Rialto Record 06 10 21

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Vol 1 9, NO. 39

June 10, 2021

Two Car ter High School students are 2nd, 3rd place winners of Aguilar’s Cong ressional Ar t contest



Above: “All of Nature’s Beauty” by Eliana Jackson. Right: “Imperfect Blue” by Samantha Garcia.


Despite the pandemic, you did it!

liana Jackson, a student at Wilmer Amina Carter High School in Rialto finished in second for her work, “All of Nature’s Beauty” and Samantha Garcia, also a student at Carter High School, finished in third with her painting, “Imperfect Blue.”

The first place winner’s artwork (Arroyo Valley High School student Roxanne Ybarra - San Bernardino) will be displayed in the US Capitol building in Washington, DC for one year, and the second and third place Contest, cont. on next pg.

Harbor Freight to open new location, hiring for 25 - 30 new jobs


arbor Freight Tools, America’s go-to store for quality tools at the lowest prices, has announced that it will be opening a new store in Rialto, CA. The new store will be located at 260 E. Baseline Road and is expected to open this summer. An official opening date will be announced closer to opening.

Public Safety Academy graduates Pg. 12

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com

Construction has already begun at the location, using local workers and companies from the surrounding Rialto area. In addition, the store is expected to bring between 25 and 30 new jobs to the community, including Sales and Logistic Supervisors, Senior Associates, Sales Associates, and seasonal opportunities as well. Harbor Freight Tools offers a competitive starting rate along with a best-in-class retail benefits package that includes robust health coverage, and Jobs, cont. on next pg.

PHOTO HARBOR FREIGHT Harbor Freight is opening a new store in Rialto on E. Baseline slated to open this summer, creating 25 - 30 jobs for the local community.

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