Vol 59, NO. 01
December 23, 2021
Mar ta Macías Brown, pillar of civil rights advocacy, first editor of El Chicano, passes away peacefull y at 77
May you have a safe and happy holiday season
arta Macias Brown, advocate of human rights, social justice, and equal access to education, as well as the original editor of El Chicano newspaper (the first grassroots publication of the IECN news group), passed away peacefully at home on Friday, December 17. She celebrated her 77th birthday just three weeks ago. Resident of Riverside, native of Inland California, longtime public servant, former member of the California State Bar Board of Governors, mother, surviving spouse, sister, friend, and champion of the legacy of her late husband Congressman George Brown, Marta was born in the year of D-Day and lived the narrative of Latina/o and Chicana/o empowerment and women’s assertion of self-determination and equality. Marta met the former Congressman in 1971 during his Brown, cont. on next pg.
Marta Macías Brown (left), advocate of human rights, social justice, and equal access to education, as well as the original editor of El Chicano newspaper (the first grassroots publication of the IECN newsgroup), passed away peacefully at home on Friday, December 17. She is pictured here with her beloved sister and El Chicano co-founder, IECN publisher, and SBCCD Trustee Gloria Macías Harrison.
San Ber nardino community mour ns passing of e d u c a t i o n a l l e a d e r , i c o n D r. M a r g a r e t H i l l
r. Margaret Hill, community icon, leader, longtime San Bernardino City Unified school board member, and known by many as the "community mother for all," passed away Sunday, December 19. She was 81.
Music Changing Lives distributes toys all over local region and b eyond Pg. 3
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Dr. Hill was a passionate advocate for children and a dedicated educational leader, having served on the Board of Education faithfully since she was elected in 2011. She led the District as Board President in 2015-2017. Hill graduated with a bachelor's from Norfolk State University and a master’s degree in educational administration from California State University San Bernardino in 1980 and went on to receive an honorary doctorate degree from the University of PHOTO SBCUSD Redlands. She is author of two Dr. Margaret Hill, community icon, leader, longtime San Bernardino City Unified school board books, “It’s All About the member, and known by many as the “community mother for all,” passed away Sunday, December Hill, cont. on next pg. 19. She was 81.