Vol 20, N O. 36
May 26, 2022
Rialto student finds academic success despite disability
Basketball spor ts update from Caden Henderson Pg. 3
By Manny Sandoval
The City Council recognized Jacqueline Martinez, a senior at Rialto High School for her outstanding academic achievements and ability to succeed and thrive in school despite being blind.
“In recognition of your outstanding achievements and the positive example you have displayed through your dedication and excellence in education, the city of Rialto congratu-
May 30th is M e m o r i a l D a y. Thank you to all in unifor m, who’ve sacrificed much in the line of duty
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Rialto High School Senior Jacqueline Martinez accepting a honorable recognition from Rialto City Councilmember Andy Carrizales on May 10th.
Community News
lates you for your perseverance and tenaciousness toward reaching your goals,” said Councilman Andy Carrizales.
even harder than her sited peers to maintain a 3.0 grade point average,” said Carrizales
and her family did acknowledge that she has yet to decide between the two schools.
Over her four years in high school, Martinez took honor and AP courses and maintained a 3.0 grade point average or higher.
Martinez’s success in high school has led to her being accepted to California State University, Los Angeles and California State University, San Bernardino. Martinez
Part of her favorite activities when she isn’t
“You are a role model whose inevitable footsteps are some to follow for all future generations,” added Carrizales.
“She has worked hard,
“During the past four years, she has encountered many hardships due to her visual disability, but has never allowed that to hold her back,” he added.
In addition to her academic success, Martinez has lived a normal social life because of her parents. Martinez’s parents would be sure to get her involved in the community and clubs that include others who are also blind in order to ensure their daughter lived as normal a life as possible.
focusing on her academics are going on adventures and reading.
After being recognized for her academic success, Martinez was given the floor to speak and she gave a simple “thank you”, which was received with applause as she walked back to her seat. At the conclusion of the presentation, Mayor of Rialto, Deborah Robertson said, “I’m looking forward to your success.”
RUSD hosts first-ever divergent games
he Rialto Unified School District made history by hosting the first-ever Divergent Games on May 21 at Carter High School.
The Divergent Games brought out 130 athletes from all grade levels in the District and more than 1,000 supporters as students showed off their skills in athletic events and earned medals.
The Divergent Games strives to PHOTO RUSD create a culture of welcome and to showcase the unique talents of A group of students run in the 25-meter race during the games; led by RUSD Special Services with the students with exceptional abili- support of the board of education. ties.