PR Strategy
Aisha Jacob | Isabel Luengo | Lídia Chor |Larissa Lanzo
MVA has and con,nue to inspire a lot of companies and people with its amazing workshops and with their different kind of products with their exper,se in leather.
PART 1 – PUBLIC RELATIONS A. Web Press Coverage MVA – Analysis of Current Scenario B. Proposal Public RelaFons Plan C. Event CommunicaFon
PART 2 – LOGO SUMMER EVENT PIAZZA DEL CARMINE A. Logo Studies B. Logo Proposal: Contemporary x TradiFonal
WEB PRESS COVERAGE ANALYSIS In order to improve and suggest a communica,on strategy is important to see how My Vintage Academy, nowadays, is expressed and posi,oned in the web. How MVA has increased and been present for the past two years in relaFon with the events they have been made or been in, also in their corporate and in its products? ArFcles found:
Events: Corporate: Products:
CURRENT CONTENTS EVENTS: Past workshops during PiQ Uomo CORPORATE: arFcles and one video talking about Barbara Ricchi and how did she manage to start the brand, its collaborators and the craWsmanship. PRODUCTS: Presence in Luisa Via Roma 8 7 6 5 4
Web Press Coverage Analysis
3 2 1 0 Events
Presence in relevant websites V i d e o s a b o u t t h e w o r k s h o p promo,ng the brand – they explore the event even if the it is already finished. Workshop and events have more coverage, especially when there are partners Products – Present on ecommerce in a high store in Firenze (Luisa Via Roma) Online Archive
WEAKNESSES • • • • • •
Only Videos from their workshop No news about the products Few Interviews Press area in their website is not updated Press coverage just in Italy Others aspects of the company are not explored
WHAT DO WE WANT TO ACHIEVE? More arFcles about: produc,on, Barbara Ricci as a symbol for Floren,ne craWsmanship, upcoming events in a worldwide basis. • Increase the press coverage in Italy • Obtain worldwide press coverage • Reinforce the brand image and reputa,on of the company • Achieve new poten,al clients and loyalty • Expand the reach of the archive for designers all over the world • Highlight the company in the Piazza Del Carmine event
HOW? Development of a strategic annual PR plan
Visibility | Awareness | International Recognition
PR & COMMUNICATION PROPOSAL Build rela,onship with the press in Italy and in other countries § Create an interna,onal mailing list and send a monthly newsle^er with news and events.
§ Send a press kit with materials that introduce the company. • Company Profile • Press Release • Images • Leather gadget created by MVA .
PR & COMMUNICATION PROPOSAL § Include visits in fashion magazines and websites offices MVA team can bring Ipads and show to the journalists how the archive works. § Maintain the press area updated in MVA website. § Insert press preview in each MVA’s events.
* Past events
EVENT COMMUNICATION Interac,ve Corners with digital totems in fashion fairs in Italy Ex: White and PiQ.
Content: • InformaFon about MVA • Videos about cradsmanship • Online Archive
Opportunity for journalist and public to interact with the archive and watch videos about MVA produc,on
NFC TECNOLOGY & SERVICE The Interac,ve Totems can share informa,on with the journalists and the public. Sharing their informaFon with the journalist and public, they can get theirs contacts and create a mailing list from costumers, buyers and press
Near field communicaFon (NFC) technology lets smartphones and other enabled devices communicate with other devices containing a NFC tag. Whether swiping your smartphone at the checkout lane in the grocery store, waving it over a display at a local museum, or bumping phones with a friend to share the latest games, near field technology lets you pay, play, and learn easily.
Loca,on: Milan WHITE is the internaFonal contemporary fashion showcase and cultural reference for a generaFon of designers, stylists and arFsts. WHITE offers to buyers a unique brand-‐ mix that aims at showcasing the best d e s i g n s f r o m i n t e r n a , o n a l contemporary fashion. WHITE is a^ended by more than 19.000 buyers from the most important mul,-‐brands in the world and about 1000 journalists.
16-‐18 January 2016 Men’s, women’s and accessories FW/2017 18-‐20 June 2016 Men’s, women’s and accessories SS/2017
Pig Immagine Uomo, is the key internaFonal trade event showcasing men’s fashions and contemporary lifestyle trends. There is approximately 1150 brands at Pig Uomo, with their offerings developed for the internaFonal community that throngs to Florence d u r i n g t h e f a i r – o v e r 3 0 , 0 0 0 visitors ajended the last ediFon – r e p r e s e n F n g t h e w o r l d ’ s m a j o r department stores and small retailers.
Loca,on: Florence Men's wear and accessories collec/ons 16-‐19 June 2015 12-‐15 January 2016
TIMELINE – FASHION FAIRS PITTI UOMO 16-‐19 June 2015 PITTI UOMO 12-‐15 January 2016 WHITE 16-‐18 January 2016 Men’s, women’s and accessories FW/ 2017 WHITE 18-‐20 June 2016 Men’s, women’s and accessories SS/ 2017
WHAT IS MY VINTAGE ACADEMY? -‐ Company profile -‐ Barbara Ricci video message
CRAFTSMANSHIP IS ALIVE! -‐ Videos about cradsmanship -‐ Video MVA events
ACESS OUR ARCHIVE -‐ Archive access, low resoluFon -‐ Step by step, how to use
DIGITAL TOTEMS IN PIAZZA DEL CARMINE • Totems with the possibility to: • Choose frame with logo, take photo and print it as a gid; • Share your photos on the social media; • Watch films about craWsmanship; • Select elements to customize the clogs and print it for the workshop; • Sign up for the remaining sits in the workshops. • NFC TECNOLOGY & SERVICE
GOING FOR THE CLOGS WORKSHOPS? -‐ Choose elements, colors and materials to customize the clogs
SING UP FOR THE WORKSHOPS -‐ Possibility to sign up for remaining sits
TAKE YOUR VINTAGE APHOTO -‐ Choose your frame and print your photo
CUSTOMIZED CLOGS – “DESIGN YOUR OWN SHOE” ParFcipants can customize or create before the workshops their clogs by choosing colors and effects that later can be print it.
• Cover the piazza • People that are walking by can know more about the event • InteracFon with the parFcipants and public • Visibility
CONCLUSION • Fashion fairs are highly ajended by journalist and buyers • Each fair occur twice a year in different ciFes – Coverage • Reach poten,al clients • Gaining awareness and visibility • Using the digital totems is a way of interac,on with the parFcipants. Not only for Piazza del Carmine but also for future events. • InteracFve way to show MVA’s story and values
3 brands, 3 logos |Woman team | Hand-‐Made & Cradsmanship Goal -‐ Make a logo that conveys the values of the brand and the event.
Typical | FlorenFne | Heritage | Workers | TradiFonal Workshops in Piazza del Carmine | Summer event |Four months
Stamps | Book Pages | Industrial Tags | Vintage | Hand-‐Made
MESSAGE Tradi,onal X Contemporary A logo to talk to all kinds of public, being contemporary, cool and also bringing the memory of cradsmanship tradiFon in Florence
-‐ Tradi,onal X Contemporary: TradiFonal font with contemporary logotype or Contemporary font with tradiFonal logotype -‐ Simple clean logo, using the fact that is 3 brands in one project, one direcFon -‐ Be a logo that can be used in any color -‐ Be applicable in photos and posters -‐ Logo could be a stamp to be reproduced in packs and tags -‐ Logo can be used alone without the name of the project -‐ NAME: HANDMADE SUMMER
Old books | Summer |Font: op,ma, with serifs, old style The logo was created with the intenFon that are 3 brands in one direc,on and project. In addiFon to the reference of sunlight it also brings us the memory of three books on a shelf, can make a reference to the knowledge, knowhow and tradi,on in cradsmanship that brands carry. Being a proposal more contemporary and clean, the chosen font to be with the symbol is classic with serifs and refined because of the fine and delicate lines.
The idea is to use the logo in a free and spontaneous way that can be mixed with classic features graphic design of Firenze. Firenze symbol and the paper of ancient book are used as background bringing a classic element in a contemporary and different way. Here the strength of the brand is through the contemporary contrast to the tradiFonal and can be applied in various ways to free and current form.
As it is also possible for the proposed use of just a simple, minimalist manner.
3 brands|3 elements |3 shapes | One objec,ve |Font: futura, clean, no serifs The logo was developed thinking about the union of the three brands into a single project. We chose three geometric symbols to represent each brand. The circle is held with an organic symbol, represented flexibility through the idea of totality, movement and innova,on. The square is seen as something more mechanical, rigid and firm with organizaFon. Bringing the idea of the field of precision and perfec,on. The triangle is the symbol of the number three, and when is used with the point down represents the human, the water and female. We used as reference the Vitruvian Man, made by Leonardo da Vinci, the man is in cross posiFon inscribed in a square and a circle. When viewed on a square it looks moFonless and fixed to the ground. But when circumscribed in the circle it appears to be floaFng off the ground. Thus, the square implies stability and the circle in moFon and dynamic. We believe that these concepts are strong and interes,ng to ajend the logo.
Firenze | Contemporary look | Handmade | Stamp |Font: futura, clean, no serifs This logo is more tradi,onal using the symbol of Florence. The symbol of Florence is filled with handmade lines giving possibility to become more fresh and contemporary. The lines allow the symbol to be a stamp to be used in several ways. The event name is placed above the Firenze symbol emphasizing that this event is 100% from Firenze and is also part of the craWsmanship tradi,on of the city. The chosen font is Futura in contrast the use of a tradiFonal symbol of Firenze.
Firenze | Classic | Stamp |Font: futura, clean, no serifs The logo uses the Firenze symbol in its absolute form. The font chosen to be with is Futura, more contemporary and clean, the opposite to Firenze symbol that is classic and tradiFonal. We believe that is a tradi,onal logo but of great value because it works very well passing the values and purpose of the event.