Vol 20, NO. 21
February 03, 2022
NSG Impact’s Valentine's Day Giveaway with Professional Boxer Darious Har ris set to give away fr ee winter clothing By Manny B. Sandoval
n Saturday, February Never Stop 12, Grinding Impact is hosting its first-ever Valentines' Day Giveaway where it’ll be providing registered attendees with free, brand new clothing, groceries, household necessities, and more.
The San Bernardino County Public Defenders Office will also be administering expungements on-site.
Leighton new SBSO Principal Guest Conductor Pg. 3
Professional Boxer & NSG Impact Founder & CEO Darious Harris posing for a photo with two of his biggest fans at the organization’s toy drive in December 2021.
“Our goal is to spread more love this Valentine's Day, we didn’t want to stop at Christmas, so we’re going to be continuously impacting our community, with giveaways for children and adults, throughout the year,” said NSG Impact Founder & CEO Darious Harris. Giveaway, cont.on next pg.
RUSD's Kindness Connection opens as valuable resource, shopping experience for students Community News
rom a vision of treating students with the dignity they deserve, the Rialto Unified School District’s Kindness Connection has emerged as one part valuable resource, one part shopping experience for students.
ICUC continues to provide pandemic relief to families Pg. 4
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
The Rialto Unified School District’s Kindness Connection provides a valuable resource with a boutique-style shopping experience for students in need. Board of Education Vice President Stephanie E. Lewis, left, and Student Board Member Julian Hunter, right, enjoy perusing the racks of brand new clothes inside the Kindness Connection following the recent grand opening ceremony.
The RUSD recently held the grand opening ceremony for the Kindness Connection: Clothing and More. The boutique-style clothing store is located at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education in the RUSD. One step inside immediately reveals a beautiful space, newly renovated, complete with mirrors, dressing areas, comfortable seating, accessorized with racks full of clothes, shoes, and personal care items. All items are brand new and provided at no cost to students. The project was born under the leadership of RUSD’s Student Kindness, cont. next pg.