Evaluating Node Reliability in Cooperative MIMO Networks
Abstract: Cooperative multiple input multiple output (Co-MIMO) strategies represent one approach to meet the growing requirements (i.e., higher throughput, enhanced coverage, low latencies, and reduced cost) ofwireless communication services. In Co-MIMO networks, low-power relay nodes (RNs) are recruited by mobile users to cooperate as virtual antenna arrays. Although Co-MIMO architectures can offer significant improvement in both the performance and security of wireless networks, they are susceptible to attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel node reliability evaluation scheme to enhance the security of Co-MIMO networks. Leveraging the probe signal transmissions involved in physical-layer secret key generation schemes, two distributed node level reliability detection methods (one-shot and dynamic) are proposed to detect RNs that are noncooperative. Based on the fusion of information from the RNs, an overall reliability evaluation can be accomplished at a central server. Mobile users interested in collaboration can access this central server to determine which nodes to recruit for cooperation. Both the theoretical analysis and the simulation results are presented to illustrate the proposed node reliability evaluation schemes.