Hydro Cast: Pressure Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks
Abstract: A Sensor Equipped Aquatic (SEA) swarm is a sensor cloud that drifts with water currents and enables 4-D (space and time) monitoring of local underwater events such as contaminants, marine life, and intruders. The swarm is escorted on the surface by drifting sonobuoys that collect data from the underwater sensors via acoustic modems and report it in real time via radio to a monitoring center. The goal of this study is to design an efficient anycast routing algorithm for reliable underwater sensor event reporting to any surface sonobuoy. Major challenges are the ocean current and limited resources (bandwidth and energy). In this paper, these challenges are addressed, and HydroCast, which is a hydraulicpressure-based anycast routing protocol that exploits the measured pressure levels to route data to the surface sonobuoys, is proposed. This paper makes the following contributions: a novel opportunistic routing mechanism to select the subset of forwarders that maximizes the greedy progress yet limits cochannel interference and an efficient underwater dead end recovery method that outperforms the recently proposed approaches. The proposed routing protocols are validated through extensive simulations.