El Chicano 12 02 21

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Vol 58, NO. 50

December 02, 2021

Inland Empire Republic amateur men’s soccer team features local talent


By Salvador Torres

Highland Senior Center hosts drive-thr u Thanskgiving distribution Pg. 3


n the Inland Empire, many current residents are transplants from neighboring counties such as Los Angeles and Orange County, but very few are born and raised in the IE. Even within that minority, there are not many who have lived here for generations. So with that context, one individual's work to spotlight Soccer, cont. on next pg.


Crafton Hills College students attend the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Univer sities Annual Conference


n October, Crafton Hills College (CHC) student leaders attended the annual summit conference of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). Attendees met and shared ideas about promising practices in the education of Hispanic and Latinx students and opportunities in furthering their education and finding rewarding employment.

Dignity Health distributes Thanksgiving meals to over 300 inland families

The conference invites HACU member institutions to collaborate, form alliances and partnerships and share strategies for promoting greater educational equity and achievement for Hispanic/Latinx students.

Pg. 8


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Inland Empire native Gabe Placencia, top left, who has played soccer since he was 5 years old and coaches San Bernardino Valley College soccer, decided to establish an amateur soccer team in 2020; the team played impressively in its first official season, pictured above.


English major and Executive Assistant to the Student Government Sean Ceballos attended the conference and said he was excited to participate in the forum and learn about his options as a Latinx student in higher education.

CHC is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), with 50 percent of its students identifying as Hispanic or Latinx. The college was recently recognized as a

2021 Equity Champion for Excellence in Transfer for Latinx students, an award given to California community colleges that confer high rates to associate degrees for transfer to Hispanic/Latinx students. The college sent a handful of its students to attend the conference, including English major and Executive Assistant to the Student Government Sean Ceballos. He said he was excited to participate in the forum and learn about his options as a Latinx student in higher education. Ceballos started college a decade ago but soon dropped out. He returned recently to complete his education after becoming “flooded with ambition and an urge to make a change somewhere in the world.” HACU, cont. on next pg.

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