Vol 2 0, NO. 15
Dec ember 23, 2021
Mar ta Macías Brown, pillar of civil rights advocacy, passes away peacefully at 77
Ma y you have a safe and happy holiday season
arta Macias Brown, advocate of human rights, social justice, and equal access to education, as well as the original editor of El Chicano newspaper (the first grassroots publication of the IECN news group), passed away peacefully at home on Friday, December 17. She celebrated her 77th birthday just three weeks ago. Resident of Riverside, native of Inland California, longtime public servant, former member of the California State Bar Board of Governors, mother, surviving spouse, sister, friend, and champion of the legacy of her late husband Congressman George Brown, Marta was born in the year of D-Day and lived the narrative of Latina/o and Chicana/o empowerment and women’s assertion of self-determination Brown, cont. on next pg.
Marta Macías Brown (left), advocate of human rights, social justice, and equal access to education, as well as the original editor of El Chicano newspaper (the first grassroots publication of the IECN newsgroup that includes the Rialto Record), passed away peacefully at home on Friday, December 17. She is pictured here with her beloved sister and El Chicano co-founder, IECN publisher, and SBCCD Trustee Gloria Macías Harrison.
RUSD celebrates recent student reclassification success
here is always so much to celebrate during the holiday season and for the Rialto Unified School District that includes the success of more than 240 students, across elementary, middle, and high school levels, who recently reclassified as English Learners. Those students moved from English Learner status to Fluent English Proficient. They achieved the reclassification by meeting requirements that include testing and in-person assessment.
Music Changing Lives di stributes toys all over local r egion an d beyond Pg. 3
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
Celebrating student reclassification success at Eisenhower High School! The Eagles had 18 students who recently achieved reclassification status as English Learners. Front row: from left to right: Dr. Patricia Chavez, Rialto Unified School District Lead Innovation Agent, Education Services, Frank Camacho, Eisenhower High School Principal, Catherine Vega, Eisenhower HS Emerging Linguist Special, Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila, RUSD Superintendent, and Dr. Manuel Burciaga, Lead Academic Agent: Secondary Innovation, Second Row: Students Monica Rebolledo-Rodriguez, Adriana Ochoa-K., Kricia Villatoro Garcia, Aileen Cruz- Arastacio, Kimberly Soto- Rodriguez and Abigael Alcantara. Third row: Students Carlos Hernandez, Victor Morales, Mariana Torres, Erika Herrera and Isaac Obregon. Back row: Aldo Velasco, Eisenhower HS Assistant Principal, and students Juan Delgadillo, Leo Preciado, and Angel Ruvalcaba.
Students were celebrated with pride for their achievement at reclassification ceremonies across the District recently. “We are so proud of the 247 English Learners that have met the rigorous requirements to reclassify,” Dr. Marina Madrid, RUSD Agent of Multilingual Programs, stated. “This represents a milestone in their academic journey as they have now Success, cont. on next pg.