Channel Sounding and Parameter Estimation for a Wideband Correlation-Based MIMO Model
Abstract: Previous correlation-based wideband multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channel models have been limited to non-line-of-sight (NLoS) scenarios where simple antenna correlation measurements are sufficient to describe the correlated Gaussian process representing the fading statistics. However, in the presence of line-of-sight (LoS) or specular reflections, simple antenna correlation measurements unfortunately do not lead to accurate fading characterizations. In this paper, we propose a trend-stationary correlation-based analytical model for wideband LoS and NLoS MIMO channels and design and validate a wideband multitone MIMO channel sounder and estimator to, respectively, measure channel impulse responses (CIRs) and estimate channel parameters for this model. Joint maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of the LoS component and the NLoS complex correlation matrix is presented. In addition to enabling the estimation of the path correlation matrix of a wireless channel in the presence of LoS components, the modeling approach also provides tools to evaluate the validity of the assumption of uncorrelated scattering (US), even in LoS environments, which is commonly used in channel modeling. A more general model that does not assume US is also presented, which can likewise be estimated using the proposed estimator. To validate the channel sounding/model estimator techniques, we employ channel sounding waveforms and collect snapshots from the outputs of a state-of-the-art hardware MIMO channel
emulator capable of emulating multipath channels under the US assumption. Receiver signal processing and channel parameter estimation are performed on the collected data, and the results are compared with the emulated channel parameters. The work is unique in that it provides a correlation-based multipath MIMO channel modeling approach that addresses LoS environments, it describes corresponding estimation techniques to extract the full complex correlation matrix, and the model estimator- are backed using channel sounding with emulation-based validation.