Irregular indeterminate repeated facts in temporal relational databases

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I rregular Indeterminate Repeated Facts in Temporal Relational Databases

Abstract: Time is pervasive of reality, and many relational database approaches have been developed to cope with it. In practical applications, facts can repeat several times, and only the overall period of time containing all the repetitions may be known (consider, e.g., On January, John attended five meetings of the Bioinformatics project). While some temporal relational databases have faced facts repeated at (known) periodic time, or single facts occurred at temporally indeterminate time, the conjunction of non-periodic repetitions and temporal indeterminacy has not been faced yet. Coping with this problem requires an in-depth extension of current techniques. In this paper, we have introduced a new datamodel, and new definitions of relational algebraic operators coping with the above issues. We have studied the properties of the new model and algebra (with emphasis on the reducibility property), and how it can be integrated with other models in the literature.

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