The Secret of Success
Region 8 . Coordinations . Region Meetings . Representations . Interviews . Events
EDITOR’S NOTE Magazine Designer Caner Özdemir IEEE Turkey Marketing Coordination, Designer Team Member
Gülsüm Buğdaycıoğlu IEEE Turkey Marketing Coordination Team Member
elcome to the Winter issue of IEEE Turkey Section News! In this issue, you can find out interviews, suggestions, opinions and so much more from the winners including both schools and volunteers with their Region 8 successes. You will find chance to observe the projects leaded by Representations and Coordinations, and upcoming events of IEEE Turkey Student Branches. I would like to thank all Representations and Coordinations for their helps and IEEE Turkey Marketing Team who helped me during the preparation of this issue. Hope to see you in every seasons with IEEE…
Ali Öztürk IEEE Turkey Marketing Coordinator
Pınar Kaymaz IEEE Turkey Marketing Coordination Team Member
2 / IEEE Turkey Section
IEEE Turkey Section / Winter 2015
Greetings dear IEEE Turkey volunteers,
This is the winter issue of our magazine that we started this year. In this issue we have great news for you. We have won nice awards and get good results since 2014-2015 semester started. First, the success of our student branches made us happy. The year was started with “Exemplary Student Branch Award” of Middle East Technical University IEEE Student Branch. Then, Fırat University IEEE Student Branch won an award in the category of “Best Humanitarian Activity” in IEEE Day Photo Contest. This is the first time for IEEE Turkey Section to win an award in IEEE Day Photo Contest. After these results, Yıldız Technical University IEEE Student Branch won 1 silver and 2 bronze “Darrel Chong Student Activity” award. Moreover, İzmir Institute of Technology and Middle East Technical University IEEE Student Branches won bronze “Darrel Chong Student Activity” award. After this great success of IEEE Turkey student branches, IEEE Turkey volunteers also made us happy. Ahmet Taygun Namlı has joined Region 8 Student Activities Subcommitee, Uğurcan Şengit has joined Region 8 Chapter Coordination Subcommitee and Kaan Çimen has joined Region 8 young Professionals Subcommitee as corresponding members. Tarık Keleştemur has also joined IEEE RAS Conference Organization Board as volunteer. I congratulate all the student branches which have won awards and IEEE volunteers who started working in IEEE Region 8. I warmly thank all IEEE Turkey Student Branches for being the source of pride. I hope that we ,as IEEE Turkey Section , we produce more great results in the upcoming award process. I hope to see you all at upcoming IEEE Turkey Chairpersons Council at Eskişehir Osmangazi University.
Ayhan Epik IEEE Türkiye 2014-2015 Dönemi Öğrenci Temsilcisi
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IEEE Academic / Winter 2015
ACADEMIC As you know, efforts to continue IEEE Academic project is rapidly progress on lots of countries along the world. Even though we are facing a lot of disruptions on project, our effort to continue to project is still continue. Our project’s Turkish website is available and waiting for future content from you! I would like to mention about IEEE Academic because of the project is a little bit new. IEEE Academic is an international project, with college students and professors creating free educational materials together. The site has several hours of video, recorded and produced by students, featuring some of their favorite professors, in the local language and taking local pedagogical traditions into account. You will be able to learn about computer architectures in a lab, how to assemble a car engine, details of a dental surgery, advanced mathematics, and many other contents that will be made available. You can also search across all videos on a topic, filtering by language or country where it was produced, to see how it is explained in different places. 4 / IEEE Turkey Section
IEEE Academic was created by students and is mostly student-driven: students record and edit videos, take care of logistics, coordinate across local groups, maintain the website, and train new people. Working side-by-side with professors, they are creating new contents, to be freely available to everyone, everywhere, and trying to create new tools to support teaching.
Bahadır Akın Akgül IEEE’TR Academic Turkey Coordinator
Speaking from the project process in Turkey, videos that we sent before to global project embassy are not approved. Because of that reason, we have to re-edit all videos that we have taken. Addition to that, some student branches is not helpful enough on the progress of project and it makes us sad. Next semester, we are planning to get over all these problems and present you the best course content with help of new project team. See you!
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IEEE Ras / Winter 2015
The IEEE RAS Turkey family is growing day by day. The number of student clubs, which was 23 when we took over 6 months ago, has increased to 28 and new applications are coming. Our Facebook group has 444 members as of writing, and the mail group has 127 members, including professors on robotics. Some of the things we’ve done in 6 months 1. Prepared the yearly plan for IEEE RAS Turkey 2. Published news from RAS international ve IEEE spectrum 3. Prepared the IEEE RAS Turkey communication file 4. Attended regional meetings 5. Designed the importance scheme. 6. RAS Teams from Koç, Fatih, YTU, ODTU and Ankara Universities competed with their robots in Iztech RoboLeague 7. Made a video for the Iztech RoboLeauge. Link: 8. Had a booth in Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK). 9. Contacted the proffessors in TORK and started working on Webinars
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RAS teams that provided support for publicity materials for TORK:
YTÜ RAS team Boğaziçi RAS team TOBB RAS team Bilkent RAS team Ankara Üniversitesi RAS team İstanbul Üniversitesi RAS team İstanbul Üniversitesi RAS team Pamukkale Üniversitesi RAS team With special thanks to all teams that provided support! Also thanks to our team of volunteers who stood by the booth and publicized IEEE RAS student branches to the professors in TORK event
Osman Doğan Yirmibeşoğlu IEEE Turkey RAS Student Representative
Team: Erdem Öcük, Selahattin Selek, Tarık Keleştemur, Başer Kandehir, Ahmet Sefa Öztürk, Osman Doğan Yirmibeşoğlu
You can access the documents we’ve created, meeting notes and webinars as well as the TORK and Iztech albums on our Facebook group. If you want to get notified about news and events about robotics, don’t forget to join our facebook and mail groups. Facebook group: facebook/groups/ieee.ras.sbtr Mail group: Osman Doğan Yirmibeşoğlu IEEE RAS Turkey student branches representative E-mail:
IEEE Turkey Section / 7
IEEE Pes / Winter 2015
JOIN OUR DEVELOPING AND Are you interested in Energy sector and you wan
You’re at the right p
IEEE PES Turkey continues its development and reorganization process rapidly and steadily to 17 since the beginning of this year. We thank everyone involved, especially branch heads, for this success we’ve had. If we were to evaluate the 2014 fall semester of IEEE Power and Energy Society, one of the s to continue their economic development and assuring the modern life standards; us rapidly increa work hard of our members is giving us hope about the future. Our teams have organized technical tours, educational seminars and projects without perta The teams, planning for spring semester, have gained experience about teamwork by the activitie their members. We thank our committees due to their efforts and wish their continuation of efforts with the
And what about our plans? We had three sections, short-term, medium-term and long-term, in our plan that we had announced at the beginning of the year. In short and medium terms, we did consulting work on establishing new committees as well as ensuring that in the following years, those committees can continue and have a working structure. For this year, we will continue the activities that we had described as short and medium-term. For those purposes, ensuring new teams are being formed and increase in number of members is steady is our primary goal. About our medium and long-term plans; As we all know, it is impossible to opine or have a discussion about a subject without having some about it. In order to be able to have knowledgeable opinions, to be able to design products and to ga need to continue our activities that improve our members’ knowledge and their awareness, such a the long term, we aim for PES to be able to produce innovative ideas by striving for improvements ties and knowledge. If you want to improve yourself and acquire professional gains by being a part of IEEE PES T head in your university, contact us via the addresses below for your questions, ideas and opinion
8 / IEEE Turkey Section
DntGROWING SOCIETY! to improve yourself in this area?
y. The number of universities with IEEE PES committees have increased from 2
student structures of the energy sector, an indispensable resource for countries asing our number of committees and parallel to that, the interest and will to
aining to any schema, just being about interests of the members of the group. es done in the previous semester while helping professional developments of
Çetin Mert Yaver IEEE Turkey Student Branch PES Representative
e same will as before.
e degree of knowledge
Fa Twit cebook Mail ter: w : www ain a competitive advantage we : ieee ww.t .fac as technical seminars and tours. In pes.t witte eboo urke s of our members’ technical abiliy@g /iee /iee mail epe epes .com str turk Turkey, you can contact the IEEE student branch e
ns about IEEE PES and follow our work.
IEEE Turkey Section / 9
ITKK / Winter 2015
Wishes from ITKK, A brand new year has just started, we already spent some of it though. The new beginnings are always promising, because they bring infinite possibilities along themselves. What we got to do here is to pass our boundaries and embrace the possibilities making them come true. We are a small but enthusiastic project of a constitution which aims to develop technology for the sake of human being. We work hard to carry joy, solidarity and success with us. For 2015 all we want for our family is to continue to have this very same purpose. It’s just like wishing for the world peace, but a more likely one :) If it is fun to work for, we tested and acknowledged that we end up with good results. So we have some wishes for you, hope you enjoy them. As a whole team we love IEEE Turkey. :) • What kind of ITKK is this?
-Nurella, BTB • I wish you a new year with lots of laughter and wonderful friendships just like ITKK itself. Umut Pehlivan, İZU • I wish you success with you getting rid of titles and putting aside ego. (Thinking persistently negative) Kadir Taş, YTÜ
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• I’m wishing all of you a year that we are drowned in corporate business life as IEEE TR. (It’s enough for me to this alone, at least we drown together.) Mehmet Ferlibaş, ODTU • I wish you the sweetest year just like me. It’s the best wish I can ask :D Işıl Orhan, ITU • ITKK shall strengthen all the FELLOW branches and spread out to whole Turkey. Ceren Çağlar, Balıkesir Üniversitesi
• As Bilkent IEEE family we wish you to have an amusing year with lots of events with lots of participants. Sena Kıcıroğlu, Bilkent IEEE • Do I ever ask you what kinf of events are you planning? Ozan G., Röportaj • Fellowship means to never give up holding hands. I wish you an amazing year hand in hand with ITKK. Bahadır Başaran, Ege Üniversitesi • I wish you rational Chairs for IEEE Turkey in 2015 :) Buse Baş, Gazi • Let’s have everybody become one of us, a ITKK member in new year. Alpay Can Şener, İYTE • I am wishing a year that we can’t wait for new friends and coming together. :) Buğra Erten • ITKK is the meeting point of fun and fellowship.In new year we are waiting for everybody to meet at this place. Nilay ölmez, Doğuş Üniversitesi • ITKK means new entertainments, new friendships and a new year. Thanks ITKK Harun erdem,KSU • I wish you a new year with fellowships lasting forever and with friendships never ending but only growing. I hope ITKK spirit reaches out for everyone. :) Abdulkadir Bekdemir, Balıkesir Ü. • The greatest wish for 2015 from ITKK making great things happen would be
• • •
lasting friendships and fun and a year without any rush or tumble as before. Berkant Aslan, KTU Let it be a year that fun, fellowship and friendship never end. Gürkan Çakıcı, Kocaeli Üniversitesi I wish you all a year with ITKK that we feel friendship, fun and education to the fullest. Samet Caymaz, İstanbul Üniversitesi If I had one wish for ITKK, I would ask for a new wish. If it was fulfilled, I’d ask for another one. If it is not a sin, I would like to be ITKK coordinator. Then I would have infinitely many new wishes. And I’d like to pass classes without any make up exam. Thereafter I would go find Turkey Section Student Representative Ayhan Epik and kiss his hand. I’d ask for some pocket money. But it wouldn’t buy me happiness. It would be awesome, I’d beat up everyone, even my father. We would be delighted as IEEE. ITKK is super awesome cool. Berkay Yılmaz,İZÜ Forget about the new year, ITKK is amazing, people! Alper Yasin Öztürk, YTÜ
• I wish that you would make 2015 memorable. Do what you love, be together with the people you love and remember to drink more coffee. Kıvılcım Şebnem Elibüyük Kıvılcım Şebnem Elibüyük IEEE Turkey ITKK Project Coordinator IEEE Turkey Section / 11
EMBS / Winter 2015
Hello there, I am Yagmur Kutuk. I am a sophomore student in Yildiz Technical University in Bionegineer In the international structure of EMBS, there are a lot of elements whose sources and experiences of EMBS as much as we can, and we are getting support from IEEE EMBS student representative as In IEEE Turkey, we can list the EMBS student branches, already established and planning to be esta mik Kemal, Koc, Yeditepe, Kocaeli, SDU, DEU student branches. As IEEE EMBS Turkey, we are in active communication and thus, we can help each other in o new points of view. The organizations done within last semester are; Biyomut, If DNA becomes an in medicine and biology, Conversations on Genes and Ilnesses with Dr. Serdar Savas, Present and Conference. As IEEE EMBS Turkey, our goal is leading students in projects in which health and engineeri students striving to achieve said goal. And finally, I want to inform you about our last organization, “IEEE EMBS Turkey Converenc As IEEE EMBS Turkey, we held the IEEE EMBS Turkey conference, in which we discussed the academia and the sector, at Yildiz Technical University auditorium on December 20, 2014. We sta founding president of IEEE EMBS Turkey, on “What is IEEE EMBS, what does it do and what it prov his academic career on electrical and electronics engineering and his works on biomedical engine modality manager at Siemens Healthcare helped us in knowing the enterprise sector with his poin fessional session, a talk with former IEEE volunteers who are now in private sector, drew significan took the participants in an adventure in which the secrets of human brain and neuroscience were
12 / IEEE Turkey Section
Yağmur Kütük IEEE Turkey EMBS Student Branch Representative
ring. I am the IEEE EMBS Turkey advisor for this year. s we can utilize. So, as IEEE EMBS Turkey, we are aiming for utilizing said structure s well as academics in EMBS for that goal of ours. ablished within next year, as; YTU, Isik, IYTE, Hacettepe, GTU, ESOGU, Yasar, Na-
organizations done by our various branches while gaining new experiences and n artist, Hacettepe meets EMBS, BioForm, IEEE and EMBS experiences, Engineering d future of biomedical, Neurobiology of love and commitment, IEEE Turkey EMBS
ing is integrated and our principle is providing organizational and technical aid to
ce” e structure of IEEE EMBS and health and engineering sectors with speakers from arted the conference with the keynote address by Assc. Prof. Selcuk Comlekci, the vides for its members”. Then we continued with a session in which he talked about eering, bioelectromagnetics and artificial intelligence. Then Mehmet Cevdet Cebe, nt of view in health, electronics and medical areas. Our IEEE Turkey Young & Pront interest from the students. The session titled “N Brain” with Dr. Kerem Dundar, e attempted to be solved.
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IEEE Day / Winter 2015
As you might already know on October 2014, IEEE members from all over the world celebra IEEE Day . As IEEE Turkey, we experienced this enthusiasm to the fullest with 18 events. Our goal was to improve the recognition of IEEE and to show what it feels like to be a part o purpose stands were opened up, online presentations were shown and photos were shared on so by cutting a celebration cake on many student branches around the section. The most fun part of the celebrations of IEEE Day, the photo contest bought out pretty ama many categories like Most Creative, Most Energetic, Best Technical Activity and Fırat University IEE us all proud by winning the Best Humanitarian Activity Prize. Let’s congratulate them one more tim Thanks to everyone that made IEEE Day possible, the day that we gathered together on and experiences and enthusiasm, and worked hard to spread the IEEE spirit as individuals who are par purpose of developing technology for a better tomorrow. I hope we’ll be sharing the very same ex on IEEE Day 2015!
14 / IEEE Turkey Section
ated the 5th anniversary of
of this huge family. For that ocial media. The day ended
azing jobs. The contest had EE Student Branch made me! d shared our knowledge, rt of a institution with the xcitement in 2015. See you
P覺nar Kaymaz IEEE Day 2014 Section Ambassador
P覺nar Kaymaz y 2014 Section Ambassador
IEEE Turkey Section / 15
IEEE E# / Winter 2015
Hello there,
In this issue, as E# team, we are going to mention about something we use during our training, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis. It is described in Wikipedia as “A SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture.” It is a very successful progress analysis which is used by organizations from the smallest to the biggest one.
Besides causes of SWOT, I want to inform you about its results.
There is no doubt when we see our successes and failures, our solutions and progress become more obvious and meaningful. SWOT Analysis, we have drawn up in the past, also shows us the regression and the progression. I want to share E#’s SWOT analysis in order to explain briefly and show you our situation.
Peki E# olarak biz ne mi yapıyoruz ? Öğrenmek için:
Furkan Gültekin IEEE Türkiye E# Project Communication Responsible 16 / IEEE Turkey Section
IEEE Turkey Section / 17
IEEE Institutional Support Advisory / Winter 2015 In this issue, I wil mention about present communities and societies of IEEE, however I want to begin with history of IEEE. On 1 January 1963, the AIEE (the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, founded in 1884) and the IRE (the Institute of Radio Engineers, founded in 1912) merged to form the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. However, the organization no longer goes by the full name. Since its foundation, IEEE has divided into societies, affinity groups, technical councils, communities and working groups. By the early 21st century, IEEE served its members and their interests with 39 Societies, 6 Councils and 4 Affinity Groups.
Societies Toplamda 39 adet society mevcuttur. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Broadcast Technology Society IEEE Circuits and Systems Society IEEE Communications Society IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society IEEE Computational Intelligence Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society IEEE Education Society IEEE Electron Devices Society IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Industry Applications Society IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society IEEE Magnetics Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society IEEE Photonics Society IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Power & Energy Society IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society IEEE Professional Communication Society IEEE Reliability Society IEEE Robotics and Automation Society IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society • IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Ozan Erdoğan IEEE Turkey Institutional Support Advisor
Technical Councils Toplamda 6 adettir. • • • • • •
IEEE Systems Council IEEE Council on Superconductivity IEEE Sensors Council IEEE Nanotechnology Council IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation IEEE Biometrics Council
Affinity Group Toplamda 4 adettir. • • • •
Life Members(LM) Women in Engineering(WIE) IEEE Young Professionals Consultants’ Network IEEE Turkey Section / 19
IEEE Computer Society / Winter 2015
Dear IEEE Turkey Family,
As Computer Society Turkey, we are continuing our work on advancement of IEEE Turkey. We are doing our best for the student branches to always be one step ahead, with the projects we have completed as well as the ones we are working on. Since the completion of the “Secret Ballot System”, which we have designed for the use of branch heads within IEEE Turkey while making decisions, the votes held have been easier and more efficient. The system starts with a poll initiated by the IEEE Turkey representative Ayhan Epik. In the next step, the voters, i.e. branch heads receive a single-use code via email. The branch heads cast their votes by inputting said code to the necessary field. After the end of the vote, nobody, including the Administrator is able to see who voted for what, only vote counts are displayed. An ongoing project of ours is called “IEEE Turkey Mobile Application”. After the completion of this application, you will be able to follow the progress, news and events within IEEE Turkey and therefore have an easier time interacting. We also think that the application might decrease the mail traffic. Looking at the global IEEE Computer Society events, I want to talk about IEEE Xtreme. For those that don’t know, IEEE Xtreme is a 24hour programming competition in which IEEE members from all over the world try to solve a number of problems. You can join the competition by forming a group (or many groups) in your schools. You can use the language of your choice among C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl and PHP. Sample problems can be found on the Computer Society 20 / IEEE Turkey Section
website. The rewards and competition conditions are nice and it is quite enjoyable solving the problems. As IEEE CS family, we would be delighted to see more people joining.
After talking about some global issues and issues within Turkey, I finish my article here. You can contact me about IEEE Computer Society whenever you want.
Ahmet Atasever IEEE T端rkiye Computer Society Advisor
Thanks, Ahmet Atasever IEEE T端rkiye Computer Society Advisor.
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IEEE Turkey Social Responsibility Project / Winter 2015
IEEE Turkey Social Responsibility Project We who are studying at engineering department, think goodness of everybody and therefore we work on projects which become sharing, informative and helpful. Moreover, we prefer to save our and also people’s right. Until this magasine from the first magasine, we made projects with IEEE members. We demonstrated sharing of love and respect, sharing of information. Therefore we demonstrate old significances are vivid at inter of members and nationwide. Through visiting of nursing hom, we shared our huge love with old people, dangers of waste battery are decrease with our “Campaign of Waste Battery”, we demonstrated sincerity is increase with +1 cromosom with down’s syndrome. Additionally, we made a video that is informative of leucemia for “The Week of Leucemia Children” and shared on the social media at 2-8.11.2014. AccordinglyI IEEE Turkey Social Responsibility Project’s study, researching of TISP(Teacher In Service Program) project is going on. We will realize our duty as students of engineering. Wait us! Don’t forget! Life is good with everybody…
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Ezgi Kรถse IEEE Turkey Social Project Coordinator
IEEE Turkey Section / 23
Events / Winter 2015 Hello there, I want to talk about a project which we think will greatly benefit IEEE Turkey family and on which we’ve been working silently for over a year. As the IEEE Turkey family, we are an organization that led engineering students in Turkey without seeking any profit and did many projects and events concerning that goal. I believe that we have things to say about engineering and technology in Turkey. In that regard; The producers of “Buyuk Sicrama” documentary, which is about the past, present and future of the Electronics and Informatics industries in Turkey, production of which has been going for over a year within the “Buyuk Sicrama” project initiated within TESID (Organization of Turkish Electronic Industrialists); have contacted us to tell they’ve been recording the past and present of the Electronics and Informatics industries in Turkey and the future of them is a topic that should be discussed in universities under the leadership of IEEE Turkey student branches. In the previous 6 months, we have discussed with both Can Guleren, the previous IEEE Turkey student branches advisor, and Ayhan Epik, the current one numerous times and exchanged ideas about what could be done. Also, we’ve talked about the “Buyuk Sicrama” project and events in universities at 12th IEEE Turkey student branches and GOLD congress. Buyuk Sicrama university events, planned to be held in 2014-2015 educational year at 12 universities in which IEEE student branches are active, have been finalized. So we felt the need to inform you about the events. - The events, which will last until the end of May, will be done under the hosting of 12 IEEE student branches - The events will take 4 hours and will consist of documentary – panel - After a 40-minute excerpt from Buyuk Sicrama documentary is shown, the panel will start with the attendance of panelists from firms operating in Electronics industry sector in Turkey. - The panel will continue with a Question & Answer session - After the panel is over, the cocktail will start, where firm representatives and students can meet - The listeners of the panel will receive some gifts as well as possibilities of internships. The sponsor for the Buyuk Sicrama university events will be TEKNOSA, as finalized by me and two friends of mine from student branch members in November 2014. Before, during and after the events, IEEE student branches won’t need to spend any money as all expenses will be covered by TESID under the sponsorship of TEKNOSA. Dear IEEE volunteers The sentiment of brotherhood and the power of being able to do something together stemming from that sentiment is one of the most important things IEEE Turkey family, of which I’ve been a member for more than 4 years, have provided me. We believe that we can satisfy the desire for doing a joint project as the IEEE Turkey family, a desire that is constantly within both our gold members and active student members, through the Buyuk Sicrama university events. We have transformed the project, which we have initally started with my mentor friends Erem Irmak and Sinan Onbasi, such that IEEE Turkey student branches is among its sponsors. We are very glad to be able to come to that point with only our personal work and without any expenses.
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The schools and dates where Buyuk Sicrama university events will take place: • December 17 , Wednesday - İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi • February 11, Wednesday - Sabancı Üniversitesi • February 18, Wednesday - Koç Üniversitesi • March 4, Wednesday - Pamukkale Üniversitesi İstanbul Kültür University • March 18, Wednesday - Ankara Üniversitesi IEEE Öğrenci Kolu • March 25, Wednesday - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mentör • April 8, Wednesday - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Erkan Burak ÇİLOĞLU • April 15, Wednesday - Çukurova Üniversitesi • April 22, Wednesday - Kocaeli Üniversitesi • May 6, Wednesday - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi • May 20, Wednesday - Ege Üniversitesi With wishes for many great events together to support science and humanity. IEEE Turkey Section / 25
Events / Winter 2015
Projistor Technical Project Competition May, 2015 Every year, in may Projistor Technical Project Competition is held by IEEE Student Branch of Dogus University. Every individual who has a bachelor’s degree, undergraduate and doctor’s degree and who has a project for the competition can apply. The competition is held in Dogus University’s Acıbadem campus. Evaluation criterias are as following; creativity, realism, documentation and presentation of the project. The jury consist of various exclusive academics and experts of the sector. For further information: 26 / IEEE Turkey Section
1) How do you become a leader? The aim of How To Be A Leader event is to give information about importance of leader entrepreneur. Consequently it provides person to perception of sense of leadership. 2) Informatic Days The scope of Information Summit, participants will be informed about programming language, which has a great importance in the sofware structure, cloud platform services, network management, game programming and career tips as in many sectors. 3) International Women’s Day This event’s aim is raise awareness to people about developing technology and informing about effects of science in our lives. 4)Career days We have organized to meet our members and the business world, we are hosting many companies in our school days. 5) Big or GREAT Leap Great Leap; science, technology and engineering areas is a communication project aimed at creating social awareness. This event is aimed at documentary screening and participation of students will participate in panels of veterans. 6) Aegean Region Meeting In April, Dokuz Eylul University as an IEEE student branch, university of the Aegean Region has 11 IEEE student branch will do the Aegean region is home to about 300 people attended the meeting. 7) Technical Visit to ASELSAN and TAI Aselsan and TAI of the leading companies in the defense industry able to anticipate what is expected of us. 8) Data is Knowladge 3 Activity consist of traning and abouth the information safety awareness. IEEE Turkey Section / 27
Events / Winter 2015
IEEE IzHack is a cyber security event that contain workshops, conferences and competitions. It will be held between the 28th of February - 1st of March 2015 and will be organised by IYTE IEEE Student Branch in İzmir Institute of Technology. We are planning this organisation behalf of increasing our target audience of university students in the field of cyber security and bring together to cyber security sector and university student together. The organization will start with the opening speech of the platinum sponsor company. Then workshops ,which numbers of participants are expected to be around 250-300, will begin and lasts all day.In addition, workshops are going to be in 10 different subjects and each one of them held on different conference rooms. Lecturers and subjects are fixed and each participant can attend at most one of them. These workshops are considered as a guide for the contest and believed they make contests more vivid. The organization will start with the opening speech of the platinum sponsor company. Then workshops ,which numbers of participants are expected to be around 250-300, will begin and lasts all day. In addition, workshops are going to be in 10 different subjects and each one of them held on different conference rooms. Lecturers and subjects are fixed and each participant can attend at most one of them. These workshops are considered as a guide for the contest and believed they make contests more vivid. The topics of workshops: 1. Group: Introduction to Malware Analysis Onur Alanbel, Mehmet Kılıç 2. Group: Web Application Security - Mehmet İnce, Barkın Kılıç 3. Group :Leak Testing Tools in Python Development-Gökhan Alkan 4. Group: White Hat Hacker Training - Alper Başaran 5. Group: Application of Pentest - Caner Köroğlu, Mustafa Altinkaynak, Furkan Eminer, Caner Filibelioğlu 6. Group: Basic Linux - Mertcan Alıcı, Halit Alptekin IzHACK'15 Mail : Contact: Bahadır Kınalı - 0539 659 74 57 , Barış Durkut - 0506 617 61 64 , 28 / IEEE Turkey Section
CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT DAYS WITH ITS UNIQUE CONTENT TO STUDENTS Several CEOs and Company Founders of different sectors meet with students at Campus Development Days which is held by IEEE METU Student Branch at Middle East Technical University on 2-3-4 of March. Campus Development Days which is organized by IEEE METU 9th time aims to help improvement of university students in all areas. Many topic including entrepreneurship, food industry, electronics industry, chemistry industry, finance, automotive industry, design, personal development, education, information technology, defense, energy and marketing will be covered on 2-3-4 of March at METU Cultural and Convention Center. Campus Development Days, with more than 5 000 participants last year, provides effective seminars and workshops by company executives and creativity, uniqueness and fun at event area. During first day, student from different departments will experience an unforgettable workshops provided by Danish company LEGO. At the second day, more than 30 projects will be on display at mini MakerFaire for everybody. Also, students will be able get in touch with companies for future job and internship opportunities. Premiere of traditional science and technology magazine of IEEE METU will take place on last day event with contribution of Popular Science Turkey. Then, a panel talk regarding publishing science and technology. You can have more detailed information from web site . Do not forget to register for this fabulous event on the web site.
Middle East Technical University
Electrical & Electronic Engineering A-203 06531 Ankara/Türkiye
Tel: +90 312 210 45 36 | E-posta: | Web:
IEEE Turkey Section / 29
Events / Winter 2015
EVENT NAME: JAVA PROGRAMMING LESSONS DATE OF EVENT: EVERY SATURDAY BETWEEN 01.00-03.00 PM EXPLANATION OF EVENT: These lessons exists in CENGLAB. Lessons are instructing by Emrecan UNAT who is a student at Electric and Electronical Engineering at 2nd. class. We wanted to improve our students rate trough these Java Lessons which is a big problem for who takes this lesson. At the same time our other purpose is make Java Lesson easier for who is student at our prep. school. All of these courses are free for everyone if you are a part of UTAA. Additionally as is known we have Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Engineering, and Pilotage students in our school. With the students who is not to be responsible for Java Lessons, we made a variety in our courses and we wanted to improve their computer and programming skills. To raise our students skills, events like this course improves our university. Furthermore we should think about quality of IEEE Student Society which provides to exist these courses. EVENT PHOTOS:
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Yıldız Technical University Student Branch IEEE,which have won 1 silver award and 2 bronze awards in 2014 Darrel Chong Student Activity in IEEE GLOBAL, is hosting 7th “Yıldızlı” Projects Contest. Our slogan is “Carry Your Idea Into The Future”. Registration for contest has begun on 15th of December,2014. We are aiming to improve research-development and inovation culture in Turkey and trying to help to students about making their projects real. In last 6 years, there have been 731 project applications from 83 different universities. We are expecting to see students who want to make their Project real in our contest this year. We are preparing to perform our activity in the 7th year with Machinery Promotion Group, Etiya Information Technology, Elginkan Foundation, HAVELSAN, TET (Electrical Elektronics Service Exporters Association), Venture Factory, TÜMKO’s (Architects and Engineers Confederation of email seed of the most important representatives of the sponsorship and entrepreneurial ecosystem, share with Endeavor Turkey. Yıldızlı Projeler Yarışması (Star Project Competition) is continues to work with the support of the Yıldız Technical University and partnership by Techonology Transport Office. Final projets will be evaluating with Insdustrial and Scientific Council in 25th of May 2015. Industry Review Board consisting of academics formed through the Scientific Committee of the University of successful industrialists and university-industry cooperation will gain concreteness. In addition, the project will follow closely with the Final Day will be an angel investor environment. In Yıldızlı Projeler Yarışması, Projects can be able to compete with the other projects which the same category. Every Project can receive support in each category. Machinery, energy, healthcare, information technology, electrical, chemical and the other areas is going to be assessed by experts. The most beautiful projects will be selected which is the most usefull for humanity and industry and they will be supported to find life. Our Categories, 1. Electricity, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Quality 2. Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation Applications 3. Informatics, Electronics, Telecommunications and Software Applications 4. Health, Food, Biotechnology, Chemical and Materials Applications Preliminary assessment of the finalists will receive 2-day training on entrepreneurship and presentation techniques on 23-24 of May. Star Projects Competition winners will have the right to use the office in the prototype workshop is located within the PT and Technopark incubation center. The Competition winning projects will be one step ahead of their competitors to benefit from incentives such as capital from KOSGEB, TUBITAK and the Ministry of Industry. It will be suprise prize and we will give financial support like every year. England Warwick University by Innovation and R & D training will also be given. We also share the services of a person Payment Systems £ 100,000 up to one-shot ‘that can be used with zero interest. In addition to the prize money training, camps, will be our reward will support the progress of the project workshops. The award will be given to the final winning project team and will be offered a variety of opportunities for cooperation. Republic of Turkey and Republic of Nort Cyprus Turkish students can participate in the competition who studing those universities as associate, bachelor’s and master. For more information visit that page; http://www.elektrikport/proje Deadline for competition 2nd of May in 2015 DO NOT FORGET! If you want to see itself in the competition between successful entrepreneurs of the future, this is for you. ‘’Carry Your Idea Into the Future’’ with the Yıldızlı Projeler Yarışması. IEEE Turkey Section / 31
Events / Winter 2015
This year, we are organizing 3rd Yazılım Maratonu’15 as ITU IEEE Student Branch. In our event, there will be workshops, educations and a 2 day long competetion. 1st place award is Takima Laptop, 2nd place award is Takima smart phone and 3rd place award is Takima tablet. (Each team member will get the awards) For the ones who are coming from outside of Istanbul, accommodation and meals will be funded. Only the transportation fees will belong to participants. For participating the event, please check out our link: Deadline for the event: 16 February 2015. Prelimenry elimination will take place between 17 February 23:59 and 18 February 23:59. Details will be forwarded to participants via e-mail. 20 finalist teams will be invited to Yazilim Maratonu at 7-8 March. At the end of the event, teams that have gathered highest points will be awarded. In addition, 5 lucky people who attend seminars, will be awarded with pro membership by drawing.
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Arduino is an input/output card that carries programming into the physical environment. We, Sabanc覺 University Robotics Club, organize workshops about the functions of Arduino which is important for the base of robotic projects. In these workshops, we teach the relation between programming and Arduino. We choose Arduino Leonardo from many kinds of Arduino cards for our workshops. In addition to Arduino workshops, we also have workshops about SolidWorks which is 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software. This software is useful for designing mechanical pieces in robotic projects and we teach how to use the functions of SolidWorks. In these workshops, we get support from the instructor of Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Solid Modeling course of our university.
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Events / Winter 2015 2. DönemYapmayı Planladıklarımız
Technical Trips
• SIEMENS KARTAL FACTORY We aim to inform(demonstrate) business opportunities with in the sector during our visit to Siemens Kartal on 28.02.14 • ABB Group We plan to organise a visit ABB group even the scheduling is not fixed yet.
• Ios ve Android Workshop We are planing to have Ios and Android trainings at the weekends to the engineering students whom want to develop themselves in software sector. Also, in our trainings which will start in the second term, we are planing to give large scaled information about mobile software world. • Wind Tribune Workshop We plan to make a simple wind turbine during our training to first class students.In this organization we plan to teach solder and fundementals of electronics.
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Interviews / Winter 2015 • Could you please mention about your student branch? When was your student branch established? IEEE METU was founded in 1990 thanks to labor of Gözde Bozdağı Akar who is Vice-Chair of EE Department of METU. It has been 25 years, actively. • How many awards your student branch has received so far? We have received more than 30 awards, including “The Best Student Branch” award. In addition, our branch is receiving the “Exemplary Student Branch” award annually. • Which category of awards your student branch received this year? What was the organized activity that you have submitted? Could you please explain briefly? We have received “Exemplary Student Branch” and “Darrel Chong Bronze” awards thanks through our traditional “Anlat Okulunu” activity which is held for the 7th time this year. “Anlat Okulunu” is a web design contest that aims to interact students with the IT sector more. In this contest, students from elementary and high school are asked to design a website to tell others about their dream-school without any limitations. With the support of The Ministry of National Education, our activity is known nationwide. We are selecting 25 of many candidates and organising a camp on METU campus for 3 days. This encourage them to create and produce to become future IT geniuses. • Finally, what is the biggest factor of receiving award? If you create an activity which is fit for the purpose of the audience, then you have produced a product loved by everyone. We think that we have done this in our activity. Furthermore, the fact that our activity has become experienced and traditional is one of the main reasons why we have received the award.
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Interviews / Winter 2015 • Could you please mention about your student branch ? When was your student branch established? Izmir Institute of Technology IEEE Student Branch was established in 2005. From that day to now, IZTECH IEEE signed to the big successes with innovative policies and workings. With organised activities, IZTECH IEEE appeal to large masses. In each department, with closed by 400 members; the student branch continues to the activities by developing new ideas such as organizing international and national activites with 5 Management Council members, 20 Administrative Council members and many active volunteers for 10 years. • How many awards your student branch has received so far? This award is first for our student branch. I hope that it continues in the following years with including the other categories of awards. • Which category of awards your student branch received this year? What was the organized activity that you have submitted? Could you please explain briefly. We have received Bronze Award in Darrel Chong Student Activities Category with the organizations IZTECH RoboLeague and IEEE BuildUp. IZTECH Robolegue is the organization which people interested in robots come together. This is a only robot competition be organized as an IEEE student branch in Turkey. The first of the robots competition was carried out in October 2012 .There are many categories in this competition which you can meet robot technology and exhibit your robots also self to find something . It was enriched with some workshops and seminars. The goal of this activity is to bring together developers with some firms which work in robot, industrial, automation, technology, mechatronics, electronics and machinery areas. This giant organization is defined as a special category that makes it unique and unparalleled in the world and only organized by IZTECH IEEE student branch , 24-hour “ Design-Build -Race! “ is a marathon. In this challenging marathon, a concept is determined by the contest coordinators, all electronic components are covered by the organization and mechanical parts of these consits of k-nex. Competitor groups learn the chosen theme during the competition and everyone starts from scratch to make their own robot. This event is considered by the jury in a fair environment and occured within 24 hours. IEEE Buildup is competition which include contestents from different cities in 36 / IEEE Turkey Section
Turkey is organized by IZTECH IEEE.The aim of this organization is connecting game developer s and investors. Game developers Show their talent to companies in this platform. First competiton was occured in May, 2014. Game developers join the competiton as teams and teams study on theme which is given by organization during 48 hours. Revealed games at the end of the 48 hours are eveluated according to atmosphere, playability and editing by jury . Seminars and workshops give the information to people about game developing. • What is the biggest factor of receiving award? The huge of nationwide organizations is a fact, however the biggest fact is the new developed ideas in the event topics. The common, effective but the innovative revolutions in the organizations helped us to reach the accomplishment.
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Interviews / Winter 2015 • Could you please mention about your student branch? When was your student branch established? Yıldız Technical University IEEE Student Branch which moving ‘’Sadece Derse Girerek Mühendis Olunmaz!’’ (Its’ mean is ‘Can not be an engineer only go to course’) (www. YTU IEEE was founded 8th of March in 2001 with the students efforts of departmant of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Engineering and also support with instructor of Electrical and Electronics Faculty. IEEE is the largest non profit organization, which is governed by the student branch between offically commenced operations. YTU IEEE increased the number of member a little students to over 100 in the week that it founded. YTU IEEE is one of the best growing Student Branch in YTU. It beated the record as the fastest university which took member in one week(107). Nowadays YTU IEEE is catering over 2000 member every year. Since 2001, Our committee has performed many activities about social and technical field. The professionalism of the entrepreneurial spirit of selfless work by signing the many achievements of the club members have also participated in the framework of competencies. YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IEEE with the meaning of “Institute for Engineers & Everybody Else”, by addressing all branches of science, is an organization which includes many members who targets to make practices in different meanings within its structure. We are still performing with almost 50 committee as Robotics & Automotion, Product Safety Engineering, Power & Energy, Computer, Education, Biology, Reliabily. • How many awards your student branch has received so far? In the year of 2008-2009 and 2009 and 2010, we won the most active student branch award in Turkey in the category of Science and Technology for two years in all over the Turkey’s Student Braches (over 500 brach). 2012-2013 period, R.A.S (Robotics And Automation Society) our project team in our country C.L.O.A.K. robot competition organized in various universities (Robot Fish) project with the free category degrees taking (International METU Robotics Days First, ITU Robot Olympics Second, SDI International Spring and Science Festivals Robot Competition Championship) has represented our school and our club in the best way. Also IEEE international area in 2010 and 2011 in Europe, Africa and the eighth region covering Asia, eastern (Region 8), one of the most prestigious awards, “IEEE R8 Exemplary Award” (R8 Sample Student Club) takes two consecutive years. Besides, to increase every year the quality of the world around filings with IEEE Global provides its activities and students aimed at promoting this issue, “The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award” contest YTU IEEE SB RLC GUNLERI, ILTEK GUNLERI and YILDIZLI PROJELER YARIŞMASI applying the Competition events in 2013 Bronze Award, and a Silver Award in 2014 and once again showcased developments in the body by getting two bronze Award. 38 / IEEE Turkey Section
• Which category of awards your student branch received this year? What was the organized activity that you have submitted? Could you please explain briefly? This year we won one silver award and two bronze awards from “The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award”. Silver one is belong to ‘’Yıldızlı Projeler Yarışması’’ and the other two bronze awards belong to ‘’RLC GÜNLERİ’’ and ‘’İLTEK GÜNLERİ’’ Basicly; Yıldızlı Projeler Yarışması, development of R & D and innovation culture of university students in Turkey and the project is to support them in the implementation. Vision; Event was contributed to co-operation to university with industry that, was provided to meet industrialists, academics and students. Methodology; Event is supported by prominent industry, associations and also academicians and industrialists who proved themselves for creating internationally known important projects in their own working fields. RLC Gunleri, the most known student activity of electrics and electronics industry in Turkey, is an organization which is being regulated for 10th years. These conferances held at Istanbul and organized by YTU IEEE Student Branch. Vision; Event was held under the special sessions of electrical, electronic, automation, energy, and various other sectors of the university which created a platform to discuss mutual expectations of each other. Methodology; Our sessions are supported by prominent companies, associations and also academicians who proved themselves for creating internationally known important projects in their own working field İLTEK GÜNLERİ, the most known student activity of communication, informatics technology and telecommunications industry in Turkey Also to university students, the future of the sector by providing employees the opportunity to follow the developments in the communication sector in the international arena is to help students identify their own goals. Vision; Event was held under the special sessions of communication technologies, telecommunications, informatics and various other sectors of the university which created a platform to discuss mutual expectations of each other. Methodology; Our sessions are supported by prominent companies, associations and also academicians who proved themselves for creating internationally known important projects in their own working fields. • Finally, what is the biggest factor of receiving award? In my opinion, the reason is we have performed all of our organization succesfully for years. Also we did good documentation since today. It is the factor that we are in International IEEE and we are working like full perform. But it is the most important thing that forms the basis of all is team work. Thanks for everybody in YTU IEEE and king regards. IEEE Turkey Section / 39
Region Meetings / Winter 2015
The first meeting of Aegean Region was organized by Pamukkale University IEEE Student Branch, on 11th of October, 2014. There were precious speakers from Social Air and Pamukkale Teknokent and 200 students from 12 different universities. The meeting started with presentation of our Assistant Professor Doctor Ahmet ÖZEK which is about foundation purpose and process of IEEE. Right after, Prof.Dr. Muzaffer Adak, director of Pamukkale Teknokent gave his speech. He mentioned about advantages of Pamukkale Teknokent for students, purpose of the companies inside and benefits of IEEE. Ayhan Epik, IEEE Turkey Section Representative, continued with his presentation. After he made attendees play energizers, put into words his expectations from IEEE Turkey and the problems he thinks exist. He brought his speech to an end with the expectations and questions of participants. After representative’s speech, we had a break for lunch and continued with games ITKK prepared for students who do not know each other. Afterwards, Social Media Advisor Ömer KARAPINAR gave a speech about “Process of Branding and Business Development”. Folk Dance team was accompanied when we were celebrating traditional IEEE Day. Having cut our IEEE Day cake sponsored by Social Responsibility Enterprise Meraklı Merdane, we had a good time with all attendees. Branches’ presentations and IEEE Turkey advisors and coordinators speeches were given and RAS Advisor Osman Doğan Yirmişbeşoğlu mentioned about his projects in the following term. Then IEEE Turkey Marketing Coordinator as well as our Board Chair Ali ÖZTÜRK talked about IEEE Turkey magazine. After program finished, we went to a local restaurant which represents local food of Denizli and than a local place for after party. Aegean Region Meeting made our new members both love IEEE and improve themselves technically and socially. Another positive effect of the meeting is we have a chance to communicate with other SBs and set up projects. We, as Pamukkale IEEE, hope that all region meetings will be held efficiently.
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İEÜ 2014-1015’s second aegent area meeting was held by Izmır University of Economics IEEE Student Branch in Izmır University of Economics at 13th December 2014,Saturday. Our meeting was followed by 200 people and some other IEEE Student Branch from other universities. In this meeting, some informative speeches were given by young professionals and valuable volunteer speakers. Addition to those, there were presentations regarding coordination and constultantship. Meeting started with the speech of Ms Didem Çiftci, President of IEEE Student Branch of Izmır University of Economics . Her speech was followed by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Murat Aşkar. He mainly talked about the purposes of IEEE. During the first session of the meeting, Mrs Jale AKYEL, IBM Ecosystem-Development Manager, gave a presentation about Business Technology Trend and IBM. During her presentation, she presented her persentation as panel discussion by allowing students to contribute with their questions and answers. After the first session, as an entertainment, some short games were played, and lunch brake was given. With the start of second session, Mr Adnan PEKDEMIR, Head of Solution Architecture Team Erricson and Mrs Farzaneh Tabrizi, IT Service Center Director of Erricson TUI, gave their speeches about electronic technology of Turkey, from past to today ericsson’s development and some technolgical investments. Also this session was held as panel discussion and this session has ended with these speeches. With the start of third session, Izmır University of Economics Electricport representative has given a quick information about the system in the university. After his quick speech, Dr. Serkan Saygan has presented his work about the space. This part caught a high attention by students and it continued until the end of the third session. New attandance list has organised after Bilal Bingöl Young Professionals presentations and Kum-Pas activity. Meeting has ended with the problems of clubs and presentations regarding coordination and constultantship. It was obvious that the meeting was helpful for future engineers. Overall meeting was great experience for IEEE Student Branch and university.
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Region Meetings / Winter 2015
The first Marmara Region Meeting of IEEE Turkey Student Branch, 14/15 school year took place in Istanbul Kültür University at 19th October 2014 with the participation of 450 students from 21 different schools. We’ve had the honor of hosting many great speakers and academicians and serving our attendees fun and educational activities throughout the day. After the meeting, we gathered everyone to the afterparty. Our meeting started with an inaugural speech from our dear Istanbul Kültür University rector Prof. Dr. Sıdıka Sebahat Demir which she concluded with by talking about her involvement with IEEE and it’s WIE committees first formation. After the inaugural, Finansbank’s Penetration Testing Specialist Mert Sarıca started his presentation. He shared his experiences and taught us many valuable information about cyber attacks. He shared this information to help us understand how these attacks happen it todays world, how to watch out for these attacks and how to defend ourselves from these attacks. Further into the event, next we had the founder and owner of Hologram Informatics Mr. Deniz Opal with his speech. Mr. Opal talked about their past and current projects and also their future goals. While doing so he gave us information about game programming, and its interaction with Windows Phone, Xbox One, iOS7 and Java. Afterwards, we split the meeting to two different parts, one continuing in Akıngüç Auditorium and the other starting in Önder Öztunalı Conference Hall with the former R8 Director and current IEEE Fellow Dr. Kurt Richter and his “Development of Leadership Skills” workshop. A total of 36 students from numerous schools joined this workshop where Dr. Richter talked about the definition of leadership, how it should be, the differences in male and female body language differences, leadership types and the bonds a leader has with society. We as İKÜ IEEE Student Branch are really happy to have had the chance to be the first university to host Dr. Richter in Istanbul, given our place in Region 8. We’d hope to work with him and many others in the future. While this workshop was in continuation, in Akıngüç Auditorium, we had the branch presentations from our members in other universities. First, it was Ceylan Özer and Aslı Tanı from Yıldız Technical University who presented their EMBS event. Afterwards IEEE Turkey Student Representative Ayhan Epik summarised and introduced IEEE to our new members. Our attendees were directed to the amphitheaters depending on their committees for the parallel sessions with the IEEE Turkey Consultants. In these sessions: • Sedat Öztürk - IEEE Turkey Hackathon Consultant • Gökçe Şencan - Woman in Engineering Consultant • Yağmur Kütük - EMBS Consultant • Osman Doğan Yirmibeşoğlu - Robotics and Automation Society Consultant • Handan Acar - Communications Society Consultant • Çetin Mert Yaver - Power and Energy Society Consultant • Furkan Gültekin - E# Coordinator • Ezgi Köse - Social Responsibility Projects Coordinator presented their works. Afterwards, we listened to the music band “Büyük Aile” consisting of students from our university. Our event continued in Akıngüç Auditorium with TESİD chairman Müjdat Altay and his speech about “Büyük Sıçrama” which is a documentary project about technologies development in our country. He gave information about how our technology was developing over they years and also he shared a few parts of the documentary with us. We continued with the presentation of EMPA Electronics Chairman Vural Akman. Mr. Akman talked about the company Karel’s electronic progress. He also reminded us of how electric and electronic established its grounds in our country. Our last presentation of the day was with the Microsoft Azure MVP Member Daron Yöndem’s. Mr. Yöndem not only gave information on technology and internet, he also gave his personal opinions on Microsoft. After long days work, we had dinner with our attendees in the mess hall of our university and then went to Taksim for the afterparty. Marmara Region Meeting (MBT) is a great, essential opportunity to both introduce our new members to IEEE and to present our university to our guests. We keep working coordinated with our team to overcome such events that require a lot from us. With our increasing numbers we hope to keep moving forward as a branch. We believe that this event will help both us and our guests with their future business lives and help steer their perspectives to their ideal ways.
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BEYKENT Ü. The second meeting of Marmara Region, organized by Beykent University IEEE SB, occurred on 30th of November at Beykent University Conference Hall. There were different companies which had a chance present themselves to students. The meeting also provided students self development with parallel sessions. After branches’ presentations, problems were discussed.
IEEE student branches, one of the biggest societies in Turkey, make periodic meetings to inform each other and strengthen friendly relations. In this meeting, there were 23 different universities and 460 students.
FERHAT DELİKTAŞ, coach related to administration of FD AKADEMİ gave a presentation about “characteristics of a successful individual” in order to raise awareness of engineering department students.
After these sessions, we played games for students who don’t know each other. In the final session, we listened SB’s presentations about their upcoming events. Also, we analyzed the issues of student branches and their solutions, and discussed things we can do to get IEEE Turkey much further. Having enjoyed and informed, we brought the meeting to an end.
After Beykent University IEEE SB Chair Banu Okuroğlu made her opening speech, Dr. Andaç YAKUT from DAIKIN KLIMA gave a presentation about “Seasonal Efficiency and New Energy Label for Air Conditioners”.
IEEE Turkey advisors and coordinators informed interested students about their process in parallel sessions. After a short break, Erol Can HACISÜLEYMAN from MICROSOFT mentioned about career opportunities and their present progression.
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The Secret of Success / Winter 2015 When I decided to join IEEE with the help of ESOGU, I have never thought it would change my whole life. I have always seen this organization as my family. It inspired me a lot and thought me that I can always take a bold action step if I want to. With this inspiration and courage, now I am working in the Region 8. I would like to thank IEEE Turkey family and ESOGU IEEE Student Branch for their all contribution. Hope to see more members in Region 8. Uğurcan Şengit Hi, In Turkey Section we have more than 65 student branches either active or inactive. More than a thousand student working voluntarily for the Institute to make some difference both for their life and society. A gigantic family that branched to the schools from one root, Turkey Section. Being a part of this family is a quite experience but being a part of IEEE Turkey Section Student Activities Committee Member ( as Institutional Advisor) is was an enhancement to my experiences last year. And this year, as IEEE Region 8 Student Activites Committee Corresponding Member, my experiences in the section will be useful for the region. All the activities and friendship with people encouraged me to volunteer for this role. I’m really proud and enthusiastic about my new responsibility for IEEE and i hope that i won’t disappoint the people who trusts me. As a corresponding member for SAC my main responsibility is not specified. However, there are too many different issues occuring and certain coordinators sometimes cannot directly involve. Also we’re responsible to work with coordinators on certain matters. Such as nowadays i’m responsible from Awards & Contests with the coordinator named Dinko Jakovljevic. I praying that both Turkey Section and Region 8 going to fulfill all the missions and goals for the future. Ahmet Taygun Namlı 44 / IEEE Turkey Section
Greetings to you all, I am T ETU IEEE Student Branch. I worked on different areas at global level rather than just wor branches and students. After a sho fesionals Congress at August 2014 parts of the world. There are lots of options to SAC of the region that we belong t am interested in robotics and a me IEEE RAS has SAC built on w nouncement. There were 50 peop I am selected fort he duty o from USA and Torsten Kroeger,RA Actually, it is a duty that only take ciety, you have the chance to mee For example, our leader Torsten K from his experiences. My suggestion to whom w student programs. If you do not w and Kaan did. Abbreviations SAC : Student Activities Co CAB : Conference Activities Best regards.
Hello, I am Kaan Çimen an Bilkent University IEEE Student Br committee corresponding membe This year in Region 8 comm ing members would work togethe subcommittee there aren’t titles ex would love to do and thought they development projects, increasing tion. Young Professionals subco make them familiarized with busin have chance to reach industrial gia subcommittee has lots of other be group of IEEE members and I am v
Tarık Keleştemur , 3rd year electrical and electronics engineering student at TOBB ETU. I am also the chair of
s in TOBB ETU IEEE Student Branch for 3 years. However, all this time , I was thinking of working on IEEE rking on local projects. For this reason, I searched about how IEEE constructs connection between student ot while, I realized that this connection is really strong. In addition to this, at Region 8 Student & Young Prof4 , I learned how to get an active role on IEEE in global manner when I talk to IEEE volunteers from different
o work on IEEE as a volunteer, but mainly we can categorize them into 2 different options : working on the to that means Region 8 SAC for us or working on technical society team. I decided to work for RAS because I ember of RAS. with students just like regions . After contacting SAC, I applied the position at their call for volunteers anple who applied for total of 6 positions. of update and archive of websites of the conferences of RAS CAB and RAS.I am working with two students AS CAB Member, leads us in this duty. es 2 or 3 hours in a week but return of it is really valueable. Especially, if you are working on a technical soet with the people from different countries and benefit from the engineers who are working on these areas. Kroeger, is an engineer at Google and a teacher at Stanford University. This is a really great chance to benefit
wants to work at IEEE as global level, go the websites of the topics that you are interested in and search for want to work on a specific area, then you can work at Region 8 SAC directly as my friends Uğurcan,Taygun
ommitee s Board Tarık Keleştemur
nd I am Senior year student at Bilkent University Mechanical Engineering Department. Currently I am ranch Executive Committee Vice Chair. Also I have been appointed as IEEE Region 8 Young Professional Suber. mittee broadened, in all subcommittees there are several corresponding members appointed .Corresponder with the committee but they just do not attend the face to face meeting although exceptions exists. In YP xcept the subcommittee chair so members of committee would work on the tasks and projects that they y can do. This year in R8 YP subcommittee I would work on the projects about the industry and YP’s relation Young Professionals visibility poetics also I would work for increasing the YP affinity groups and revitaliza-
ommittees projects are very beneficial for young professionals as well as future’s young professionals, to ness life, also to progress in business life easier. By YP projects IEEE member young entrepreneurs would ants easier as well as have chance to find fund to their enterprise. In addition region 8 young professional eneficial projects for the early professional life of the members. For these reasons YP addresses a majority very glad for having chanceto work in this subcommittee of Region 8. Kaan Çimen
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Kıvılcım Şebnem Elibüyük IEEE Türkiye ITKK Projesi Koordinatörü
Ezgi Köse
Çetin Mert Yaver
IEEE Türkiye Sosyal Projeler Koordinatörü
IEEE Türkiye Öğrenci kolları PES Danışmanı
Ali Öztürk IEEE Türkiye Tanıtım Koordinatörü
Ozan Erdoğan
Furkan Gültekin
Gökçe Şencan
IEEE Türkiye Kurumsal Destek Danışmanı
IEEE Türkiye E# Projesi İletişim Sorumlusu
IEEE Türkiye WIE Danışmanı
IEEE Türk Danı
46 / IEEE Turkey Section
ur Kütük
kiye EMBS ışmanı
Ayhan Epik
Osman Doğan Yirmibeşoğlu
Bahadır Akın Akgül
IEEE Türkiye Öğrenci Temsilcisi
IEEE RAS Öğrenci Kolları Danışmanı
IEEE’TR Academic Türkiye Koordinatörü
Sedat Öztürk IEEE Türkiye Hackhaton Projesi Koordinatörü
Mustafa Yeşilçam
Handan Acar
Ahmet Atasever
IEEE Türkiye Elektrikli Araçlar Projesi Koordinatörü
IEEE Communications Society Danışmanı
IEEE Türkiye Computer Society Danışmanı IEEE Turkey Section / 47
48 / IEEE Turkey Section