Rialto Record 11/4/21

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Vo l 20, NO. 8

November 04,

Rialto resident Gloria Swift - a storied life By Eric Sandoval



loria Swift is an author and resident of Rialto. Swift was born and raised in Belize—this past January, she released her book “Building for Retirement in Belize.” The story discusses Gloria’s plan with her sisters to retire, then move back to Belize in 2015. while I was over here, he was working on the house. I was wiring money as he needed for certain expenses and all seemed to be going well,” explained Swift

“Since we had planned on moving back to Belize, I decided to get a house built while I was still teaching in the U.S,” explained Swift. With plans to move back to their home country and open a K-12 school, Gloria and her sisters thought they had it all planned out. However, the retirement plan did not go as expected.

Scouting for Food this Saturday Pg. 3

“In 2015 I met a contractor named Ben and we partnered—

While Swift was expecting a house, Ben had other plans.



Rialto resident Gloria Swift penned her experience with a contractor in her home country of Belize. Top right is when Swift served on the Foster City Police Department before becoming a teacher.

“The entire house was a wreck—there were holes in doors, cords hanging from everywhere and the plumbing didn’t work,” said Swift, Swift, cont. on next pg.

Professional boxer set to give away hundreds of turkeys to Rialto community By Manny B. Sandoval


rofessional boxer and Never Stop Grinding Impact Founder Darious Harris is prepping to give away 300-500 turkeys at its 2nd Annual Turkey Drive-through Giveaway on November 12, 9 AM to 2 PM, at Eisenhower High School. “It’s very important to give back in this way because before Never Stop Grinding Impact, I don’t know of any annual turkey drives that took place in the city. As a Rialto native, I wanted to provide these resources so our community doesn’t have to travel to other cities, especially since some residents don’t have transportation; I want our community to have easy access to pick up a turkey,” said Harris.

Caden kicks off annual iPad drive for LLUCH Pg. 4

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com



Never Stop Grinding Impact’s 2nd Annual Turkey Drive-through Giveaway is being held at 1321 N Lilac Ave; traffic control will be provided by Rialto Police Department.

Although registration for the drive-through event is recommended, it’s not required for the first-come first-served giveaway. Giveaway, cont. on next pg.

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