Julie Michaels as Secretary, Dr Sharen Jeffries as Treasurer and Luann Bangsund as Past President

Finishing their terms are Past Chair Marilyn Solter, Secretary Denise Bourne and Board Member Jennifer von Maack, who leave the Symphony’s Board with our thanks for outstanding service over the last several years Each of these women helped contribute to the Redlands Symphony’s mission and helped us continue our community efforts

With eyes on the future, the Redlands Symphony is excited about our new President and Board Members

Redlands Symphony is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring, entertaining and educating by providing outstanding musical performances that enhance our unique cultural environment Our goal is to reach art lovers across the region to foster that love, create new music lovers and inspire community and connectivity for all

anthropic gift commitments As president of CSU Dominguez Hills from 2007 to 2012, she increased retention rates for freshman and transfer students and eliminated a structural deficit of $2 8 million and became the CSU's first Latina president “Dr García is a highly skilled, dynamic and principled leader who has championed student success especially for those students from underrepresented communities throughout her long and distinguished career in public higher education," said Wenda Fong, chair of the CSU Board of Trustees “Her optimism, authenticity and courageous leadership will inspire greatness for the California State University community as we meet the challenges and seize the opportunities ahead and chart a path toward our great institution's brightest future "

Before her arrival in the CSU, García served as the CEO of Berkeley College, where she was the first systemwide president for all six campuses in New York and New Jersey She has held both academic and senior-level positions at Arizona State University; Montclair State University; Pennsylvania State University; Teachers College, Columbia University; and the Hostos, LaGuardia, and City Colleges of the City University of New York

A recipient of myriad awards, García was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on several advisory boards, including the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, and by the U S Secretary of Education to serve on the Committee on Measures of Student Success

García was raised in New York City by her parents who moved from Puerto Rico

A first-generation student and the first in her family to earn a degree, she received her associate degree from New York City Community College, a bachelor's in business education from Bernard M Baruch College and a master's in business education from New York University At Teachers College, Columbia University, she earned a master's and a doctorate in higher education administration

N e w L e a d e r s h i p Ta k e s O v e r a t t h e R e d l a n d s S y m p h o n y a s i t s 2 3 - 2 4 S e a s o n C o m e s I n t o F o c u s Inland Empire Community Newspapers • July 20, 2023 • Page A3
Chancellor on October 1 2023 A p p o i n t m e n t o f C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y C h a n c e l l o r - F i r s t L a t i n a A p p o i n t e d t o L e a d t h e N a t i o n ' s L a r g e s t a n d M o s t D i v e r s e F o u r - y e a r U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m
will begin her tenure as
Community News

Teens Receive Hands-on Experience in Emergency Ser vices

Community News

High school graduates interested in a career in emergency services reported to the University of Redlands to participate in a week of intensive hands-on training, part of the award-winning Redlands Emergency Services Academy

Each year, some two dozen local teens with an interest in a public safety career attend the annual Redlands Emergency Services Academy The participants share temporary quarters for one week on the campus of the University of Redlands, are exposed to hands-on training exercises in fire and police operations, and are introduced to state of the art simulators This program stresses the importance of a well-rounded education, as well as the value of an extended education to each of the teens in attendance

High school graduates from the class of 2023 arrived at the University of Redlands at 9 a m Wednesday, July 12, for the 24th annual Redlands Emergency Services Academy (RESA) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, RESA was not held in 2020 but was resumed in 2021

On the first day of the academy students participate in formation and marching drills and by afternoon learn CPR from Redlands Firefighters

Over the following week students will suit up in protective gear, arm themselves with airsoft guns and participate with members of the Redlands Police Department in simulations as part of their Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) training; practice police techniques for weaponless defense; fire weapons on the range and practice active shooter drills

Firefighters will teach firefighting and search and rescue techniques, rappelling, and

auto extrication and triage throughout the week

The course also includes instruction in public safety ethics, social media safety and career pathways

Graduates from Redlands High School, Redlands East Valley High School, Citrus Valley High School, Orangewood High School, Grove High School, Arrowhead Christian Academy, Yucaipa High School and Bloomington High School will participate in the program

RESA began in July of 1999 as a collaborative effort among the Redlands Police and Fire Departments, Crafton Hills College, Redlands Unified School District and COMPACT (a Redlands business and school community) to offer new graduates of Redlands' high schools an opportunity to experience first-hand the duties of police officers and firefighters

The University of Redlands has been a major supporter, providing facilities for the students and for instruction Since 2009 RESA has been funded by a grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Additional funding comes from donations from Stater Bros Charities, Toyota of Redlands, Tom Bell, Redlands Police Officers Association, Redlands Professional Firefighters Association and several local food vendors In 2012, the Redlands Emergency Services Academy won the Ruth Vreeland Award for Engaging Youth in City Government from the League of California Cities RESA also received the Hero of the Heartland Award at Stater Bros Charities’ annual Jack H Brown Heroes Challenge Awards Banquet

RESA graduates have gone on to careers in emergency services, including several hired by the Redlands Fire and Police Departments

T he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Donates 20

Tons of Food to T he Salvation Ar my Community News

The San Bernardino Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints has donated a semi-truck full of nonperishable food to The Salvation Army San Bernardino Citadel summer food program Nearly 40,000 pounds of canned and packaged foods will arrive at The Salvation Army warehouse Thursday morning, July 6

Lonnie Gallaher, Stake Communication Director for the Church in San Bernardino, said, “We are grateful to be able to support the good work the Salvation Army has been doing in the community for years Many members of our Church serve as Salvation Army volunteers at the Food Distribution site When we found out from one of them, that the food program needed a boost, we were ready to help,” said Gallaher

The partnership between the two churches strengthened noticeably two years ago, when The Church of

Jesus Christ members helped out with The Salvation Army’s annual toy drive

“The Bishops’ Central Storehouse in Salt Lake City over-produces nonperishable food as part of our ongoing effort to be prepared for any emergency Canned fruits and vegetables, canned meats, packaged cereals, pastas and grains everything is centrally processed and ready to meet any need that may arise,” said Gallaher

The Salvation Army’s Business Administrator, Steve Pinckney, said “Our partnership with the The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latterday Saints has been a blessing The Church of Jesus Christ, like our own, is dedicated to humanitarian needs, including feeding the hungry ”

The Salvation Army food distribution program can provide a healthy meal for a hungry neighbor for just $1 28 “We can serve meals to 140 families a week,” says Pinckney,

“and with an average of four people per family, the total is over 2,200 meals a month ”

The San Bernardino Stake of the Church includes most of the City of San Bernardino, Crestline, Running Springs, Lake Arrowhead and a sizable portion of the City of Highland This dovetails with The Salvation Army’s San Bernardino Corps, making the partnership a natural fit Matthew Johnson, President of the San Bernardino Stake, said, “We, as a church, strive to follow the admonition of the Savior Jesus Christ, to feed the hungry, offer drink to the thirsty, take in a stranger, to clothe the naked and to visit those who are sick and afflicted Through the donations of Church members, we are able to offer assistance to those in need

For more information call (909) 7926868 Donations can be made online at SanBernardino SalvationArmy org

Page A4 • July 20, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Gar ner Holt

Foundation Brings

Ma gical Encounter with Animatr onics to Loma Linda Univer sity Childr en’s Hospital

Community News

Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital patients and their families had a chance to see, look, and feel a variety of animatronic creations up close on Wednesday, July 12

The Garner Holt Foundation, recognized for its work in designing and manufacturing animatronics for major clients like Disneyland and Universal Studios, transformed a room in the hospital into an interactive space Garner Holt, founder and president of Garner Holt Productions, Inc , was present at the event, bringing along two animatronic birds that brought joy and wonder to the young patients

"It's a great thrill for us," says Holt "The Garner Holt Foundation was created to work with underserved kids, foster kids, and kids in hospitals, and it warms my heart to bring the excitement that kids see in theme parks and

bring our world to them ”

One of the highlights of the visit was a STEAM workshop, allowing families to unleash their creativity by building a robotic creature called a BrushTronic Bug There was also a video showcasing the intricate process of creating animatronics, allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the artistry and engineering behind these remarkable creations

The Garner Holt Foundation's visit to Children's Hospital held significant meaning for one family Michael Burke, 18, is a former Children's Hospital patient who was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of soft tissue cancer, at the age of 17 He underwent a year-long medical journey, which included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation Michael is now in remission and joined his parents on the Garner Holt Productions team as a tour guide

During the visit, he expressed his gratitude for the op-

portunity to give back to Children's Hospital and share the magic of his workplace

"I think the biggest thing I want to do is inspire kids going through the same thing as I was," said Burke "Keep a positive attitude and keep smiling, no matter how difficult the journey may be "

The event highlights the resilience and strength of young cancer survivors like Michael, as well as the compassion and collaboration between healthcare professionals and community partners who go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of their patients and create uplifting experiences for young patients

"Being in the hospital can be one of the more challenging times,” said Peter Baker, senior vice president and administrator at Loma Linda University Children’s Health “It's really amazing to see the reaction on the patient's face, what today means, the partnerships around child care, and bringing joy and happiness to our kids ”

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • July 20, 2023 • Page A5





El 6 de abril de 2020 se promulgó el presupuesto del año fiscal (FY) 2020 para el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano que inc uye fondos suplementarios de ayuda alivio y seguridad económica por el coronavirus (Ley CARES)

A la ciudad de San Bernardino se e asignaron

$2,003,529 en fondos de la ronda 1 CV de Subvención en

Community Development

B ock Grant (CDBG) y

$1,702,135 en fondos CDBG-

CV en la ronda 3 Se propone una enmienda sustanc al que afectará el Plan de acción anual del año fiscal 2020-

2021 (FY20 -21 AAP) que

permite a la Ciudad asignar

$1 100 981 de fondos CDBG-

CV 1 y 3 no gastados a un refugio de emergencia provisional para ayudar a familias e individuos sin hogar brindándoles instalaciones de refugio temporal Esta es la segunda enmienda sustanc al de la Ciudad a sus fondos CV

En concreto se reprogramarán los siguientes fondos:

CDBG CV 1 - Administración no gastada y fondos del pro-

grama: $764 771

CDBG CV 3 - Fondos de administración no gastados:



NOTIFICA que habrá una

Audiencia Públ ca para revisar y aprobar a Segunda

Enmienda Propuesta FY2021 AAP como lo requiere

HUD La reunión se levará a cabo el Miércoles 16 de Agosto de 2023 a las 7:00 p m en 555 West 6th Street San Bernardino CA 92410

Las copias de esta Enmienda

Sustancial FY20-21 AAP estarán disponibles al público para su revisión y comentarios desde el unes 17 de ju io de 2023 hasta el martes 15 de agosto de 2023 en los siguientes lugares:

1 Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitar o de la C udad de San Bernardino 201 N E Street 3rd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401; o

2 Página web:

https://www sbcity org/city ha ll/community economic deve lopment/housing/publ c notic es; o 3 Ciudad de San Bernardino, Oficina del Secretario Municipal 201 N E St San Bernardino CA 92401; o 4 Bib ioteca Centra Norman F Feldheym 555 West 6th Street San Bernardino CA 92410

Todos os comentarios escritos re acionados con esta Enm enda Sustancial FY20-21 AAP deben enviarse a más tardar a las 11:00 a m del 15 de agosto de 2023 a,

A a atención de: Trina Perez analista de gestión sénior, Departamento de Desarro lo Económ co y Comunitario

Le invitamos a llamar al (909)

384-7272 x3063 si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este borrador de enmienda sustancia


El objetivo de a Ciudad es cumplir con la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabi itación de 1973 enmendada a Ley

Amer cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) de 1990 y la Ley de Enmienda de la ADA de 2008 la Ley de Vivienda Justa y la Ley de Barreras

Arquitectónicas Con todo respeto Si necesita documentos públicos en un formato accesib e, a Ciudad hará los esfuerzos razonables para acomodar su solic tud Si neces ta adaptaciones re acionadas con a d scapacidad para asistir o part cipar en una audienc a o reunión, inc uidos los servicios o ayu-

contract amount

12 TIME FOR COMPLETION The work shall be completed forty-five (45) ca endar days foowing rece pt of a wr tten Notice to Proceed from the C ty

13 RETENTION The City withholds five percent (5%) of each progress payment as retent on Pursuant to Cal fornia Public Contract Code section 22300 the successful b dder may substtute certain secur t es for money withhe d by the City to ensure performance of the contract At the request and expense of the contractor securities equiva ent to the amount w thheld sha l be deposited with

Pre-Qualification: The San Bernardino City Unified School District ( D strict ) has determined that contractors on future projects ( Contractor(s) or Firm(s) ) must be prequalified prior to submitting a b d or proposa on a project This form must be completed by:

• Contractors that intend to bid or propose to perform work under a C-4 C-7 C-10 C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C38 C-42 C-43 and/or C-46 license (s) and that intend to bid or submit a proposal

Pre-qua fication application packages are available on the District s websitehttps://sbcusdfacilities com/tr a n s f o r m i n g - s c h o o l s / b i dopportunities/ and must be submitted prior to 4:00pm on Tuesday July 11 2023

Notices to pre-prequalification applicants will be provided no later than Tuesday July 18, 2023 with a complete list of prequa ified contractors to be published on the District s website by the fo lowing day

Prospective bidders are encouraged to submit prequalification packages as soon as possible so that they may be notified of pre-qual

ties or informalit es n any b d


14 2023

Published by: Mal ory Crecelius City C erk

Published El Chicano Ju y 20 2023 E-8557

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • E L C H I C A N O L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6 Page A6 July 20, 2023 EC IECN NOTICE INVITING BIDS DISTRICT: SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PROJECT: SANTA FE BANK DEMOLITION BID DEADLINE: JULY 20, 2023 AT 10AM SUBMIT BIDS TO: Balfour Beatty via email at: esierra@BBUS com MANDATORY SITE WALK: July 13 2023 at 11AM at 701 North E Street San Bernardino CA 92410 Al participants are required to s gn in All bids sha l be made and presented only on the forms presented by Balfour Beatty Any bids received after the time specified above shall be returned unopened Description of Work Demolition of 4-story Concrete Building (plans and specs by Ruhnau Clarke Arch tects): Demolition of existing structure, including elevated concrete decks facade basement and utility safe off Includes abatement of hazardous materials This Project will be de ivered as a Lease-Lease Back Bidders shall submit proposals for the noted Bid Package(s) on the forms prov ded in the Bid Documents for the work included in each respective Bid Package No exc usions of the work in the Bid Package wil be permitted A l Bidders are responsible for reviewing the complete set of Project Documents includ ng p ans specif cat ons Div sion of Work etc for full scope of work to be prov ded Plans will be made available after July 19 2023 To obta n project documents contact Balfour Beatty Project Manager at 951-833-7483 or email your request to esierra@BBUS com
Prequalification of
fication status wel in advance of the bid process The prequalif cation packages should be sealed marked “CONFIDENTIAL PRE-QUALIFICATION and delivered to the District by way of persona delivery, U S Postal Service or courier at no cost to the District to the following: Attent on: Construction Contractor Pre-qua ification Facilities Planning & Development Department San Bernardino Unified School District 956 W 9th Street San Bernardino CA 92411 Alternat vely prospect ve bidders may submit pre-qual fication packages electronically via email to sean macdowell@sbcusd k1 2 ca us Each contractor must ensure that it receives a read rece pt from the D str ct acknowledging receipt of the P r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n Questionnaire It is the respons bility of the Proposer to submit the response by the proper time No oral, telegraphic, or telephone statements wi l be considered Prequalification s received after the deadline will not be considered Only prospective bidders deemed to be “pre-qual fied” by the District will be e igible to submit bids for the above l sted trade categories Published El Chicano July 13 20 2023 E-8554 Inland Empire Community Newspapers Visit us online at www.iecn.com for all your community news! Publish your FBN for only $45! e-Mail your filing to: iecnlegals @gmail.com or mail your filed form to: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Call (909) 381-9898 for more information CITY OF BLYTHE NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Blythe ( City ) inv tes sealed bids for the project entitled: CITY OF BLYTHE ENGEVIK PARK PLAYGROUND SHADE STRUCTURE PROJECT 1 BID SUBMISSION AND OPENING Bids will be received at the City of Blythe Office of the C ty Clerk 235 N Broadway Blythe California 92225 unti Thursday August 24 2023 at 2:00pm at which t me they wil be publicly opened and read aloud in the Mu ti-Purpose Room at sa d address Any b d received after the schedu ed clos ng time for the rece pt of bids w ll not be considered and will be returned to bidder unopened It s the sole respons b ity of the bidder to ensure that h s/her/its b d s received by the deadline 2 OBTAINING OR INSPECTING BID DOCUMENTS Bid documents for the project are available on the C ty of Blythe webs te at: http://www cityofblythe ca gov Any addenda wil be posted on the website It wil be the responsibil ty of each bidder to obtain the addenda from the webs te Each addendum wil include an acknowledgment indicating receipt of the addendum This acknowledgment must be signed and ncluded with the bid for each addendum ssued B ds which do not inc ude the s gned acknowledgement for each addendum if any may be rejected 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of but is not limited to the procurement and installation of one 24’x30’ Fabric Shade Structure at Engevik Park located at the NW corner of N Carlton and W Barnard Street in Blythe CA 92225 The work is to include the instal at on of a commercial grade shade structure measuring 24 x30 x12 P ease refer to Exh b t A for more pro ect informat on 4 MANDATORY PRE BID MEETING AND JOB WALK There will be a mandatory prebid meeting and job walk at 10am on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 The Pre-bid meeting wil be held at 10:00am in the MultiPurpose Room in City Hal ocated at 235 N Broadway Blythe CA 92225 and w ll be fo lowed by an on-s te Job Wa k 5 PRE-BID INQUIRIES Questions regarding b dding the bidd ng process and/or the project plans, specifications and contract documents may be submitted to Mallory Crecel us by emai a t msutterfield@c tyofblythe ca gov unt l 4:00pm on Friday August 11, 2023 Responses to a l questions received including questions from the Prebid Meet ng wil be ssued via an addendum posted to the City s website by Tuesday August 15 2023 6 BID CONTENTS All bids must be submitted on the proposal forms included in the bid documents and be signed by an authorized company representative No bid wil be considered un ess it s made on the proposa form furn shed by the C ty and made in accordance w th the provisions of the bid requirements Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled City of Blythe Engevik Park Playground Shade Structure Project and addressed to the City Clerk 7 BID SECURITY Each bidder must submit with his/her/ ts bid a certified check cashier s check, or a bid bond, made payable to or in favor of the C ty of Blythe in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid No bid w ll be considered unless accompanied by such cert fied check cashier s check or bid bond 8 CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE In accordance with Ca fornia Public Contract Code section 3300 the se ected contractor shall possess any of the following Contractor s L cense Classificat ons: A- Genera Engineering Contractor BGeneral Building Contractor, C61,/D12- Synthet c Products or C-61/D34- Prefabricated Equipment The Contractor s L censes shall be val d and issued by the State of Cal fornia Contractors State L cense Board at the t me of contract award Each subcontractor(s) performing work shall possess the appropriate State icenses for the work to be performed Each bidder shall subm t a copy of ts act ve Contractor s l cense with ts bid documents 9 REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Pursuant to Cal fornia Labor Code sections 1725 5 and 1771 1 no contractor or subcontractor shal be qualified to bid on be isted n a bid proposa sub ect to the requirements of Section 4104 of the California Public Contract Code or engage in the performance of any contract for publ c work unless reg stered and qualif ed pursuant to Ca ifornia Labor Code section 1725 5 10 PREVAILING WAGE REQUIREMENTS This project s a public work sub ect to prevail ng wage requirements Pursuant to provis ons of Sections 1770 et seq of the California Labor Code, a l works emp oyed on the project sha l be paid not ess than the general preva ling rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relat ons (DIR) for work of a similar character in the oca ity n which the work is performed, and not ess than the general prevail ng rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work Copies of the prevaing rate of per diem wages are on file with Publ c Works Department and are avai ab e to any interested party upon request The applicable State prevai ing wages are a so set forth on the Department of Industrial Re ations website: http://www dir ca gov; these rates are sub ect to predetermined ncreases The prime contractor shal post a copy of the DIR s determinat on of the prevail ng rate of per diem wages at each ob site This project is subject to compliance mon tor ng and enforcement by the DIR 11 BONDS The successfu bidder wil be required to prov de a Payment Bond and a Performance Bond, each n the amount of 100% of the
the pub
those moneys to the contractor Secur ties wil be returned to the contractor upon satisfactory completion of the contract 14 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE The awarded contractor and subcontractors wi l be requ red to obta n a C ty Bus ness License 15 CITY S RIGHT TO REJECT BIDS The City of Blythe reserves the right n its sole discretion to reject any or all bids or to wa ve any minor irregular -
ic agency or with a
or federa ly chartered bank n this state as the
agent, who sha l then pay
Municipal al menos 48
antes de
384-5002 CNS-3720883# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 7/20/23 E-8555 LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to sections 3071 and 3072 of the Civil Code of the State of California the undersigned w ll sell the following vehicles at ien sale at said address(s) at sa d time(s) on: Monday July 31 2023 to wit: YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 18 HOND 2 H G F C 2 E 5 4 J H 6 0 6 1 5 7 8GYG199 CA To be sold by: Collision Hero 220 McArthur Way Upland San Bernard no County, CA 91786 (10:00 AM) Said sale is for the purpose of satisfying lien of the above signed for towing storage labor, materials and lien charges together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale L enTek Solut ons Inc P O Box 443 Bon ta, CA 91908 CNS-3719972# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 7/20/23 E-8556
das aux liares,
con la Of c na del Secretario
la reunión al (909)

Aquinas Catholic High School Graduate Diego Guer r er o, Nominated by Rep. Pete Aguilar, Begins Jour ney at U.S . Naval Academy

Diego Guerrero, 18, a recent Aquinas Catholic High School graduate, is set to embark on a journey that few from his region have taken

This fall, Guerrero will begin his studies at the U S Naval Academy, a prestigious institution that trains future U S Navy and Marine Corps officers

The Naval Academy, located in Annapolis, Maryland, is a four-year coeducational federal service academy Admission to the academy is highly competitive and requires a nomination from a member of Congress, the Vice President, or the President

Guerrero's nomination came from Rep Pete Aguilar of California's 33rd Congressional District

"We are so proud of Diego Guerrero of Aquinas Catholic High School in San Bernardino as he prepares to enter the U S Naval Academy this fall," Aguilar said "It was an honor to nominate him, and all of us wish him well as he continues a life of service to our country "

Guerrero's nomination and acceptance into the Naval Academy is a significant achievement for the region, which Aguilar noted struggles with representation in service academies "Exposure is key," Aguilar said "Most people in our region aren't aware of the opportunities these academies provide

When the Air Force Academy visited Aquinas, only about three students knew what it was "

Guerrero, who enjoys math and history, plans to study engineering at the Naval Academy He also desires to study abroad, possibly in Europe, during his time at the academy

Aguilar emphasized the importance of Guerrero's journey for the young scholar and the region "Diego's journey is an opportunity to sharpen the aspirations of our young people," Aguilar said "We want to encourage more students to apply and compete for these opportunities "

Guerrero's commitment to service was recognized with a letter of recognition from Congressman Aguilar The young scholar began his Naval Academy journey the week of June 25th, 2023

"Diego, we appreciate what you've signed up for," Aguilar said "Your journey is a testament to the potential of our region We hope you'll return and show your academy to our community, inspiring more students to follow in your footsteps "

Guerrero's journey is a beacon of hope for the region, demonstrating that local students can achieve great things with passion, dedication, and the right opportunities

As the Class of 2023 alum prepares to serve his country, his community watches on with pride and anticipation

Page A8 • July 20, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @IECommunityNews Email all press inquiries to iecn1@mac.com
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Representative Pete Aguilar presenting IE Native Diego Guerrero with a certificate of recognition on June 26th, 2023 PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Aguilar sharing words with Guererro about how he’s looking forward to witnessing him inspire the next generation of potential U S Naval Academy participants

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