L ink Adaptation for High-Quality Uncompressed Video Streaming in 60-G Hz Wireless Networks
Abstract: The emerging 60-GHz multigigabits per second wireless technology enables the streaming of high-quality “uncompressed� video, which has been impossible with other existing wireless technologies. To support such a resource-hungry uncompressed video streaming service with limited wirelessresources, it is necessary to design efficient link adaptation policies selecting suitable transmission rates for the 60-GHz wireless channel environment, thus optimizing video quality and resource management. For proper design of the link adaptation policies, we propose a new metric, called expected peak signal-to-noise ratio (ePSNR), to numerically estimate the video streaming quality. By using the ePSNR as a criterion, we propose two link adaptation policies with different objectives considering unequal error protection (UEP). The proposed link adaptation policies attempt to 1) maximize the video quality for given wireless resources, or 2) minimize the required wirelessresources, while meeting the video quality. From the link adaptation policies, we provide a distributed resource management scheme for multiple users to maintain satisfactory video streaming quality. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that the newly proposed variable, i.e., ePSNR, well represents the level of video quality. It is also shown that the proposed link adaptation policies can enhance the resource efficiency while achieving acceptable quality of the video streaming.