As an interior designer, I blend positivity, multilingual fluency, and cultural diversity to craft spaces that transcend borders. With a passion for design and a can-do attitude, I seamlessly integrate inspirations from around the world into each project, creating immersive environments that resonates. From Japanese minimalism to Moroccan vibrancy, my designs celebrate diversity and foster connections across cultures.

L1 Language applied to economics (LEA) - English/Spanish
L2 Language applied to economics (LEA)- English/Spanish

«Belleville whispers in Barcelona’s heart»
A house renovtion for
The idea behind this concept is to encapsulate the essence of a neighborhood inside my client’s apartment.
A space where Parisian café charm meets the vibrant spirit of an eclectic outdoor. An immersion in the cozy elegance of a Parisian café indoors, stepping out onto a lush green terrace reminiscent of Belleville’s parks and its energy of street art.
A curated blend of parisian allure and dynamic culture.
The key is to capture the spirit and uniqueness of Belleville in a way that resonates with the apartment of our client.
By incorporating certain elements we can create a living space that not only reflects the neighborhoods character but also provides a comfortable and inspiring home for our client taking into account her favorite neighborhood in Paris.


«Whispers of Elegance: Harmonious Sophistication in the Heart of a Refined Sanctuary»
This name combines the French word «Éclat,» meaning «brilliance» or «radiance,» with the English word «Gems,» emphasizing the use of precious gemstones in the jewellery designs. «Éclat de Gems» conveys a sense of elegance and luxury, while also capturing the beauty and sparkle of the jewellery pieces. It showcases the designer’s dedication to creating radiant and captivating gems that are sure to leave a lasting impression.
The client Laura Oliver design style is characterized by a harmonious mix of modern elegance and timeless sophistication. She takes inspiration from nature, architecture, and various cultures, infusing her designs with great details and artistic flair.
She specializes in creating bespoke jewellery pieces that are tailored to her clients’ individual style and preferences. She has a remarkable ability to understand her clients’ desires and translate them into exquisite and personalized designs.
The idea here was to create a space for her to live and work at the same time and to separate the servant from the serving space.
The designer can easily receive clients in her workshop or display her work to be seen from outside the windows, without showing much from her living space.
Address: Carrer del Golf, 8 Matadepera

«Whispers of Joy: A Colorful Journey Through my interior design studio»

A renovation for my own interior design studio
Creating an extravagant workspace required a carefully thought-out concept that would reflect a bold innovative, and colorful design style.The concept for the workspace focused on creating a futuristic environment that would inspire creativity, collaboration, and productivity.
By creating a studio with such a colorful palette aim to create stimulating and energizing environment for both , myself and and the client.
Colors are the language of my design ,conveying emotions sparking ideas and establishing a sense of identity and purpose.
The use of bold colors, sleek and modern furniture and playful elements is carefully considered to create a visually stunning workspace that would evoke a sense of energy and excitement.
Address: Carrer Biada, 11 , Gracia , Barcelona

«Whispers of Oasis Serenity: A Tranquil Installation at Mares Museum»
OASIS MARES is a new concept created in the heart of the gothic quarter in Barcelona , inside the patio of one of the oldest museums of the city. The idea was to create a small oasis inside this historical place creating an effect of surprise for the viewer once he passes the medieval area.
The concept was also inspired by one of my favorite rooftop of the city located in the last floor of a building and giving you this feeling of jungle inside the busy city of Barcelona. The concept should reflect the natural beauty of the surrounding area while also incorporating natural elements to create a comfortable and exotic atmosphere for guests.
Address: Plaça Sant Iu, 5, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona

«Whispering Igloo Luminescence: A Light Installation for Captivating Shop Experiences»

A window installation for Toni Pons
Our concept aim to celebrate the inclusivity and unity that Christmas represents. By blending Mediterranean charm with multicultural symbolism, we hope to inspire a sense of togetherness and appreciation of our world’s traditions. In this window, we project not just a display of shoes, but a visual narrative that encourages tourists to reflect on the magnificence of cultural exchange of holiday cheer. our Light installation with gloos and illuminated shoes is a tribute to the power of diversity and unity during the holiday season. It is an invitation for everyone to come together, celebrate different cultures, and experience the magic of a Multicultural and Mediterranean Christmas.
The idea behind this concept comes from our desire to celebrate the richness of cultural diversity while embracing the mediterranean spirit during the Christmas season. By featuring igloos – typically associated with cold climates - we intentionally introduce an unexpected contrast.
Within each igloo, we will place a carefully selected pair of shoes illuminated to perfection. The soft, warm glow will draw attention to the craftsmanship of the shoes but also symbolize the glow and warmth of the holiday season.
Illumination represents the happiness and unity that the Mediterranean and multicultural communities bring to Christmas celebrations.
Address: Pg. del Born, 7, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona


3 4 2
Add measured amount of resin (component a + b and mix well.

Add the resin into an ice cube mould, equally distributing it.

The susTainabiliTy of ePoxy resin dePends on various facTors
ChEMICAlS AND COMPONENtS Epoxy Resin is made up of multiple materials. Unfortunately, they contain two harmful materials that can primarily cause health consequences and environmental impact: Bisphenol A (BPA) and Epichlorohydrin.
RECyClABIl ty This type of material, because of the components and the form it takes, is not recyclable, as when it hardens, it cannot be melted down, meaning it can’t be used again.

the sustainability of led lights dePends on Various faCtors

The susTainabiliTy of coTTon dePends on various facTors
BIODEGRADABIl ty Cotton is a natural, biodegradable fiber. At the end of its lifecycle, it breaks down naturally, reducing environmental impact.
RENEwABlE RESOURCE Cotton comes from the cotton plant, which can be replanted and grown seasonally, making it a renewable resource.
Comfort and Versatility: Cotton fabrics are comfortable, breathable, and suitable for various uses, making it a multi-use material.
Negative Aspects:
Water ntensiVe: Supposedly, the process of cotton farming requires large amounts of water, which can cause water scarcity in certain areas.
PestiCides and ChemiCals Like many farmed elements, cotton uses harmful pesticides and chemical fertilisers, which not only have substantial effects on the soil health but on the water quality and the health of the farmers in the process.

The susTainabiliTy of PolycarbonaTe dePends on various facTors:
DURABIl ty Polycarbonate, a highly durable, resistant material, allows it to be sustainable and used frequently. It also lasts a long time, regardless of thickness, if maintained well.
RECyClABIl ty: Although the process of recycling polycarbonate is quite complex, like glass, which involves separating polycarbonate from other materials, it can be recyclable.
tOtAl MAtERIAl USED: 100x60CM
Allow the resin to harden completely. The process usually takes from 1-4 days
Following this form arrangement, stick each two ice cubes together.
LED strips are usually highly efficient, meaning they consume less energy than other traditional lighting solutions, which helps reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that fall under electricity generation. Apart from their effect, this is why they are used, for less carbon footprint.
lONGEv ty: Compared to other lighting solutions, LED lights have a longer lifespan, lasting thousands of hours before being replaced. This minimises the whole process of creating one and reduces waste.


A zoomed detailed of the for the placement of the led.

Led which is attached using double sided tape to the structure and the cubes.


Cut made for the led strip to enter through both structures

Creating a innovative bus shelter in Jamaica.
Safeguard Haven bus shelters is a project thought and strategically placed in double road high-traffic areas throughout Kingston, in Jamaic a ensuring accessibility for commuters and pedestrians alike. Operating around the clock, these shelters provide a constant source of security and support. The shelters serve a dual purpose: to enhance safety and to provide resources for those affected by domestic violence.
Equipped with state-of-the-art security features, including CCTV surveillance and emergency call buttons linked with local services, to offer a haven for individuals seeking refuge from potential threats.
Moreover, Safeguard Haven shelters serve as a vital resource for survivors of domestic violence, offering discreet access to information, support services, and crisis intervention resources. By raising awareness and fostering a culture of empowerment, these shelters play a crucial role in breaking the cycle of silence and providing a pathway to safety and healing for those in need.
In summary, Safeguard Haven bus shelters address the pressing need for safety and support within Jamaican communities.
Address: Marcus Garvey Drive , 6 , Kingston , Jamaica



Harvesting and preparing:
Mature bamboo poles are collected and cut- in this case “Bambusa vulgaris” is used
Curing and drying:
The bamboo is treated to remove sugars and moise content-less pests and decay. Bamboo turns beige brown as it loses chlorophyll
Preservation: Chemical elements are applied to protect it and enhance its longevity in this case, protecting it against extremely heated seasons


Shaping and sizing:
The bamboo is then cut into specified lengths. A mechanical process also takes place to produce curved pieces.

Assembly Preparation:
The bamboo is prepared for construction, by adding joints and connectors.

Construction and finishing:
Erecting the bamboo structure on-site and applying finishes completing the structure.
Collecting the bamboo cane and cutting it

Hammering down the polyethylene sheets of the upper part to protect water intrusion from the bamboo inside the shelter.
Making sure upper and lower elements are attached safely 4

Fixing the second layer, made of bamboo on top of the polyethylene sheet to protect the shelter from the heat and sun.

Fixing the upper part with the side part in place. 1 2 3

Finalizing and making sure all elements are placed effeciently 6
Construction process