Vol 59, NO. 02
December 30, 2021
Holiday Ar t Walk features local ar tists, toy giveaway
By Ricardo Tomboc
Ma y you h ave a safe and Happy New Ye a r
n Thursday, December 17, the San Bernardino Art Walk (SBAW) held a Downtown Christmas event with live music, vendors, food, art displays, and a toy giveaway. The event was held at the Downtown San Bernardino Court Street Square. The SBAW is a monthly event that focuses on bringing the arts and revitalizing the Downtown neighborhood. This month the SBAW partnered with “Minsterios Rey de Gloria (King of Glory Ministries)” who coordinated a toy giveaway and participated in the musical festivities during the event. Pastors Arnoldo and Dora Morales, and their daughter Laura Martinez were on hand to manage their giveaways and coordinate the volunteers. They were able to bring the Toys for Art Walk, cont. on next pg.
Terraca West first picked up a brush in 2010, never having taken any formal art class. Terraca said that she paints from the soul. On the right is a painting she created after her one-year-old son passed away. On the left is a portrait of a lady relieving stress. Terraca is a regular attendee at the Garcia Center for the Arts in San Bernardino.
Ye l l o w H e a r t M e m o r i a l r e m e m b e r s t h o s e w h o passed from COVID-19 By Eric Sandoval
ellow Heart Memorial of San Bernardino unveiled their new memorial at the Parks and Rec center in San Bernardino on 201 North East Street. The memorial is open to the public from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
S u p e r v i s o r Jo e B a c a , J r. s p r e a d s
Yellow Heart Memorial is a non-profit organization aimed to remember those lost to Covid, not just as a number, but as a person.
holiday cheer to students Pg. 4
The memorial honors loved ones by putting their name or picture on a yellow heart and posting them on the wall that features roughly 1,000 hearts already.
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Yvette Rodriguez, who lost her mother to COVID-19 in January 2021, brought the Yellow Heart Memorial to San Bernardino, She’s seen here adding a name and image in honor of another life lost to COVID-19 at the Parks and Recreation office in downtown San Bernardino.
Yvette Rodriguez, a native of San Bernardino, created the Yellow Heart Memorial in San Bernardino; she got the idea after Memorial, cont. on next pg.