*Rialto Record 06/29/23

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WWe e eekkllyy

Fir st-Gen College

Graduate Jorge Villegas Ruiz

Overcomes Langua ge Bar rier s to

Achieve Bachelor's Deg ree in Spanish

The City of Rialto has become a battleground o v e r a c o n t e n t i o u s warehouse project approved by the City Council in a narrow 32 vote on April 25th The proposed warehouse, planned for

t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f P e p p e r Avenue and the 210 freeway, is an area initially zoned for retail, commercial, and housing

H o w e v e r, t h e c o n t e n t i o u s approval has ignited allegations of conflict of interest, health hazards, and misuse of zoning laws The voices from the City

Council are echoing across the c o m m u n i t y w i t h i n c r e a s i n g intensity as the drama unfolds

Councilmember Joe Baca is leading the opposition, arguing that the warehouse will create hazardous health conditions in the area, particularly concerning the recently renovated and

neighboring Frisbie Park, and increase the city's maintenance cost due to the wear and tear from increased trucking "After c i t y s t a ff i n v e s t i g a t e d a l l aspects of the industrial project, our planning commission recommended against it and said

R e a l i c o r e R e a l E s t a t e T u r n s D o z e n s o f E m p t y B u i l d i n g s I n t o O p e r a t i n g B u s i n e s s e s i n D o w n t o w n S a n B e r n a r d i n o , E l e v a t i n g W a l k a b i l i t y

Inland Empire Community News

Wishes You A Happy and Safe Four th of July!

u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8

E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m

L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ g m a i l c o m

Nestled in the heart of downtown

S a n B e r n a r d i n o , t h e l o c a l l y

o w n e d a n d h i g h l y r e s p e c t e d

Realicore Real Estate Group has contributed significantly to the city's rejuvenation since its establishment six years ago

D a v i d F r i e d m a n , t h e c h a r i s m a t i c c ofounder, CEO, licensed broker, and CSUSB alumnus is leading the charge towards urban renewal, and he has a lot to say about it

"We started by flipping houses in 2011, but it soon became mundane, and the industry became saturated after HGTV popularized the idea," recalled Friedman, whose family is all CSUSB alumni "We saw the writing on the wall and decided to invest in our city and be part of downtown revitalization "

The fall of Norton Air Force Base, the city's bankruptcy, and lousy leadership deterred many investors, but not Friedman a n d h i s c o - f o u n d i n g f a t h e r, H o w a r d

Friedman They've weathered through the challenges and used them as stepping stones to build a successful business

"San Bernardino needed attention, particularly the commercial buildings that were left derelict," he said "Many people have and still complain about the lack of public transportation (which is important), but I say we need to navigate towards creating a walkable community to generate engagement, which will help local businesses Realicore, cont on next pg

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R i a l t o C i t y C o u n c i l M a k i n g C l a i m s a n d R e f u t i n g A l l e g a t i o n s O v e r C o n t r o v e r s i a l W a r e h o u s e A p p r o v a l N e i g h b o r i n g F r i s b i e P a r k
PHOTOS CITY OF RIALTO Mayor Pro Tem Andy Carrizales, Mayor Deborah Robertson, Councilmember Rafael Trujillo, and Councilmember Joe Baca are currently serving the City of Rialto P
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H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m i e c n . c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m
Father and son, Co-founders of Realicore Real Estate Group David Friedman and Howard Friedman (center) cutting the ribbon on their downtown San Bernardino office; which is located at 395 N E St Ste 104, San Bernardino
5 City News, cont on next pg
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City News

hrive People should be able to get around by walking, biking, and public transportation It's good for the environment and our health "

Friedman's strategy for selecting tenants at all Realicore properties is simple but effective They must be financially responsible, live locally, and love San Bernardino "Local businesses like Diverse Soul and the Barbers Club are doing their best to do business and give back to the community They are model businesses in the downtown area," he said

Realicore's management portfolio comprises 130 residential and commercial units, with 90 percent located in San Bernardino and 10 percent in the Inland Empire The business manages these properties with just four employees (in addition to the co-owners), a testament to the efficiency and dedication of the team

The firm has brought significant infrastructural enhancements to the city, most notably introducing fiber internet to all its buildings "We had to convince Frontier for three years to get it done," Friedman admitted He also emphasized the role of the city's economic development team, led by Charles Mcneeley and Amanda Hernandez, in helping to revitalize the area

Realicore prides itself on being a turnkey devel-

opment management company, handling everything from start to finish, including purchasing, leasing, and managing properties

While Friedman's other successful business Viva La Boba and real estate keeps him busy, the team at Realicore also strives to contribute to community development "Years from now, our greatest contribution will be giving space to artists and generally underrepresented groups an opportunity to build and grow their businesses," Friedman said His optimism about the future of San Bernardino is palpable "Development takes a long time; 10 years is nothing in the development world I've only been here for six, and a lot has taken place, especially turning once empty commercial spaces into operating businesses," he said

Despite all its accomplishments, Realicore still has big plans for the city "Again, I'd like to see a more walkable city Any development that we bring to downtown will have a big focus on walkability," Friedman pledged

Realicore Real Estate Group, in just six years, has become a symbol of resilience and progress in San Bernardino With a bright future ahead, Friedman and his team are just getting started

For more information, visit realicore com

City of San Ber nardino Councilmember's Abr upt Depar tur e Ignites Rent Contr ol Fir estor m During Public Meeting

Aseemingly simple discussion regarding rent control within the San Bernardino City Council spiraled into a contentious debate, igniting controversy and illuminating the city's deep divisions over housing policy in early June

Councilmember Kimberly Calvin raised concerns about the city's rising rents and the proportion of residents who are renters "We hear from our community members that they are struggling, and we’ve recently learned that the average price for a studio apartment in San Bernardino is $1,505 a month," she said "The city staff provided us with all of the statistics and information to make an informed decision; why wouldn't we take the time to look into what they're providing us? Fifty-eight percent of the city are renters We're contributing to our homelessness by not helping out with rent control "

However, the meeting took a turn when Councilmember Sandra Ibarra left the dais moments before the consent calendar, five hours into the session This prompted Mayor Helen Tran to ask the City Clerk whether Ibarra would be returning The City Clerk stated that Ibarra would be deemed absent due to her departure

Before anyone could further address Ibarra's absence or even discuss the item, Councilmember Theodore Sanchez swiftly moved to deny both rent control proposals on the table, which can be seen on video via the city's website

Calvin criticized Ibarra's sudden departure, arguing that her absence allowed the vote to go 3-2 against the resolution and potential rent stability ordinance, "She didn't return to the dais until the meeting closed out If she voted yes, it would have been a 3-3 tie, and the mayor would have been the tiebreaker," Calvin pointed out

Sanchez, Councilmember Juan Figueroa, and Mayor Pro Tem Fred Shorett voted no, while Calvin and Councilmember Ben Reynoso voted yes, and Councilmember Damon Alexander had a planned absence

In response to IECN's inquiry regarding leaving the dias during a meeting, City of San Bernardino Public Information Officer Jeff Kraus clarified, "There is no policy If a council member gets up and leaves, we continue They are considered absent if they are not at the dais, but if we know they are returning, we can go to recess "

In a text message to IECN after the meeting, Ibarra said she abruptly left the dais due to healthrelated concerns

She later took to social media, posting on Facebook at 2:30 am that night to address accusations from Councilmember Ben Reynoso that she was "hiding" from the vote "Unfortunately, I have to make this post, but it has to be vocalized," Ibarra wrote "The times I miss council meetings are mainly due to health, but having a colleague [Reynoso] accuse me of hiding was disrespectful and unprofessional I will remain calm and focused at the dais when I vote, and if I have to step away to look after my health, I will "

This incident has thrust the issue of rent control back into the spotlight, underscoring the city's urgent need to address the growing housing crisis, with 58 percent of the city being renters The city council had previously raised the prospect of establishing a local "Tenants Bill of Rights" in October 2021 and had discussed the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 in November 2022 The aim was to provide varying levels of tenant protection while considering potential impacts on the city

Despite the strife within the council, the debate over rent control continues, with the potential to significantly impact the lives of San Bernardino's renters and the city's overall health

The tension and controversy stirred by this discussion highlights the pressing importance of addressing housing affordability and stability in San Bernardino and beyond This task remains challenging for the divided city council, but the community that voted them in has trust that they will get it right

Community News

The City of Rialto has been awarded $6 million to replace more than 12,000 old water meters with state-of-the-art digital technology that will result in more accurate meter readings and better detect system leaks – saving time, money and critical water resources

Implementation of the new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) will begin next year and be completed by August 2025 This past week, the California Department of Water Resources awarded the City $6 million through its Urban Community Drought Relief Program to implement the AMI program Combined with a previously awarded $2 million grant from the U S Bureau of Reclamation, Rialto’s AMI program is now fully funded

“We appreciate the state’s support in helping to bring this critical project to the finish line AMI not only will help customers better understand and monitor their own water usage, it moves our community toward quantifiable and sustained water savings by reducing imported water demand,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson

The benefits of AMI technology are many:

Customers will be able to access near real-time water use data, and adjust their usage and implement conservation measures as appropriate The City will be able to more accurately and efficiently meas-

ure water usage and better identify system leaks, which, left undetected, can waste of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water each day For Rialto, the estimated savings as a result of leak detection alone is 343 acre-feet per year

Automated reader reads will take vehicles off the road and reduce carbon emissions

The City currently relies on imported water from the State Water Project, which draws water from the San FranciscoSan Joaquin Bay-Delta to replenish groundwater basins that supply Rialto’s potable water

Overall, the AMI project is expected to result in annual water savings of 1,545 acre-feet per year

The AMI project is another example of Rialto’s leadership in water conservation and building a sustainable future Robertson is a leading voice for the Wyland National Mayor ’s Challenge, which encourages municipalities across the country to conserve water resources, and has helped organize educational programs for local students on the importance of conservation

The City has been recognized by the Southern California Association of Governments and others for its unique recycled water partnership with the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) that will help connect Rialto’s wastewater plant with IEUA’s own recycled water distribution system, making more efficient use of the City’s excess recycled water

Community News

On Saturday, June 24, 2023, at approximately 8:43 p m , the Rialto Police Department Communications Center received reports of a traffic collision in the 300 block of West Santa Ana Avenue Officers arrived on scene at 8:47 p m and located one of the involved drivers, Gregory Cruz, suffering from life threatening injuries Rialto Fire Department personnel arrived minutes later, and transported Cruz to a local trauma center where he later succumbed to his injuries The second driver, Jose Saavedra-Escoto was also transported to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries

The Rialto Police Department’s Major Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) responded and conducted an investigation

Preliminary information indicates Saavedra-Escoto was traveling westbound on Santa Ana Avenue from Willow Avenue in his white Ford F-150 when he crossed over into the eastbound lanes, colliding with the white Chevrolet Lumina driven by Cruz Saavedra-Escoto was suspected to be driving under the influence of alcohol at the time of the collision He was later arrested and booked into the West Valley Detention Center for PC 191 5(a) - Gross Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated, with a bail amount of $250,000

Inland Empire Community News • Rialto Record • June 29, 2023 • Page A2
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High-tech water metering system coming to Rialto f ollowing $6 million in state funding
DUI Driver Ar r ested Following Fatal Traf fic Collision

Community News

Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place To Work® for the third year in a row The prestigious award is based entirely on what current team members say about their experience working at IEHP This year, 92% of employees said IEHP is a Great Place To Work® – 35 points higher than the average U S company

Great Place To Work® is the global authority on workplace culture, employee experience and leadership behaviors proven to deliver market-leading revenue, employee retention and increased innovation

“At IEHP, our team members are at the heart of everything we do,” said IEHP’s Chief Executive Officer Jarrod McNaughton “Their effort and engagement are what makes us truly a Great Place to Work We will continue to strive for excellence and ensure that IEHP remains a place where all people feel valued, supported and empowered to achieve their full potential ”

IEHP’s mission is to “heal and inspire the human spirit,” and its team members are vital to that mission, serving

1 6 million members residing in Riverside and San Bernardino counties Life at IEHP includes a wide range of benefits and resources for employees to assist with health and wellness and job growth, including on-site or remote fitness classes, a computer lab, on-site partner agencies connecting people with vital social services and career coaching

Of IEHP’s 3,184 employees, 90% completed the survey that covered a variety of workplace quality-related experiences, including pride in the organization’s impact on the community, its reputation within areas served and the level of camaraderie created within the company Highlights from the survey showed:

• 96% feel good about ways the organization contributes to its community

• 95% report having special and unique company benefits

• 94% are proud to tell others their place of employment

"Great Place To Work® Certification is a highly coveted achievement that requires consistent and intentional dedication to the overall employee experience," says Sarah

Lewis-Kulin, vice president of global recognition at Great Place To Work® She emphasizes that certification is the sole official recognition earned by the realtime feedback of employees regarding their company culture “By successfully earning this recognition, it is evident that IEHP stands out as one of the top companies to work for, providing a great workplace environment for its employees ”

Later this year, IEHP will know if the organization made the list of the Top 100 Best Workplaces in Healthcare for a second year in a row

According to Great Place To Work research, job seekers are 4 5 times more likely to find a great boss at a Certified great workplace Additionally, employees at Certified workplaces are 93% more likely to look forward to coming to work, and are twice as likely to be paid fairly, earn a fair share of the company’s profits and have a fair chance at promotion


Looking to grow your career at a company that puts its people first? Visit our careers page at https://careers iehp org

In a May 25th ruling, the 4th District Court of Appeal (4DCA) ruled San Bernardino County Measure K valid in every major aspect

Measure K, an effort to reform both compensation and term limits for San Bernardino County elected supervisors, was overwhelmingly approved by county voters in November of 2020 The measure proposed a single fouryear term, along with setting elected supervisors’ compensation on par with the county’s median household income

The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ignored this clear message from voters Rather than aggressively implementing the voters’ will, the board circled the wagons and sued the county’s Clerk of the Board in order to halt implementation of Measure K and ward off the voters’ intent

While San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge Ronald Alvarez agreed with the Board of Supervisors, the 4DCA was having none of it Justice P J Ramirez’s opinion:

• Upheld the voters’ right to establish a single, four-year term

• Upheld the voters’ right to establish compensation limits for elected supervisors via initiative

• Ruled Measure K was valid as of December 18th, 2020

• Orders the lower court to ensure certification and filing

of Measure K

The appeal court also ruled that AB 428, a bill designed and sponsored by Assemblyman Chad Mayes to torpedo Measure K via state law, does not apply to charter counties AB428 altered state law to ensure voters could set no less than two, four-year term limits for county supervisors Despite being approved by Governor Gavin Newsom, Justice Ramirez’s ruling limits AB428 to general counties only San Bernardino County is a charter county and is therefore exempt from AB428

In a statement released Monday The Red Brennan Group, a local non-profit dedicated to “Big-Hearted Communities and Small Government” said “It has been our privilege to support Measure K’s sponsor Nadia Renner While this ruling solidifies San Bernardino County voters’ right to initiative, the status of real political reform in the county remains clouded because of Measure D This measure was placed on the 2022 ballot by the five sitting supervisors and was specifically designed to target Measure K Every aspect of the county supervisors’ initiative was designed to trick county voters Presented to voters as tax reform,

Measure D instead guaranteed continually increasing compensation for county supervisors, reset the baseline for the current supervisors allowing them to serve an additional 12 years if reelected, and overturned the voterapproved Measure K The supervisors partnered with

local developers, public unions, and a variety of other special interest groups to spend over $1 2 million to pass Measure D Despite being labeled as “The most despicable, deceptive campaign we’ve seen in a long time,” by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the immense amount of money invested by the county political elite successfully carried the deception and Measure D was approved by the voters ”

The Red Brennan Group spokesmen went on to say

“Our organization has challenged Measure D on the basis that it was intended to mislead county voters While the trial court ruled against us, we trust the Appeal Court will be as equally clear-eyed when considering Measure D as they were with Measure K The California Constitution states

‘All political power is inherent in the people Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require ’

For far too long the county ruling class has misused and abused both the legal and political process to stymie real reform of government County voters must hold local government accountable and ensure the political class acquiesces to voter-approved reform ”

For more information please visit https://redbrennan org/court-agrees-with-sanbernardino-county-voters

I E H P N a m e d G r e a t P l a c e To W o r k ® f o r T h i r d Ye a r i n a R o w Inland Empire Community Newspapers • June 29, 2023 • Page A3
4 t h D i s t r i c t C o u r t o f A p p e a l R u l e s M e a s u r e K Va l i d O p - E d

San Ber nardino Symphony Concer t Under the Star s with Fir ewor ks, Jul y 1 at SBVC

Community News

The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra, led by Music Director and Conductor Anthony Parnther, will present their second annual evening of music under the stars Saturday, July 1, on the San Bernardino Valley College football field Repertoire includes a wide variety of musical genres and will culminate in Tchaikovsky's bombastic 1812 Overture and Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever performed to a dazzling fireworks display!

Explained Maestro Parnther, "After last summer's electrifying response to a taste of opera, we decided to expand on that this year and invite the colossal vocal talents of Jennifer Lindsay, Orson Van Gay II, and by popular demand, the return of Ashley Faatoalia So in addition to our patriotic fare, we'll explore the best in opera, including that of Gershwin, Bizet, Massenet, Gounod, Verdi, and Puccini I'm also excited to invite the brilliant duo of Jamie Carganilla and Drew Tablak as they perform some of my personal favorite Broadway hits from iconic productions like Chorus Line, Wicked, Sweeney Todd, Les Miserables, and Moulin Rouge "

Attendees are encouraged to arrive early with their picnic baskets or visit one of the many food trucks that will be on campus for Valley College's free SUMMERFEST event which begins at 5:30 p m SUMMERFEST will feature campus tours, information booths, and family activities

The concert begins promptly at 7:30 p m Both assigned table seating and general admission lawn/bleacher seating are available for purchase Children under age 12 are free, as is parking campus-wide

“San Bernardino Valley College is thrilled to host the highly anticipated 'America, the Beautiful' event, presented by the renowned San Bernardino Symphony once again," said Diana Z Rodriguez, Chancellor of the San Bernardino Community College District "I extend a heartfelt invitation to our esteemed alumni, beloved families, and passionate music lovers to join us for an enchanting summer evening under the stars Prepare to be captivated by the beautiful melodies of a live orchestra and make new memories that will last a lifetime ”

Tickets and Location Details

Assigned Table Seating at tables of eight is available at $30-$100 per seat General Admission grass/bleacher seating is also available at $10 per person (don't forget your lawn chairs and blankets!) Tickets may be purchased online at www sanbernardinosymphony org or by phone at (909) 381-5388 Monday through Friday Children under 12 are free and do not need a ticket

San Bernardino Valley College is located at 701 S Mt Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino The football field is located on the south side of campus

Humane Society Scor es Hole in One at Par-Tee f or Paws Topgolf Tour nament

Community News

On Sunday, June 25th, the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley (HSSBV) hosted its second annual “Par-Tee” for Paws Topgolf Tournament fundraiser at Topgolf in Ontario (1050 N Archibald Ave)

More than 170 golfers, spectators, volunteers, and supporters gathered to raise money for HSSBV’s low-cost veterinary clinic, as well as their Humane Education and Cruelty Investigation programs Hot 103 9’s Jeff Pope served as the emcee for the event After a competitive game that ended with a history-making first place sudden death “golf-off,” the team “Down But Not Out” earned the winning first-place spot Together, participants raised a grand total of $21,423 while enjoying a morning of golf, food, games, and raffles

The event was sponsored by Nexgard, Paulson Orthodontics, Dances with Dogs Training Center, Computer Options, Caston, Inc and the Ashbaker Family

Page A4 • June 29, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
PHOTO SB SYMPHONY LIBRARY The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra will perform a concert under the stars – with fireworks - July 2 at 7:30 p m on the San Bernardino Valley College Football Field

Fir st-Generation College Graduate Jorge Villegas Ruiz Overcomes Langua ge Bar rier s to Achieve Bachelor's Deg r ee in Spanish

The Villegas Ruiz family celebrating Jorge s graduation at Arizona State University on May 8th, 2023

In a remarkable achievement, Jorge Villegas Ruiz, a high school alum from Fontana, graduated from Arizona State University on May 8th, 2023, with a bachelor's degree in Spanish As a first-generation college student and an immigrant, Villegas Ruiz faced numerous challenges on his educational journey, including language barriers and financial constraints

Villegas Ruiz candidly shared his experience: "Being an immigrant, I struggled when I learned English And when I learned English, I forgot Spanish I received a D in Spanish class in high school because I was placed in native Spanish speakers, but the curriculum did not align with my language skills "

Determined to make a difference and bridge the gap for future generations, Villegas Ruiz decided to pursue a degree that would allow him to draw from his personal experiences by mentoring students experiencing those same language barriers and continue to pursue his passion as a soccer coach

His motivation to help others drove him to develop his language skills further "Many of the words we learned were more neutral Spanish, but back home and in the community, we speak Latin American Spanish," Villegas Ruiz explained Eager to expand his impact, he revealed his plans to pursue a master's degree in bilingual education and a teaching credential from National University in La Jolla, CA, starting next month

Villegas Ruiz's educational journey was with setbacks He initially enrolled at National University in 2016 for his undergraduate studies but had to put his education on hold in late 2018 to focus on work and finances When he returned in 2021, his program was no longer available Undeterred, Villegas Ruiz persevered and found

Community News

Thomas A Archuleta Sr passed away June 10, 2023, at Loma Linda University Medical Center after a brief illness He was born June 23, 1938, in Riverside to Jacob and Jessie Archuleta

He graduated from Colton High School in 1956 and joined the U S Air Force in 1958 He was stationed at Oku Shiri Island AB, Japan, as a Ground Radio Operator, and later transferred to Lowry AFB in Denver, Colo

His career in the Civil Service began in 1960 when he accepted the position of Missile Maintenance Technician at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino In 1976, he became the first Budget Officer with the 452nd Air Mobility Wing at March AFB in Riverside County He served the base with distinction for 34 years, retiring in 1994 Tom was a professional trumpet player for local bands until 1980 A lifelong Colton resident, he dedicated more than 30 years of volunteer service to the community He served the Colton Terrace Little League Cardinals and Spirit teams as manager and coach and managed the Pony, Colt and Palomino baseball

Arizona State University, where he completed his degree through an online program

Reflecting on the unique circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Villegas Ruiz observed, "Unfortunately and fortunately, due to COVID-19, many colleges offered online programs I would recommend to other Latinos who may be in a similar situation to myself to look into community colleges as they are cheaper and offer many online programs Some even provide free tuition and books now, costing only a quarter of university education "

The determined graduate emphasized that his accomplishment was not solely his own "I wouldn't have been able to do this without my family," Villegas Ruiz acknowledged gratefully

He sincerely appreciated his mother, Maria Ruiz, for her unwavering support since day one Additionally, Villegas Ruiz credited his older brother, Inland Empire Community News' Bill and Gloria Macias Harrison, and Armando Fresquez, head coach of the men's soccer program at Jurupa Hills High School, for pushing him to overcome his time/scheduling conflicts as a part-time coach and pursue his dreams Villegas Ruiz's aspiration to become a soccer coach remains unwavering He shared, "Wherever I get hired as a teacher, I hope to become a soccer coach too " With a new chapter on the horizon, Villegas Ruiz is set to start his master's program in bilingual education in July, which he will complete online

As a first-generation college graduate, Villegas Ruiz sees his achievement as a positive trend for his younger brothers, one of whom graduated last year and now attends California State University, San Bernardino Villegas Ruiz's success serves as an inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of education and determination to overcome obstacles

leagues His love for the Colton community continued and he served as the city's Planning and Utility Commissioner until 2018 Tom was preceded in death by his parents and his brothers, Robert Martinez of Casa Blanca and Raymond Archuleta of Highgrove

He is survived by his loving wife of 61 years, Alice; brother David of Colton; sons Tom Jr (Cindy) of Grand Terrace, Eddie of Colton and Adam (Jenna) of Varna, Ill ; grandchildren Joe Hernandez (Marisa) of Morton Grove, Ill , Tom III (Alicia) of Riverside, Sara of Grand Terrace, and Amy, Monica and Luke of Varna, Ill ; great-grandchildren Odetta and Apollo Hernandez of Morton Grove, Ill , and Maxine Elias of Grand Terrace; and many nieces and nephews Visitation is scheduled for 4:30 p m to 8 p m Wednesday, June 28, at Montecito Memorial Park & Mortuary's Main Valley View Chapel, 3530 E Washington St , Colton, with a Rosary at 6 p m Funeral Services will be held at 10 a m Thursday, June 29, at Immaculate Conception Church, 1106 N La Cadena Dr , Colton, with burial to follow at Montecito Memorial Park Cemetery Montecito Memorial Park and Mortuary 909-825-3024

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • June 29, 2023 • Page A5 O
b i t u a r y - T h o m a s A r
l e t a

any w ll increase th s figure pr or to sale The benefic ary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and de vered to the undersigned a written Dec aration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Defau t and Election to Se l The undersigned caused sa d Notice of Default and Elect on of Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is ocated and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation DATE: 6/20/2023 CALIFORNIA TD SPECIALISTS AS TRUSTEE as Trustee 8190

for paying off al liens senior to the lien being auctioned off before you can receive

tion and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority

A HEARING on the petition will be held on 7/31/2023 at

9:00 A M in Dept S35 located at 247 W 3RD STREET SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 JUSTICE CENTER

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing

Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney


IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person

ciary trustee or a court pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civi Code The law requires that nformation about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public as a courtesy to those not present at the sa e If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed and f applicable the reschedu ed t me and date for the sa e of this property, you may call 844-4777869 or v sit this internet Web s te www stoxpost ng com using the fi e number assigned to this case T S # 83740

Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in t me to the scheduled sale may not mmediately be reflected in the te ephone information or on the Internet Web site The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale For sa es conducted after January 1, 2021:

NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auct on pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civ l Code If you are an eligible tenant buyer you can purchase the property f you match the last and highest bid p aced at the trustee auction If you are an “eligib e bidder you may be able to purchase the property f you exceed the last and h ghest bid placed at the trustee auct on There are three steps to exerc s ng this right of purchase F rst, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale you can cal (844) 477-7869 or visit this internet website www STOX-

POSTING com using the f le number assigned to this case 83740 to find the date on which the trustee s sale was held, the amount of the last and h ghest bid and the address of the trustee Second you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee s sale Th rd, you must submit a bid; by remitting the funds and affidav t descr bed in Section 2924m(c) of the Civi Code; so that the trustee receives t no more than 45 days after the trustee s sale If you think you may qualify as an eligible tenant buyer or eligible b dder, you should consider contacting an attorney or appropr ate real estate professional mmediately for advice regarding this potential right to


IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim w th the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code

Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code sect on 1250 A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court c erk

Attorney for Petitioner: BRIAN C MILES 214329


Telephone: (909) 481-4080



RECORD 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 R-421



To all heirs beneficiaries creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the WILL or estate, or both of PEARLIE MAE BEASLEY THOMPSON A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by VALERIE THOMPSON in the Superior Court of California, County of SAN BERNARDINO

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that VALERIE THOMPSON be appointed as personal representat ve to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests the decedent s WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate The WILL and any codici s are available for examination in the file kept by the court

THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with limited authority (Th s authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority A HEARING on the petition will be held in this

NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (UCC Sec 6105) Escrow No 23078-HY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made The name(s) bus ness address(es) to the Se ler(s) are: ROBINSON J SIAGIAN AND JUNITA MARPAUNG-SIAGIAN 1806 N EUCLID AVENUE UPLAND, CA 91780 Do ng Bus ness as: FONTANA LAUNDRYLAND Al other business name(s) and address(es) used by the Sel er(s) within three years as stated by the Sel er(s) is/are: The name(s) and address of the Buyer(s) s/are: DANIEL JAMES KONG, 18907 CROP ROAD, RIVERSIDE CA 92504 The assets to be so d are described n general as: FURNITURE FIXTURES EQUIPMENT TRADE NAME MACHINERY GOODWILL LEASE LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS AND COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE NUMBERS and are located at: 16980 FOOTHILL BLVD #C & D FONTANA CA 92335 The bu k sa e is intended to be consummated at the off ce of: NEW CENTURY ESCROW, INC, 500 S KRAEMER BLVD STE 275 BREA CA 92821 and the anticipated sale date is JULY 18 2023 The bulk sa e is sub ect to Ca ifornia Un form Commercial Code Section 6106 2 The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: NEW CENTURY ESCROW INC 500 S KRAEMER BLVD STE 275 BREA CA 92821 and the last day for filing c a ms shall be JULY 17 2023 wh ch s the bus ness day before the sa e date specif ed above



MACIAS to Proposed name:

RAMIREZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before th s court at the hearing indicated below to show cause if any why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person ob ecting to the name changes described above must file a wr tten objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • R I A L T O R E C O R D L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6 Page A6 June 29, 2023 RR IECN T tle Order No : 95522020 Trustee Sale No : 83740 Loan No : PL6002331 APN: 0128481-40-0-000 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 6/6/2007 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On 7/25/2023 at 1:00 PM CALIFORNIA TD SPECIALISTS AS TRUSTEE as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 6/12/2007 as Instrument No 2007-0349847 in book N/A page N/A of off cial records n the Office of the Recorder of San Bernardino County Cal fornia executed by: JORGE SOLIS, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY as Trustor GEORGE DEBBANEH TRUSTEE FOR THE DEBBANEH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED 1/26/1998 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 100 0% INTEREST , as Benef c ary WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawfu money of the United States by cash a cashier s check drawn by a state or national bank a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal sav ngs and oan association savings association or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do bus ness in th s state) At: Near the front steps leading up to the City of Chino C vic Center ocated at 13220 Central Avenue Chino CA 91710 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE – continued all right title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property s tuated n said County Ca forn a describing the land therein: LOT 45 OF TRACT 10159 IN THE CITY OF RIALTO COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 146, PAGE(S) 19 THROUGH 21, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY The property heretofore described is being sold as s The street address and other common designation, f any, of the real property descr bed above is purported to be: 228 N CHURCH AVENUE RIALTO CA 92376 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liab lity for any ncorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein Said sale wil be made, but without covenant or warranty expressed or mplied regarding title possession or encumbrances to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided n sa d note(s) advances if any under the terms of the Deed of Trust estmated fees charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by sa d Deed of Trust, to-w t: $60,355 33 (Est mated) Accrued interest and addit ona advances if
EAST KAISER BLVD ANAHEIM HILLS CA 92808 PHONE: 714-283-2180 FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION LOG ON TO: www stoxpost ng com CALL: 844-4777869 PATRICIO S INCE VICE PRESIDENT CALIFORNIA TD SPECIALIST IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE “NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering b dding on this property lien you should understand that there are risks involved in b dding at a trustee auction You will be bidding on a l en, not on the property tself Placing the highest b d on a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property You shou d a so be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a jun or l en If you are the highest bidder at the auction you are or may be respons ble
clear t t e to the property You are encouraged to investigate the existence priority and size of the outstanding ien that may exist on th s property by contact ng the county recorder s office or a title insurance company, e ther of which may charge you a fee for th s nformat on If you consu t either of these resources you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this not ce of sa e may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee benef
purchase Published Rialto Record 6/29/23, 7/6/23, 7/13/23 R-420 Petitioner or Attorney: Sabrina Macias 7630 Niagra Court Fontana CA 92336 IN PRO PER Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino 247 W Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415, Central D strict – Civil Department PETITION OF: SABRINA MACIAS FOR CHANGE OF NAME AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CIVSB2301576 TO ALL INTERESTED PER-
days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no written object on is timely filed the court may grant the petition w thout a hear ng NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL 17 2023 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S17 The address of the court is: same as noted above (To appear remote y check n advance of the hearing for informat on about how to do so on the court s website To find your court s website go to w w w c o u r t s c a g o v / f
county: RIALTO RECORD Dated: MAY 03 2023 BRIAN S MCCARVILLE Judge of the Superior Court Published Rialto Record 6/8 6/15 6/22 6/29/23 R-401
SONS: Pet tioner: SABRINA MACIAS has fi ed a petition w th this court for a decree chang ng names as fol ows:
i n d - m y -
htm )
copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four success ve weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition n a newspaper of general circu
pr nted in th s
beneficiaries, creditors,
creditors and
otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both of:
has been filed by ROSA DANIELS in the Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino
persona representative to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with full authority (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking certa n very important actions however, the personal representative will be requ red to give notice to interested persons un ess they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the peti-
PROSB2300751 To all heirs,
BATE requests that
DANIELS be appointed as
NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 10192 L nden Ave B oomington CA 92316 Ju y 11 2023 @ 11:30 am Gary Oros: Snow board, Sk s drums stereo bags boxes clothes and toolboxes; Simone Wil ams: Massage table Fax\printer cha r tab e bags & boxes; Dav d Barfknecht: Household items; Regina Sanchez: Ice chest wagon f shng pole stroller bags boxes clothes, totes and toys; Richard Marroquin: F re pit\Barbeque Weight bench ski l saw generator Ez-up Bike totes and power tools; Robbnesha Goring: Home Decor hover board purses Christmas decor couch and boxes; Samue Butler: Cha r couch bed frame pr nter boxes clothes & table; Judy Hernandez: Cha rs Suitcases car ack stand totes boxes and bags; C ndy Torres: Fridge Totes boxes & Halloween Decor; Israel Cob an: Fridge stove couch tv stand tv benches The auct on w ll be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac lity to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winn ng bidder takes possess on of the personal property CN997375 07-11-2023 Publ shed Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-410 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auct on to sell personal property described below beonging to those individuals l sted below at the location indicated: 18777 B oomington Ave B oomngton CA 92316 July 12 2023 at 9:45 AM Jimm e Bernard Johnson misc items; Angelica Avila dresser clothes TVs Bed sets, furn ture; Alex Manlove, furn ture; Dominique G n er 1 full bd, 2 dressers, 2 tvs, make up tab e sect ona couch hutch washer dryer The auct on wil be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash on y and paid at the above referenced fac lity in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any b d and may rescind any purchase up until the winning b dder takes possess on of the personal property CN997556 07-12-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Jun 22,29, 2023 R-416 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 17197 Va ley Blvd Fontana CA 92335, July 11, 2023 at 9:45 am Cheryl Morin seasonal items 20 boxes and m sc item; Socorro Marie Gomez one bedroom house ho d; Shanen Sanders, household items; Greg Gonzalez 65 INCH King size mattress 8 boxes; Brenda Cisneros Furni-ture and applances; Cecilia Ortiz couches and bedroom cal king 8-10 boxes; Carrie Wilson, Couch, pedasta tv bed 2 dressers mattress boxes misc goods The auction w ll be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity in order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN997443 07-11-2023 Publ shed Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-412 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auct on to sell personal property described below beonging to those individuals l sted below at the location indicated: 3285 N Locust Ave R a to CA 92377 on July 12, 2023 at 10:30 am James Ramson Househo d Goods; Alex Martinez Household Goods; Timothy Maschack Household Goods; Juan Ur be Househo d Goods; Joe Rosales Household Goods; Chr s Coffee, Household Goods The auct on wil be listed and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash on y and paid at the above referenced fac lity in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any b d and may rescind any purchase up until the winning b dder takes possess on of the personal property CN997378 07-12-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-411 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auct on to sell personal property described below beonging to those individuals l sted below at the location indicated: 14750 Foothil B vd Fontana Ca 92335 on Ju y 11 2023 at 10:00 am Linda Cowan Descr pt on of Goods: M rror luggage baby strol er s de table vacuum bags boxes totes Tv; Dalton Koeller Descr pt on of Goods: car parts dol ies, boxes, totes, sofa ladders; Lynda LisardiRob es Descr ption of Goods: couch mattress tv boxes totes crib baby carr er; Tan sha Jones Description of Goods: washer couch tv The auction wil be l sted and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash on y and paid at the above referenced fac lity in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any b d and may rescind any purchase up until the winning b dder takes possess on of the personal property CN997662 07-11-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-417 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: Facil ty Address 13475 Basel ne Rd Fontana CA 92336 Date Ju y 11 2023 Time of Sa e 10:30 AM A exis Barreno, Un t appears to contain: Couch Mattress Bags Clothes Shoes Fi e cabnet Misc tems; O ivia Parker Unit appears to conta n: Chair Dresser Mat-tress M crowave Bags C othes Totes Luggage misc items; Naye i Reyes, Unit appears to contain: Refrigerator Bags Boxes Cabinet Misc tems; Gabriel Gomez Unit appears to contain: Boxes Sports Equipment Totes Excersize Floor Mats Gof C ubs Ladder, Misc items The auct on wil be l sted and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN997555 07-11-2023 Publ shed Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-415 NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l hold a public auction to sell personal property described be ow belonging to those ind vidua s isted below at the ocat on indicated: 13473 Foothill Blvd Fontana CA 92335 July 12th 2023 at 10:45 A M Ern e Martinez: Unit appears to conta n general household tems m sc items; Chelsea Lind ey: Unit appears to contain general househo d items misc tems The auction wil be listed and advertised on www storagetreasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN997444 07-12-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Jun 22,29, 2023 R-413 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 15713 Val ey B vd Fontana Ca 92335 JULY 12 2023 10:30 AM Tanya Marchesano unit appears to contain Household funiture misc; Arturo Rios unit appears to contain Household and furniture; Carmella Dean unit appears to contain person household misc; Matilde Rosa es, un t appears to contain household items misc; Tifanny Lauderda e unit appears to contain household items misc; Linsar Malbrough unit appears to contain boxes equip misc; Jesus Guillen unit appears to contain furniture personal The auction w ll be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity in order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN997554 07-12-2023 Publ shed Rialto Record Jun 22 29 2023 R-414
as follows: 07/25/23 at 9:00AM in Dept S36 located at 247 W THIRD STREET, SAN
or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the ater of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal de ivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate, you may fi e with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code sect on 1250 A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk Attorney for Petitioner SAMANTHA S SMITH - SBN 198740 NM LAW APC 15147 WOODLAWN AVENUE TUSTIN CA 92780 BSC 223545 CNS-3713410# PUBLISHED RIALTO RECORD 6/22 6/29 7/6/23 R-418 Publish your Fictitious Business Name Statement for only $45! Fee includes 4-week publication and filing of proof with county at the end of publication. Call Inland Empire Community Newspapers at: (909) 381-9898 or E-Mail your FBN form (with your phone number) to: iecnlegals@gmail.com

and late charges thereon, as provided n the note(s) advances under the terms of the Deed of Trust nterest thereon fees charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the in tial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below The amount may be greater on the day of sale BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Trustor(s): LANA D BEALS A WIDOW Recorded:

s ble for paying off all iens senor to the lien be ng auctioned off before you can receive c ear title to the property You are encouraged to investigate the existence priority and size of outstanding iens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder s off ce or a title nsurance company either of which may charge you a fee for this information If you consult either of these resources you should be aware that the same ender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on th s notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civi Code The law requires that nformation about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public as a courtesy to those not present at the sale If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed and if applicable the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property you may call 916-939-0772 for informat on regarding the trustee s sale or visit this internet website h t t p : / / w w w q u a i t y l o a n c o m , using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-22-946481-BF

an "el gible

Civil Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statemen does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federal state or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 Published in Colton Courier C-587 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230005970 Statement f led with he Coun y Clerk of San Bernardino 06/13/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) do ng bus ness as: TRANSCONTINENTAL PACKAG NG, 5601 SANTA ANA STREET ONTARIO CA 91761 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ling address: 8700 W BRYN MAWR AVE SUITE 1000N CHICAGO IL 60631 TRANSCONT NENTAL ONTARIO INC 8700 W BRYN MAWR AVE SUITE 1000N CHICAGO IL 60631 Inc /Org /Reg No : 2541499 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on MAY 01 2018 By s gning I declare that a l informat on in this statement is true and correct A reg s ran who dec ares as true nformation which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformat on on this statemen becomes Publ c Record upon il ng s/ CHRISTINE DESAULNIERS SECRETARY Not ce- In accordance wi h subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a f ct tious name s atement genera ly expires at the end o five years rom the date on wh ch i was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk except as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuan to Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statemen does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federal state or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 Published in Colton Courier C-588 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230005994 Statement f led with he Coun y Clerk of San Bernardino 06/13/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) doing bus ness as: VELKINGS TRANSPORT 14436 MOON VALLEY ST VICTORVILLE CA 92394 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO VALENTIN REYES SOTELO 14436 MOON VALLEY ST VICTORVILLE CA 92394 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on JUN 01, 2023 By s gning, I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg s ran who dec ares as true nformation which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformat on on this statemen becomes Publ c Record upon il ng s/ VALENTIN REYES SOTELO SOLE PROPRIETOR Not ce- In accordance wi h subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a f ct tious name s atement genera ly expires at the end o five years rom the date on wh ch i was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk, excep , as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statemen does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federal, state, or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq , Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 Published in Colton Courier C-589 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230005980 Statement f led with he Coun y Clerk of San Bernardino 06/13/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) doing bus ness as DUMMIESTRAFFICSCHOOL COM IPAYL E S S T R A F F I C S C H O O L C O M , BARATOESCUELADETRAFICO C OM 3DOLLARSQUICKTRAFF CS C H O O L C O M CAOPERATOR COM TURBOTRAFFICSCHOOL COM 524 N MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ing address: 9903 SANTA MONICA BLVD 736 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 # of Employees: 1 INTERNET EDUCATIONAL SERVICES INC 4032 WILSHIRE BLVD SUITE 100, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 Inc /Org /Reg No : 5045757 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on JUN 12 2023 By s gning I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg s ran who dec ares as true nformation which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statemen becomes Public Record

Code upon f l ng s/ LAWRENCE MORERA PRESIDENT Notice- In accordance with subd vs on (a) of Sect on 17920 a fictit ous name statement general y exp res at the end of f ve years from he date on which it was f led n the Of ice of the County Clerk except as prov ded n Subd v s on (b) of Section 17920 where t exp res 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address o a registered owner A new f ct tious busness name statement must be f led before he expirat on The f l ng of this statement does no of i se f authorize the use n th s state of a fictit ous business name n vio ation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 Published in Co ton Courier C-590 Fictitious Bus ness Name Statement FBN20230004990 Statement fi ed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 05/15/2023 The o lowing person(s) is (are) doing business as: BENZOBROWS 190 W H STREET SUITE 104 COLTON CA 92324 Coun y of Pr nc pa P ace of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ling address: 1041 LUGO LANE COLTON CA 92324 # of Employees 2 BENZOBROWS LLC 190 W H STREET SUITE 104 COLTON CA 92324 State o nc /Org /Reg : CA Th s business s conducted by (a/an): LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Registrant commenced to transact bus ness under he fictit ous busness name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By signing I declare that al nformat on n his statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be alse s gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am a so aware that al information on this statement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s/ MERCEDES LYNN RAMOS CEO Notice- In accordance with subd vs on (a) of Sect on 17920 a fictit ous name statement general y exp res at the end of f ve years from he date on which it was f led n the Of ice of the County Clerk except as prov ded n Subd v s on (b) of Section 17920 where t exp res 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address o a registered owner A new f ct tious busness name statement must be f led before he expirat on The f l ng of this statement does no of i se f authorize the use n th s state of a fictit ous business name n vio ation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 Petitioner or Attorney: Lorena Ramirez, 25724 Edgemont Dr, San Bernardino CA 92404 Superior Court of Ca ifornia County of San Bernardino 247 W Third St San Bernardino, CA 92415, San Bernardino District – Civil Divis on PETITION OF: LORENA RAMIREZ FOR CHANGE OF NAME AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CIV SB 2307404 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: LORENA RAMIREZ has fi ed a petition with th s court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: LORENA RAMIREZ to Proposed name: LORENA ORNELAS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons nterested in this matter appear before this court at the hear ng indicated below to show cause if any why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the object on at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no wr tten ob ection s timely filed the court may grant the petition w thout a hear ng NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 07/26/23 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S24 The address of the court is: same as noted above (To appear remotely check n advance of the hearing for informat on about how to do so on the court s website To find your court s website go to w w w c o u r t s c a g o v / f i n d - m ycourt htm ) A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four success ve weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation printed in this county: COLTON COURIER Dated: BRIAN S MCCARVILLE Judge of the Superior Court Published Colton Courier 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13/23 C-585

If you are Inland Empire Community Newspapers Visit us online at www.iecn.com for all your community news! Publish your FBN for only $45! e-Mail your filing to: iecnlegals @gmail.com or mail your filed form to: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Call (909) 381-9898 for more information

tenant buyer " you


O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • C O L T O N C O U R I E R L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6 CC IECN June 29, 2023 Page A7 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE TS No CA-22-946481BF Order No : 220583047-CAVOI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 12/27/2004 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER A public auction sale to the highest b dder for cash cashier s check drawn on a state or national bank check drawn by state or federal credt union, or a check drawn by a state or federa savings and oan association or savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the F nancia Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by duly appointed trustee The sale wi l be made, but w thout covenant or warranty expressed or mplied regarding title possession or encumbrances to pay the remain ng princ pal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with nterest
2004-0958156 of Off cial Records n the office of the Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO County, California; Date of Sale: 7/17/2023 at 1:00PM Place of Sale: At the main (south) entrance to the City of Chino Civic Center located at 13220 Centra Ave , Chino, CA 91710 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $89,340 02 The purported property address is: 1842 CORDOVA AVE COLTON CA 92324 Assessor's Parcel No : 0275-291-21-0-000 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien you should understand that there are risks nvo ved in bidding at a trustee auction You wi l be b dd ng on a lien not on the property itself Plac ng the highest bid at a trustee auct on does not automatical y entitle you to free and c ear ownersh p of the property You should also be aware that the l en being auctioned off may be a junior ien If you are the highest bidder at the auction you are or may be respon-
12/29/2004 as Instrument No
Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the schedu ed sale may not immediate y be ref ected in the telephone information or on the nternet website The best way to verify postponement nformation is to attend the scheduled sale NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase th s property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the right's against the real property on y Date: QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION 2763 Camino Del Rio S San Diego CA 92108 619-6457711 For NON SALE informat on only Sale Line: 916-9390772 Or Login to: h t t p : / / w w w q u a l i t y l o a n c o m Reinstatement Line: (866) 6457711 Ext 5318 QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION TS No : CA-22-946481-BF IDSPub #0186375 Published Colton Courier 6/22/2023 6/29/2023 7/6/2023 C-584 Published in Colton Cour er C-586 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230005947 Statement fi ed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 06/12/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) doing business as: SPARKLE & SHINE 700 E REDLANDS BLVD STE U-190 REDLANDS CA 92373 County of Pr nc pa P ace of Business: SAN BERNARDINO BETTER LIVING COLLECTIVE LLC 700 E REDLANDS BLVD STE U-190 REDLANDS CA 92373 Inc /Org /Reg No : 202355017945 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CALIFORNIA Th s business is conducted by (a/an): LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictit ous busness name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By signing, I declare that al nformat on n this statement s true and correc A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l in ormation on his statement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s/ ELSA H SAIN MANAGER Notice- In accordance with subdivis on (a) of Sect on 17920 a fictit ous name statement general y exp res at the end of ive years from the da e on which it was f led n the Office of the Coun y Clerk, except, as prov ded n Subdiv s on (b) of Section 17920 where it exp res 40 days after any change in the facts set forth n the statement pursuant o
can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auct on If you are an el gible bidder " you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the ast and highest bid placed at the trustee auction There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase First 48 hours after the date of the trustee sa e, you can ca l 916-939-0772 or visit this internet website h t t p : / / w w w q u a l i t y l o a n c o m , using the file number assigned to this forec osure by the Trustee: CA-22-946481-BF to f nd the date on which the trustee s sa e was held the amount of the ast and highest bid and the address of the trustee Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee s sale Third you must subm t a bid so that the trustee rece ves it no more than 45 days after the trustee s sale If you think you may qualify as an "eligible tenant buyer or eligible bidder, you should cons der contacting an attorney or approprate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OWNEROCCUPANT: Any prospective owner-occupant as defined in Section 2924m of the Cal forn a Civil Code who is the last and highest bidder at the trustee s sa e shall provide the required affidavit or declaration of eligib lity to the auctioneer at the trustee s sa e or shall have it delivered to QUALITY LOAN SERVICE CORPORATION by 5 p m on the next business day following the trustee s sale at the address set forth in the below signature block The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabi ity for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation if any shown herein If no street address or other common designation s shown directions to the ocation of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficary with n 10 days of the date of f rst publication of this Notice of Sale If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey t t e the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee This sha be the Purchaser s sole and exclusive remedy The purchaser sha l have no further recourse aga nst the Trustor the Trustee the Beneficiary the Benef ciary s Agent or the Benefic ary s Attorney If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy you may have been released of personal liabil ty for this loan in which case this letter s intended to exercise the note

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Page A8 • June 29, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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