F A C O R : Flexible access control with outsourceable revocation in mobile clouds
Abstract: Access control is a key mechanism to secure outsourced data in mobile clouds. Some existing solutions are proposed to enforce flexible access control on outsourced data or reduce the computations performed by mobile devices. However, less attention has been paid to the efficiency of revocation when there are mobile devices needed to be revoked. In this paper, we put forward a new solution, referred to as flexible access control with outsourceable revocation (FACOR) for mobileclouds. The FACOR applies the attribute- based encryption to enable flexible access control on outsourced data, and allows mobile users to outsource the time-consuming encryption and decryption computations to proxies, with only requiring attributes authorization to be fully trusted. As an advantageous feature, FACOR provides an outsourceable revocation for mobile users to reduce the complicated attribute-based revocation operations. The security analysis shows that our FACOR scheme achieves data security against collusion attacks and unauthorized accesses from revoked users. Both theoretical and experimental results confirm that our proposed scheme greatly reliefs the mobile devices from heavy encryption and decryption computations, as well as the complicated revocation of access rights in mobile clouds.