DoF Analysis of the M IMO Broadcast C hannel With Alternating/Hybrid CSIT
Abstract: We consider a K-user multiple-input singleoutput (MISO) broadcast channel (BC) where the channel state information (CSI) of user i(i = 1,2, .. ., K) may be instantaneously perfect (P), delayed (D), or not known (N) at the transmitter with probabilities λPi, λDi, and λNi, respectively. In this setting, according to the three possible CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) for each user, knowledge of the joint CSIT of the K users could have at most 3K states. In this paper, given the marginal probabilities of CSIT (i.e., λPi, λDi, and λNi), we derive an outer bound for the degrees of freedom (DoF) region of the K-user MISO BC. Subsequently, we tighten this outer bound by considering a set of inequalities that capture some of the 3K states of the joint CSIT. One of the consequences of this set of inequalities is that for K ≥ 3, it is shown that the DoF region is not completely characterized by the marginal probabilities in contrast to the two-user case. Afterwards, the tightness of these bounds is investigated through the discussion on the achievability. Finally, a two user multiple-input multipleoutput BC having CSIT among P and N is considered in which an outer bound for the DoF region is provided, and it is shown that in some scenarios, it is tight.