Rialto Record 01 27 22

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Vo l 20, NO. 20

Januar y 27, 2022

Door Dash’s Califor nia Dasher Advisor y Group enlists Rialto resident to elevate Dasher experience By Manny B. Sandoval


osue Alcaraz, Door Dasher, and now California Dasher Advisory Group member, recently joined the committee to lift his voice and bring positive change to other Dashers across the state.


After Dashing for a year-and-ahalf, Alcaraz says the food delivery platform has completely changed his life, for the better. “Door Dash has literally changed my life by giving me an opportunity to make more money when I choose to, due to its flexibility. In the past year or so I’ve had the opportunity to save extra cash — it happened by cutting down the amount of time I spent laying on the couch watching TV and going out,” Alcaraz said. PHOTO

VP Har ris, G o v. N e w s o m visit SB Pg. 3


Dasher and California Dasher Advisory Group Member Josue Alcaraz, Rialto resident, is sharing his experience with the company’s leadership to elevate the experience for Dashers across the state of California.

The purpose of the new advisoDoor Dash, cont.on next pg.

S u p e r v i s o r J o e B a c a , J r. t e a m s u p w i t h N e v e r Stop Grinding on Free Dental & Vision event Community News


an Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor, Joe Baca Jr. is joining Darious Harris, the founder of Never Stop Grinding (NSG), to host the third free dental and vision services event. This event is meant to serve those who need exams, cleanings, fillings and extractions, full eye exams and free prescription glasses, all at no pocket cost to participants.

County S c h o o l s , D A’ s Office launch civil liber ties pilot program

The event is open to the public and will have dentists and optometrists on-site. The event will take place in Rialto on February 5th, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 pm (address will be disclosed to only those who are selected to render services).

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H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com



Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. and NSG Founder and CEO Darious Harris pictured at the first dental and vision screening in Rialto, February 2021. A 3rd event will take place on Feb. 5; interested parties are required to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nsg-impact-free-dental-visionevent-tickets-237115638257?aff=ebdsoporgprofile.

This event is available to those who fill out the application and receive a notification of their appointment time. Spaces are limited, so we please urge you to apply promptly as walk-ins will Services, cont. next pg.

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