El Chicano 12 09 21

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Vol 58, NO. 51

December 09, 2021

Tree lighting event in downtown SB



Rialto ice skating rink open until Dec. 12 Pg. 4

By Ricardo Tomboc


n Friday, December 3rd, a community Christmas tree lighting was held at the Thinkwise

Federal Credit Union (TFCU) at the San Bernardino 6th and E Street Branch. Stacia Guillen Founder of the Downtown SB Revive Facebook page and several supporters helped organized the event.

The event was well attended and included several vendors, a photobooth with Santa, free clothing distribution, free hot chocolate and sweet bread. Assistant Chief Francisco Hernandez and Sargeant Equino

Thomas from the San Bernardino Police Department were present as well as the Police Explorers from the San Bernardino City Unified School District Police Tree, cont. on next pg.

SB Symphony December 11 Concer t to b r i n g W i n t e r Wa r m t h


ollowing their triumphant return to live performance in October, Maestro Anthony Parnther and the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra is now preparing for their December 11, 2021 7:30 p.m. performance of “Strauss, Price, and Archuleta” at the historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts.

S BVC awa r d e d

Sponsored, in large part, through a generous grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, the concert will begin with Richard Strauss’s vibrant tone poem Don Juan which was inspired by a fragmentary verse drama by the mid-19th century German poet Nikolaus Lenau and penned when the composer was only 25 years old.

over $200,000 in grants for students Pg. 8


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Above:The event was emceed by Heri “Eddie” Garcia, President of the TFCU, and the actual lighting of the tree was conducted by his wife Nuelle and their children. Top right: A tall Christmas tree used for the event was donated by Samuel Torres from Torres Empire car show promoters. Stacia Guillen awarded Torres Empire a placard of appreciation for their support of the event. From left Stacia Guillen, Samuel Torres, and Elisa Torres.



Vocalist David Archuleta will perform with the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra December 11, 2021.

“Don Juan, written by the great Richard Strauss, is one of the greatest symphonic tone poems ever written for orchestra. The work requires extraordinary vir-

tuosity and passion from every single performer onstage. This is the most ambitious work I have programmed for our orchestra so far, and we’re excited to share a vivid work of this magnitude with our audience.” explained Maestro Parnther. Following, the Symphony will perform Florence Price’s historically ground-breaking Piano Concerto featuring the incomparable Dr. Karen Walwyn. The Howard University Mellon Faculty Fellow leads the Florence Price Recording Project which is dedicated to the preservation of the works of Ms. Price, the first woman of color to have an orchestral composition performed by a major orchestra. “We are incredibly blessed to have a pianist of Dr. Walwyn’s caliber perform this beautiful composition with us,” added Concert, cont. on next pg.

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