Vol 59, NO. 25
June 09, 2022
A massive Juneteenth C elebration of Freedom is comin g to San Ber n ardin o on June 18th
By manny Sandoval
IE Health and We l l n e s s C o a c h Evan Rober ts gives t hr ee tips to improve quality of life Pg. 3
ust days after the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors announced that June 19th of every year will be recognized as Juneteenth, a coalition of organizations in the city and surrounding communities announced the Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom on June 18th, at San Bernardino Valley College.
“Every year there are many small-scale Juneteenth celebrations in San Bernardino and many people travel outside of the city to attend bigger events. We brought together over 15 organizations to host one massive event with educational speakers, merchant and food vendors, community social service resources, an art walk, entertainment, games, and opportunity drawings” said Ronecia Miller, Juneteenth Committee vice president.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Daniel
Photo CoUrtESy of thE jUneteenth Committee
the Juneteenth Committee in May 2022 planning the Juneteenth Celebration of freedom in front of the San Bernardino Valley College theater.
Walker will take the lead and share why Juneteenth is celebrated, while other educational components led by various speakers will include topics on hair, mental health, safety and justice, and building stronger communities.
“San Bernardino has been celebrating Juneteenth since the 1990s, but oftentimes people don’t know what they’re celebrating, so it’s a teachable moment to the community. Events like this, where community leaders come together in a large capacity is helping break
the stigma that the African American community is not united - we are working together, successfully,” said Edwin Johnson, Juneteenth Committee president. Juneteenth, cont. on next pg.
CSUSB launches Espor ts Arena, one of the first in the CSU system
Community news
Should the NBA shor ten its season? Caden weighs in Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
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ore than 200 people attended the grand opening of the Esports Arena at Cal State San Bernardino on May 28, which featured PC gaming competitions between CSUSB’s Esports Club and teams from Norco City College and UC Riverside.
The CSUSB Esports Arena, located in the Santos Manuel Student Union South next to the gamer’s lounge, is one of the first in the California State University system, said Jessica Madrigal, leader of Esport efforts at CSUSB. There are four in the CSU, Madrigal said.
The arena hours are to be determined, but it will be open for casual play and closed during competitions with a spectating opportunity. The arena features CSUSB, cont. on pg. 2
Current CSUSB Esports Club students, staff, and a handful of alumni cutting the ribbon in the Santos Manuel Student Union South on May 28th.