IES Newsletter issue 39

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News letter Vol. 8 • Issue 39 • July - September 2012

Economic Governance On the road - Jamal Shahin presents his research in Northern Europe Policy Forum: ‘Economic Efficiency: The Sole Concern of Modern Antitrust Policy?’

Migration & Diversity

Foreign & Security Policy

The Europeanisation of fmaily migration policies and politics

Eva Gross joins Task Force on prevention of mass atrocities

Notes from Bangalore by Neepa Acharya

Luis Simon awarded FWO grant for research at Columbia University

Summer Schools

Alexander Mattelaer addresses ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Associates’ News



Educational Development Autumn Rejuvenation Summer School on European Policy-Making EU Modules: update Bridging the Gap: back to school Alexandra Mihai at UACES annual conference


Environment & Devt. Climate change, sustainable development & the EU strategic partnerships The future of European Energy Presentation at the EEAS on EU performance

IES Publications Academic Articles New Book: “The Performance of the EU in International Institutions” by S. Oberthür, K. E. Jørgensen & J. Shahin

Laura Boone at IFLOS Summer Academy


IES Celebrates 10 Years of Success



with Ben’s book, which could be purchased after the event. After the rather technical nature of the first event, there followed a more convivial and social event. The ‘Expo-Reception’ as it was called, was the culmination of the past ten years in pictorial form, featuring images of the IES from the very beginning, when there were a dozen staff members, to the present day, with 100 teachers, researchers, staff and visiting fellows from around the globe. This display, which took several weeks’ worth of planning and design to put together, highlighted some of the key achievements of the IES team, as well as more light-hearted moments over the years. Against this colourful backdrop, and in the company of colleagues from the VUB and Vesalius College, the newly appointed Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Jan Cornelis, gave a speech that touched upon some of these highlights. First of all, he drew the audience’s attention to some impressive figures: the 400 Advanced Master degrees and nine PhDs awarded over the ten years, as well as the many more Doctoral researchers who will defend their PhDs in the coming months. He

The year 2012 marks 10 years of existence of

researcher, presented the main findings and themes

the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije

of his new book, “Economic Efficiency: The Sole

Universiteit Brussel. The start of the academic year

Concern of Modern Antitrust Policy? The role of

was deemed an ideal moment to celebrate and

non-efficiency considerations under Article 101

reflect upon these 10 years of success. Therefore,

TFEU”. Ben’s presentation was followed by a keynote

a number of events were organised on Friday 28

address. For this purpose, the IES was honoured to

September 2012.

welcome Dr. Ioannis Lianos, Reader in Competition law and Economics at University College London.

The day kicked off with a book launch and policy

His expert views were greatly appreciated by the

forum. Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, former IES PhD

audience, as was the chance to get acquainted Continued on p. 2


10 Years IES

as our guest speaker. His lecture on the EU Constitutional Order was the official opening lecture of the IES academic year. In his lecture, Judge Rosas asked whether the European Union most resembles a state or an intergovernmental organisation. The answer was simple: both and neither. He went on to explain how the EU has developed a constitutional order. Judge Rosas addressed four points. First, the EU has a constitutional order through its hierarchy of laws; the EU’s

then went on to praise the IES’ successful record in

primary law is basically constitutional. Second, the EU has

obtaining external funding:

a unique relationship with its member states, dealing not only with the governments but also many organs and sub-

“I am particularly pleased to learn from this

components of the member states. Third, the EU engages

exposition that the Institute is thriving well on

in negotiations with third states and international

externally funded research projects, such as the

organisations. It cooperates with its member states to

FP6 and FP7 framework projects from the European

conclude mixed agreements, a phenomenon that you

Commission, by which it is proven once more, that

cannot find elsewhere. Fourth, the EU has a system

you don’t need to be a 30,000+ university to be

of checks and balances. Here it should be noted that

successful in research.”

national courts and the EU Court of Justice together form the EU judicial system. Taking the gradual

He mentioned IES’ cooperation with the VUB and

constitutionalisation of the EU into consideration,

the fact that the Institute will keep striving for

Judge Rosas concluded by suggesting that the EU

new opportunities for synergy with the university.

most resembles a federation. Quoting Jean-Jacques

Prof. Cornelis also stressed the importance of the

Rousseau, he hopes the EU is “une bonne fédération

university’s location in Brussels – a fact that hasn’t


gone unnoticed by other universities who keep springing up in this city – the heart of the European

After this inaugural lecture, there was again time

Union. We should not, however, be complacent; to

for more ebullient celebrations. The ‘IES family’

grasp the opportunities this provides, we need to be

celebrated in style at l’Arsenal, near to the VUB

agile and entrepreneurial. To this end, he stressed

campus, with a reception, dinner and dancing.

that collaboration with partner universities was the

With informal speeches, it was also a moment

only way forward, and the newly-formed Brussels

to thank everyone who has contributed to the

University Alliance is an ideal opportunity.

success of the Institute. Anthony Antoine, Executive Director, praised the President of the

It was a enjoyable moment to reflect on IES’

IES, Bart De Schutter, for his monumental role

achievements and the challenges which lie ahead.

in founding and steering the Institute as well as

The audience greatly appreciated the colourful and

everyone at the IES who has played a part in its

detailed exhibition, especially enjoying the more

success. The two live bands proved popular,

amusing photos. The desserts also went down a

judging by the presence on the dance floor,


as did the various culinary options available. It was a great opportunity to catch up with

Alongside its own 10th anniversary, the IES also

former colleagues and the ideal way to end

celebrated the 10th intake of students in its

a splendid day of festivities.

MSc programme on European Integration and Development, and the 40th intake of students in

We look forward to the following 10 years

the LLM International and European Law. To mark

of research, teaching and everything in

this occasion, we had the honour of inviting Prof. Dr.

between, in order to be able to celebrate

Allan Rosas, Judge at the European Court of Justice,

another successful decennium of IES.


Economic Governance On the road – Jamal presents his research in Northern Europe

“Exclusive focus on efficiency in antitrust policy creates obscurity”: Senior Associate Ben Van Rompuy

September is traditionally the start of the conference season for many, and this year was no exception. IES Senior Researcher Jamal Shahin participated in a panel on local government at UACES in Passau, where he presented the work carried out in the context of the Citadel Statement, a transnational, EU-level movement designed from the local level, in order to help implement the Digital Agenda, notably the aspects on eGovernment.

One of the research streams in the Economic Governance cluster deals with value reconciliation in modern societies. Taking the dual, even paradoxical process, of globalisation and fragmentation as its basis, the

Governance issues were also on the agenda in

objective of the cluster is to research and develop mechanisms to reconcile economic and non-economic

September in Tampere, Finland. There Jamal

values in international, EU and national decision-making. The work cuts across various areas of law and

was joined by fellow IES postdoc Joachim

policy, and makes comparisons between jurisdictions facing similar challenges.

Koops, who had convened a panel with Hanna Ojanen.

The recent book launch of the EECG Senior Associate Ben Van Rompuy, held in the form of a Policy Forum on 28 September, is a great example of this work. To mark the publication of his book, “Economic

Jamal presented his ongoing research on

Efficiency: The Sole Concern of Modern Antitrust Policy? The role of non-efficiency considerations under

the concept of ‘performance’ in EU external

Article 101 TFEU” (Kluwer Law International), Ben, who successfully defended his PhD at the IES last

relations and his attempts to investigate and

year, convincingly claimed that over the past decade, we

assess the way in which the European Union

have witnessed an apparent convergence of views among

interacts with international organisations. In

competition agency officials in the European Union and the

many cases, especially those concerned with

United States on the appropriate goals of competition law

performance of the EU, studies have tried to

enforcement. Antitrust policy, it is now suggested, should

examine the degree of success, or added

focus on enhancing economic efficiency to the exclusion

value of EU engagement, in specific policy

of other social objectives and values. Concentrating

areas. Attempts to systematise such analyses

exclusively on efficiency, we are to believe, will promote

over a range of policy areas are difficult with

consumer welfare. Recent EU Commission Guidelines on

our current methods and theories, as we

the application of Article 101 TFEU (competition restricting

need to ensure coherence and comparability

agreements) appear to banish considerations that cannot

over variations in the EU’s role in different

be construed as having an economic efficiency value – such

policy areas.

as the environment, cultural policy, employment, public health, and consumer protection – from the application of

Jamal’s research attempts to introduce

Article 101 TFEU.

literature from the field of Public Management, particularly that on performance evaluation, in

Arguing that the professed adoption of an exclusive efficiency

order to examine potentials for development

approach to Article 101 TFEU does not preclude, but rather

of a clear set of tools to evaluate the

obfuscates the role of non-efficiency considerations, Ben’s

performance of the EU.

timely contribution accomplishes the following objectives: •traces the genesis of the shift to an efficiency orientation

Subsequently, in Copenhagen and Malmö

in EU and US antitrust policy and dispels several ingrained misconceptions that underpin it; •demonstrates

there was a two-day, two-country conference

the close interrelationship between evolving images of the purpose of antitrust, the development of related

organised by the EUCLID Network. Jamal’s

enforcement norms, and enforcement output;•provides in-depth analyses of a number of analytically rich

presentations concerend the perils of

cases in the audiovisual sector (and particularly those related to sports rights;•explores what the role

eParticipation and addressed an audience

of non-efficiency considerations in the application of Article 101 TFEU could and should be under the

of members of ‘third sector’ organisations.

modernized enforcement regime. Following Ben’s presentation of the main themes of his book, we were honoured to have Dr. Ioannis Lianos, Reader in Competition law and Economics at University College London, as guest speaker.


Migration Diversity Notes from Bangalore

by Neepa Acharya

Senior Researcher Ilke Adam in Tampere: the Europeanisation of family migration policies and politics In the 2000s, family migration policies replaced asylum policies as the most salient and contentious migration issue in many European countries. This has resulted in a wave of restrictive reforms of admission policies for foreign spouses and other family members. In parallel, the communitarization of asylum and migration policies by the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) and the introduction of Community law in the early 2000s, have changed the politics of migration in Europe in crucial ways. The effects

As fieldwork for my dissertation project concerning

of gated communities, and informal meetings.

of the introduction of the EU Directive on Family

entrepreneurs of Indian origin living in the EU and

Upon arriving to Bangalore, I settled in Whitefield,

Reunification and the evolving jurisprudence of

US who have decided to return to India, I spent the

a ‘suburb’ of Bangalore that is currently the

the EU Court of Justice based on this Directive

last 8 months conducting fieldwork in Bangalore,

hub of returnee residences within luxury gated

on the domestic politics of family migration

India and returned to Brussels this summer. As an

villa communities that resemble Spanish-style

are now gradually becoming apparent. At the

international hub for the global IT sector, Bangalore

Californian subdivisions. Whitefield also contains

6th pan-European conference on EU Politics

is known as the ‘Silicon Valley of India.’ Between

the ITPL, a massive office-park area that contains

(SGEU ECPR Conference, Tampere, 13-15

2004-2009, the Indian Government estimates that

campuses of almost every influential multinational

October 2012), IES Senior researcher Ilke

50,000 overseas citizens of India have returned

corporation in the world. Settling into Bangalore felt

Adam, together with Saskia Bonjour (Leiden

to the city of Bangalore. Entrepreneurs of Indian

surprisingly natural and the weather was hot but a

University), co-organised a panel on the

origin based in Silicon Valley alone are estimated

welcome change from Brussels’ clouds. Every day

Europeanization of family migration policies

to have a net worth of $250 billion dollars (Fortune

was a new adventure. One day, I was riding home

and politics. The different presentations in that

2007), so their relative impact is quite significant.

with the world-famous filmmaker, ShekharKapur

panel explored both horizontal and vertical

My fieldwork was devoted to getting to know the

and he pointed out the window and said: “Look at

processes of Europeanisation. After very

city, its design and layout, and to conduct in-depth

this street here. People are moving back because

stimulating discussions, plans were explored

interviews with returned entrepreneurs while

India provides constant stimulation. Look at the

for publishing a special issue journal on this

spending the rest of my time as a participant

colors, the movement, the people. One moment

highly politicised but yet too little researched

observer at networking events, conferences, tours

provides a lifetime of smells, images, noises…that

Europeanised policy area.

Summer Schools

is India.”

noteworthy for encouraging interaction with

could impede future ratifications of the ICC-Statute

accomplished scholars.

by Non-State Parties.

doctoral students took part in various summer

In August, Mathias Holvoet attended the Salzburg

In July, Irene Wieczorek took part in the Summer

schools relating to their specific research fields.

Law School on International Criminal, International

School organised by the Academy of European

Humanitarian and International Human Rights

Law of the European Union at the European

Mathijs van Dijk participated in the doctoral

Law. The topic of his doctorate on defining crimes

University Institute in Florence. The theme was

summer school on theoretical and methodological

against humanity in the ICC-Statute was touched

the independence and legitimacy of the EU

approaches in Migration Studies hosted by the

upon in some of the lectures. For example,

Institutional system. The outstanding panel of

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Immigration

Steven Kay QC, defense Counsel for Uhuru

teaching staff included: Grainne de Bruca from

at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona,

Kenyatta for his trial in Kenya argued for a narrow

New York University, who gave a distinguished

Spain (GRITIM-UPF) and the IMISCOE (International

interpretation of the concept. His arguments were

lecture on the future of Europe; Daniel Halberstam

Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in

mainly policy-oriented. According to Kay, adopting

on ‘Structures of authority in the United States and

Europe) Research Network. This was the first

a too wide approach would mean that all kinds of

Europe’; and Jean Paul Jacqué, Professor at the

time that IMISCOE has used the summer school

international and transnational criminal conduct

University of Strasbourg and Honorary Director

format, allowing it to bring together a larger

would fall under the rubric of crimes against

General of the Council of Europe, who analysed

group of doctoral students for a comprehensive

humanity. In addition, a wide approach would

the current status of the Commission and whether

study programme. The format of the school was

infringe too much on state sovereignty, which

its influence is waning.

During the summer months, the migration

European Foreign & Security Policy Associates’ News Eva Gross joins Task Force on prevention of

Alexander gives guest lecture at the European

mass atrocities

Security and Defence College


Hongyu Wang, Senior Associate, chaired the seminar

‘Chinese Economic Diplomacy’ at the

Eva Gross has been invited

Alexander gave a guest lecture entitled ‘CSDP

Annual Tsinghua Community conference of Politics

to participate in the ‘Task

Operations Planning: From Political Decision

and International Relations in July in Beijing. In

Force for the improvement

to OPLAN’ at the CSDP orientation course the

August, he presented his paper “EU model and

of the EU’s capabilities to

European Security and Defence College organised

East Asia regionalization” at the UIBE international

prevent mass atrocities’.

on behalf of the Cypriot Presidency in the week of

conference on East Asia Regional Integration and

Co-chaired by Professor

17-21 September.

the Role of the US, Beijing. He will participate and

Karen Smith (LSE) and

present his paper “EU-China economic diplomatic

Professor Christoph

Anna Stahl publishes paper on trilateral

relations in 21st century ” at the 4th Shanghai Youth

Meyer (King’s College) and supported by the

development cooperation between the EU,

Academic Conference on Global Issues in October

Foundation for the International Prevention of

China and Africa

in Shanghai. Dr. Hongyu Wang has been awarded a

Genocide and Mass Atrocities in Budapest, the

three month postdoctal research scholarship byVLIR-

task force will review and assess the existing

"" ""


tools of the European Union and develop

! ! ! ! !

practical policy recommendations to optimise

! ! !

Anna Stahl published a

UOS. Thus, from December 2012 to February 2013,

discussion paper entitled

he will be at the VUB to prepare his publication on

“Trilateral development

“The public-private Interactions in the Process of

cooperation between the

EUTrade Policymaking”.


timely and adequate EU responses to emerging

""""! !

"#$%&$$#'(!)*+,-! ! !

threats of mass atrocities. Findings will be presented to EEAS and member states officials



European Union, China and Africa: What prospects

! !

Anna Katharina Stahl ! !

and published as a report in early 2013.


Stellenbosch | August ! 2012 !




! !


Luis Simón awarded FWO long stay abroad


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! !


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for South Africa?” within the Discussion Paper Series of the Centre of

grant for research semester at Columbia

Chinese Studies. Taking the example of South


Africa, the paper aims at advancing the debate around trilateral development cooperation Starting in September 2012,

between the European Union, China and Africa.

Luis Simón has taken up

The paper presents the main findings of Anna’s

a visiting fellowship at

field research conducted in South Africa in the

Columbia University in New

beginning of 2012, which was funded by a travel

York. While at Columbia,

grant of the Flemish Research Foundation (FWO).

Luis will conduct research on the evolution of America’s military and strategic posture in Europe and the broader

Esther Marijnen in Geneva

Middle East and its implications for European Esther Marijnen, who recently joined the IES, participated in a workshop organised by GCSP – Geneva


Center for Security Policy – financed by the European Commission, with the overall theme: ‘The European Alexander addresses ACP-EU Joint

Union and Crisis Management Operations: Towards More Strategic Thinking’, 24-27 September 2012,

Parliamentary Assembly

Geneva, Switzerland. During the workshop Esther presented her PhD research proposal and brainstormed with the group on the research projects of the other participants. The group included 16 young scholars September,

(PhD students and Post-docs) all focusing on EU crisis management. The group was guided and received

Alexander Mattelaer

feedback by the two academic course directors: Dr. Thierry Tardy and Dr. Gustav Lindstrom of the GCSP.



addressed the Committee on Political Affairs of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.



presentation, he analysed the threats posed by military coups d’état in the ACP countries. Alexander argued that military coups must be interpreted as the ultimate climax of festering crises in civil-military relations. He stressed that the conditional pursuit of multilateral security assistance programmes are the only practical means available to the international community to mitigate these threats. Such programmes must be aimed at increasing military professionalism and improving democratic oversight.


EDU Educational Development Unit


EU modules, as well as contributing strongly to

placed to head the module constructed from the IES’

the growing teaching and training requirements

own Autumn Lecture Series on the decarbonisation

two major

of the EDU. After a strong recruitment drive that

of Europe.

EDU projects come to fruition. The first is the

generated 51 applications, the EDU is delighted to

consolidation of the Jean Monnet ‘Bridging the Gap’

have Magdalena on board, knowing that its expertise

The second module offered within this inaugural

project, which saw a variety of activities including

is genuinely expanded by her strong teaching

MSc is the EU Redux course that introduces students

a successful 2-day workshop in May, training

expertise, her background as an economist and

to EU institutions, decision-making and a variety of

secondary teachers from across and beyond the EU.

her enthusiasm for the world of distance learning.

public and foreign policies. The EDU both teach and

Related activities include a mini online module, a

To support our transition to the new online module

coordinate guest lecturing of this module, offered

handbook, and a small number of webpages, which

set-up, and to successfully execute the range of

in the autumn term. Come spring 2013, the EDU

will take their final form after the second and final

remaining ‘Bridging the Gap’ tasks under our Jean

will oversee the management of thesis supervision

2-day November workshop. The second project

Monnet grant, the EDU is delighted that Silviu Piros

between the IES and VeCo, in addition to liaising

was the intense attention given to the rewriting of

has joined its ranks as an intern. Silviu comes fresh

with VeCo on the overall quality assurance of the

the existing three EU online modules into a brand-

from the 2011-2012 EuroMaster cohort, having

new MSc.

new set up of 5 fully accredited modules. This also

achieved the highest mark of the year amongst

includes the detailed work required in transferring

full-time students for his final thesis.

This summer season has seen

to them to Chamilo, a cutting-edge new learning online platform.

The EDU is also pleased to welcome doctoral student Tomas Malty, from the University of Manchester,

The EDU team has also has a new look, including

who joins the IES with an ECPR grant to research

one new permanent member of staff, Dr Magdalena

abroad, and who will act as the module convenor

Sapala, who joins in the capacity of a post-doc,

for one of the two modules offered by the EDU for

working with Alexandra Mihai to ensure a smooth

the new MSc at Vesalius College (VeCo). Tomas has

and timely transition from the old to the new online

a background in energy security, and is very well

Summer School on European Policy-Making In July the IES organised together with its long-standing partner, the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, the 9th edition of the Summer School on European Policy-making. Nineteen students from thirteen countries, in and beyond the EU, gathered for an intensive twoweeks programme in Brussels in Vienna. Coming from different academic backgrounds, the students had a keen interest in European affairs and the EDU team offered them a comprehensive line-up of lectures on the structure and the functioning of the EU institutions, as well as the EU decision-making process and various policy areas. Complementary to the lectures, the students visited the main EU institutions and had a chance to discuss with practitioners about their day-to-day work and the policy fields they are involved in. In Vienna, the lectures focused on the legal and economic aspects of European integration and the students visited the Fundamental Rights Agency. True to the active learning principle, the Summer School also includes two simulation games, whereby the students experience the negotiations environment of the Council of Ministers. This year, the games on EU foreign policy and EU-wide pandemic threat offered the participants a chance to apply all the knowledge accumulated during the two weeks and end the Summer School on an interactive and fun note.


One step closer to the new EU modules on Chamillo

Alexandra in Passau at the UACES annual conference

On 2-5 September 2012, Alexandra Mihai took part in the annual University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) At the beginning of 2012, the IES decided to update

is to produce a modern and attractive online course

conference in Passau. The conference brought

its distance learning platform. In collaboration with

on European affairs.

together more than 400 academics doing

VUB’s IT Department, the Institute chose to move

research in various aspects of EU integration,

its modules to the VUB-endorsed platform called

In parallel with the content updates, the process

from more theoretical approaches to legal,


of the customization of our learning platform

economic and political analysis as well as

continued at full speed throughout the summer.

teaching and research methods.

The current content was divided into five modules:

All of the main required functionalities have now

European history; Institutions of the European

been integrated and September was dedicated to a

Alexandra presented her paper “The Virtual

Union; EU decision-making and law; European

thorough process of user acceptance testing. This

Classroom. Teaching European Studies

policies and European information sources. So far

is an essential step in giving the ‘green light’ to

through webinars” in the first of the two

most of the work has focused on amending and

starting the actual transfer of the modules to the

panels dedicated to teaching and learning

updating the content of the first three modules.

new platform. The testing process of the essential

EU studies.

They now include approximately 150 pages. The

features is scheduled to finish in mid-October and

text has been enhanced with various complementary

will be followed by a few further developments

The paper looks into the use of synchronous

resources, links to external websites and audiovisual

aimed to increase the usability of the modules.

e-learning tools in teaching European studies,

materials such as pictures and movies. Our final goal

taking as a case study the Wednesday Webinar series organised by the IES. The focus on the paper is on the teachers’ perception of

‘Bridging the Gap’ project: back to school

and experience with the webinar tool. The findings of the research conducted through

The “Bridging the Gap” project, part of the EU Life-Long learning Programme, “Learning EU in Schools” stream

a questionnaire point to the fact that the

is well under way. The EDU held the first teachers workshop in Brussels on 14-15 May and the second one

synchronous e-learning tool is perceived

is scheduled for 12-13 November. Beside the workshop, the first four webinars offered the participants

as useful but is used with best results in

a chance to debate various aspects of teaching EU topics, from simulation games to various tools and

conjunction with face-to-face lectures and/or

resources as well as tips for curriculum building. The recordings of these webinars can be accessed on the

asynchronous e-learning platforms.

IES website. Two more webinars are scheduled in November and December, aiming to inform participants of different opportunities of collaboration among European schools, including the funding available for

The other papers in the panel addressed

such projects. The EDU team is also currently working on developing the online module and the handbook

issues such as student mobility, study visits

“Teaching EU for teachers” that will be available in January 2013.

and skills and employability. The panel was followed by a lively discussion about the development and delivery of a EU studies curriculum. Alexandra also chaired the second teaching and learning panel, including papers on simulation games, explaining complexity and adding the EU level in teaching citizenship. Both panels offered a great opportunity to exchange teaching practices with peers from various universities in Europe and beyond.


Environment Sustainable Development Climate change, sustainable development and the EU strategic partnerships

a comparative analysis of the findings.

Presentation at the EEAS on EU performance at the UNFCCC

Sebastian Oberthür and Lisanne Groen presented FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales

a first draft of their paper on “the EU-South Africa

On 20 September, IES PhD researcher Lisanne

y el Diálogo Exterior, Madrid) and the Egmont

strategic partnership in the field of climate change

Groen gave a joint presentation with Arne

Institute (Brussels) have launched the European

and sustainable development” at a workshop on 5

Niemann, Prof. of International Relations

Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO)

July. This was attended by the organisers from FRIDE

(University of Mainz), at the European External

programme. Its purpose is to monitor the evolution

(Giovanni Grevi) and the Egmont Institute (Thomas

Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels about the EU’s

and output of EU strategic partnerships and to

Renard), the paper authors and by officials from the

performance at the Conferences of the Parties

provide a stream of timely, tailor-made analyses

European External Action Service (EEAS) who work

to the UNFCCC in Copenhagen (2009), Cancún

from experts in Europe and beyond. A project on

with the strategic partnerships.

(2010) and Durban (2011). The presentation

“Climate change, sustainable development and the

was part of a two-day seminar on climate

EU strategic partnerships” focuses on four specific

Sebastian and Lisanne have been working on a

change organised by the European Institute

EU strategic partnerships, namely those with Brazil,

second version of the paper. The final report,

of Public Administration (EIPA). Officials from

India, China and South Africa. Separate papers will

including all papers, is expected to appear in

various divisions of the EEAS attended the

address each partnership and a final report will draw


seminar to get a better understanding of the topic.

Brainstorm on the Future of European Energy

of eight participants each discussing the various

for carbon lock-in, and thus a longer transition

pathways to achieve a carbon-free energy system

time to the low-carbon economy. Participants all

On 19 September, researcher Claire Dupont took

in the EU by 2050, several ideas emerged, but it

noted the urgency required in decision-making for

part in an event organised in London by CNBC, on

was clear that no single silver bullet solution exists.

a sustainable energy system in 2050.

event brought together policymakers, academics,

While Shell representatives spoke of the need

The brainstorming session was part of a series

industry representatives and members of civil

to promote natural gas as a transition fuel, the

of events organised by CNBC called “energy

society to discuss ideas on how to solve the crisis

participants and practitioners in the room clearly

opportunities”. Some selected information on the

in the future of European energy. With ten tables

dismissed this idea as promoting unnecessary risks

event can be found at

Laura sails through Summer School on Uses and Protection of the Sea

as well as workshops on delimitation and marine

the future of European energy. This “brainstorming”

environmental protection were provided. To name

“For me, the great value of the Summer Academy lies

a few, this year’s Summer Academy was taught by

in its unique venue, its intensity and the fact that it

none other than Thomas A Mensah, David Attard,

covers both international Law of the Sea as well as

Rüdiger Wolfrum, John Hare and Martin Stopford.

Maritime Law. I very much enjoyed the opportunity

To complete the experience, students have the

to connect and exchange views with colleagues

choice to write a resolution or to participate in a

from all over the world, leading to interesting

moot court held in the Courtroom of the Tribunal.

discussions both within and outside the classroom.

Vice-President of the Tribunal, Judge Helmut Türk,

I have returned from the Summer Academy with a

Doris König, Alexaner Proelss and Christoph Hasche

broadened perspective and new ideas to be further

were this years judges.

developed in my research. It has been a most valuable experience.”

During the summer, Laura Boone participated in the sixth International Foundation for the Law of the Sea (IFLOS) Summer Academy hosted at the seat of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany. This sixth edition, entitled “Uses and Protection of the Sea – Legal, Economic and Natural Science Perspectives,” took place from 22 July - 18 August and involved 35 participants from 32 different countries. The IFLOS Summer academy is an intense four week course, covering both fundamental and contemporary issues of international Law of the Sea and international Maritime Law. A combination of both high-quality teaching sessions by judges from the tribunal, renowned academics and practitioners


IES Publications

Biedenkopf, Katja. 2012. Environmental Leadership Through the Diffusion of Environmental Pioneering Policy. In Rigling Gallagher, Deborah (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Reference Series on Leadership. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi. SAGE Publications: 105-112. Biedenkopf, Katja and DaeYoung Park. 2012. A Toxic Issue? Global Leadership in Comprehensive Chemicals Management. In Rigling Gallagher, Deborah (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Reference Series on Leadership. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi. SAGE Publications: 782-791. Biedenkopf, Katja. 2012. Emissions Trading – A Transatlantic Journey for an Idea? KFG ‘The Transformative Power of Europe’ Working Paper No. 45. Available at: http://www.polsoz. Devuyst, Youri. 2012.”The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties”, in: The Oxford Handbook of the European Union (Erik Jones, Anand Menon & Stephen Weatherill, eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 163-178.

The Performance of the EU in International Institutions

Devuyst, Youri. (2012).‘The European Council and the CFSP after the Lisbon Treaty’, in: European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 17, no. 3: 327–350.

Edited by Sebastian Oberthür, Knud Erik Jørgensen and Jamal Shahin. Routledge: Abingdon, 2012

Dupont, Claire. 2012. “Book review. Massai, Leonardo, 2011. European Climate and Clean Energy Law and Policy.” Carbon and Climate Law Review, vol. 2, pp. 175-177.

The Performance of the EU in International Institutions marks one of the first attempts to

Gouritin, Armelle. 2012. “Water management and protection in France”, in Environmental

systematically analyse the subject. It focuses on the

Protection in Multi-Layered Systems. Comparative lessons from the water sector, Francesco

role of the EU in decision-making within international

Palermo et Mariachiara Alberton (Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 433-462

organizations and regimes as a major locus of global governance. The book unpacks the concept of EU

Gross, Eva. 2012. The EU and Asia: Towards Proactive Engagement? In S. Biscop and R.

performance into four core elements: effectiveness

Whitman (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of European Security. London, Routledge pp.

(goal achievement); efficiency (ratio between outputs


accomplished and costs incurred); relevance (of the EU for its priority stakeholders); and financial/

Gross, Eva. 2012. The EU in Afghanistan. In R. Whitman and S. Wolff (eds.) The EU as a

resource viability (the ability of the performing

Global Conflict Manager. London, Routledge pp. 107-119

organization to raise the funds required). Based on the case studies herein, the findings presented

Gross, Eva. EU Contributions to Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: Towards a

in this book relate to the identified core elements

Comprehensive Approach? In H.-G. Ehrhart, S. Gareis and C. Pentland (eds.) Afghanistan in

of performance with a particular emphasis on the

the Balance: Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive Approach, and Political Order. Montreal,

dimensions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘relevance’. Most

McGill-Queen’s University Press 2012: 111-122

notably, the EU appears, on balance and over the past two decades, to have become much more

Sattich, Thomas. 2012. “Germany’s Energy Transition, the Internal Electricity Market and

relevant for its member states when acting within

Europe’s Future Energy System”, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), SWP Comments

international institutions. The book highlights four

27, August 2012, pp. 1-8.

particular factors explaining EU performance in international institutions: the status of relevant

Stahl, Anna. 2012. “Trilateral development cooperation between the European Union, China

EU legislation and policies, the legal framework

and Africa: What prospects for South Africa?”

conditions including the relevant changes that the Lisbon Treaty has brought about, domestic EU

Tintin, Cem. 2012. “The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Labor Income: Evidence

politics, and the international context.

from OECD Countries”, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 51-60. ISSN: 1309-8055.

For more information and to purchase the book: Tintin, Cem. 2012. “Foreign Direct Investment, Productivity Spillovers and Labor Quality”,

International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 57-66. ISSN:



Price: 85 GBP

Woodward, Alison. (2012). “Gender and European Union Politics”, Perspectives on Europe, Spring Vol. 42 No.1 pp. 44 – 50


IES in the media

Alexander Mattelaer : NATO’nun Bundan Sonraki Tavrı Nasıl Olacak? Tue, 2012-10-09 in: TRT

Amelia Hadfield : EU sends team to combat terrorism in the Sahel region Wed, 2012-08-01 in: Deutsche Welle

Master Programmes A graduate’s perspective on the EuroMaster

lecturers. The idea of combining lectures with first-hand experience of professionals and experts in EU Affairs turned out to be extremely

by Silviu Piros

valuable, and paved my way into choosing an interesting research topic and subsequently writing a good master thesis. The EuroMaster Programme at the IES is now celebrating its 10th anniversary, a great opportunity

There are, of course many more aspects of the programme that could

to rejoice, but also an excellent occasion for

be analysed, but my intention was to briefly describe the international

retrospection. And while preparations for the 28th

ambiance, to emphasise its importance and the ability to create bonds and

September IES Event are now in full swing, as a recent

socialise students from different backgrounds, and bring them under the

IES EuroMaster graduate and current IES EDU Intern,

same umbrella of common interests and concerns.

I will try to give my perspective on this postgraduate programme and the IES, outlining a few general impressions and thoughts.

This success will be once more highlighted at the November EuroMaster Alumni event, where both EPSI and EI graduates are expected to attend and

I must say from the beginning that this MSc was my first experience of

share their personal experiences with the IES and the VUB, and the way in

studying and living abroad. I was looking for a master’s programme that

which this programme influenced their careers.

would combine and balance my studies, and most of all would be EUcentred. I was also expecting it to be very international and bring together students from allover the EU. Here it exceeded my expectations. Besides having people from most of the parts of the EU, I was pleasantly surprised to meet students from Ukraine, Turkey, the Middle East, Africa, the U.S., China, and South Korea. The programme had managed to bring to the melting pot this unique mix of cultures and different characters, creating a vibrant environment and adding value to the overall experience. Moreover, it encouraged cultural interaction and sparked curiosity in classes like Peter Schollier’s and Alison Woodward’s, by engaging students in such activities or projects that involved presenting or using the student’s knowledge on his or her national culture. This created an interesting and friendly climate for both on and off-campus activities. On the other hand, I had the chance to attend very challenging classes on EU Law and Foreign Policy taught by exceptional professors, and guest

New faces @ the IES Emmanuel Dalle Mulle is a PhD student from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. He is working on a thesis entitled “The Nationalism of the Rich: Discourses and Strategies of Separatist Parties in Padania, Catalonia, Scotland and Flanders” and he’s in Brussels to do research into the Vlaams Belang and N-VA archives. He studied International Relations at the University of Trieste and International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. Emmanuel is a visiting researcher at the VUB department of Political Sciences but will be based at IES. Daniel Fiott started working at the IES at the beginning of September as a Doctoral Researcher in the EU Foreign and Security Policy cluster. He will be conducting research on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, and his promoter is Prof. Dr. Eva Gross. Before IES, Daniel worked as a Research Fellow at a Brussels-based think tank and has held research positions with a number of NGOs and international organisations. He holds a BSc (Honours) degree in International Studies from the Open University (UK) and a Master of Philosophy degree in International Relations from the University of Cambridge (UK). In his spare time he likes to jog, cook and paint. Max Salomon Jansson obtained his LL.M. degree from the University of Helsinki in 2009. This year he graduated in Business Administration from Hanken School of Economics with finance as his major. He has previously worked in a law firm, but joins us from his most recent position as a research assistant at the University of Helsinki, where he conducted research on free movement of services, public procurement and insider trading. His PhD concerns value balancing tests in different fields of economic law, using biofuels as a case study.

Ines Kefel graduated in 2009 as a graphic and digital designer. From childhood on she liked to be creative and was always busy designing something. However after graduation, she wanted to know more about marketing and advertisement. After one year of Communication Studies at VUB, she got in touch with more political courses and became interested in Internet freedom and international politics. Ines is currently doing an internship at the IES on the International Telecommunications Union. Esther Marijnen studied Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and obtained a MA in Conflict Studies and Human Rights at University Utrecht (2010-2011). Esther recently joined the IES as a PhD researcher in the European Foreign and Security Policy cluster. In her PhD project she will focus on the impact of EU’s external policies on regional conflict dynamics and transformations in two case studies, Central Africa (Great lakes region) and the Sahel. Before joining the IES, Esther worked in Brussels as a policy officer for the NGO ActionAid and later on as a trainee in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in the Central Africa and Great Lakes unit. During her studies Esther focused her research projects on contemporary Rwanda and the role of the international community in the future political stability of the country. She conducted four months of fieldwork in Rwanda and recently wrote a chapter on the topic, together with a former colleague of Institute Clingendael, which was published in a book on the future of Rwanda. Silviu Piros is a new EDU intern at the IES. He comes from the small medieval town of Sighisoara, in Transylvania, Romania. He graduated from IES’s Euromaster Programme 2011-2012 (EPSI) with a thesis on the Europeanization of Romania’s Foreign Policy. Prior to living and studying in Brussels, he completed two Bachelor Programmes in Law and Philosophy in Bucharest, Romania. Silviu’s

11 interests range from IR and International Law, to Ethics and Political Philosophy. His hobbies include traveling, knowing and understanding the life of other cultures, listening to, and playing music (guitar). Günes Ünüvar recently obtained his LL.M. degree in International and European Law from the PILC programme of the IES. Originally from Turkey, Günes completed his undergraduate studies in Bilkent University, Ankara; and is an admitted attorney-at-law of Ankara Bar Association, Turkey. His academic focus is mostly in corporate and investment law - his master’s thesis concerns dispute settlement mechanisms in future EU bilateral investment treaties. He is doing his one-month internship within the European Economic Governance Cluster and conducting research on value balancing in energy sector investments. After his internship at IES, Günes will go on to serves as a researcher at TÜSIAD (Turkish Association of Business and Industry) EU Representative Office. In addition, Günes will shortly publish an IES Working Paper on ‘Dispute Settlement Alternatives in Future EU BITS: Building the Framework for Investment Protection’. Eléonore Maitre is a visiting researcher from the University of Oslo, Norway. Her PhD dissertation looks at the prevention of environmental effects of products with a focus on extended producer responsibility and the role of information. After graduating in Law from the University of Geneva (2005) and obtaining a Master in European Law from the College of Europe (2007), she completed various work experiences, notably at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg and the Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association. In 2010, Eléonore completed a second Master in Energy and Environmental Law at the University of Leuven. Before joining the University of Oslo in February 2012, she worked as a legal advisor at ClientEarth, an environmental lawyers’ organisation based in Brussels.


Events Calendar Date Wed 07/11

Event Autumn Lecture Series: Decarbonising transport and industry

18:00 - 20:00 Wed 07/11 12:00 - 13:15 Tues 13/11 12:00 - 14:00 Tues 13/11 18:00 - 20:00 Wed 14/11 18:00 - 20:00 Thu 15/11 18:00 - 20:00 Wed 21/11 18:00 - 20:00

Tue 27/11 12:00 - 14:00

Wed 28/11 18:00 - 20:00 Fri 30/11 18:00 - 20:30 Wed 05/12 12:00 - 13:15 Wed 05/12

Jean Monnet Wednesday Webinar: Setting the Stage: The Building Blocks of Theory Research Colloquium: Dealing with Mixed Migration Flows to the EU: the involvement of IOM and UNHCR Tackling the Challenges of Human Trafficking Autumn Lecture Series: The role of energy efficiency improvements to decarbonisation

Tues 11/12

Wed 12/12 18:00 - 20:00 18/12 12:00 - 14:00

Neepa Acharya - Ilke Adam - Laura Boone - Claire Dupont - Lisanne Groen - Eva Gross Amelia Hadfield - Harri Kalimo - Richard Lewis Esther Marijnen - Alexander Mattelaer - Trisha Meyer Alexandra Mihai - Silviu Piros - Jamal Shahin - Marie Tuley Editing & layout by: Marie Tuley

Being a Humanitarian: Personal, Political and Bureaucratic Reflections Pictures courtesy of IES

Autumn Lecture Series: Evolving external energy interdependencies: past partners Research Colloquium: The EU Vat Provisions on “Electronically Supplied Services, A Critical Analysis of the EU Vat Treatment of Digital Supplies and Proposals for Reform

Autumn Lecture Series: Evolving external energy interdependencies: new and emerging partners EuroMaster Autumn Event: Mixing Wine & Politics: The European Community’s Wine Policy in the 1960s and 1970s Jean Monnet Wednesday Webinar: Actors in Play

Autumn Lecture Series: EU decarbonisation in 2050: views from abroad

18:00 - 20:00

12:00 - 14:00

Contributions to this Newsletter:

Research Colloquium: The Accountability Puzzle of the EU Multi-level System of Policy Coordination EU decarbonisation to 2050: views from the neighbourhood Research Colloquium: Performing under institutional complexity: the EU as an international actor in the governance of genetic resources

Coming up in the next newsletter... Armelle Gouritin successfully defends her PhD: Can International Environmental Law and Human Rights Law Fill the Gaps of EU Environmental Law? The Case of Environmental Responsibility.

Newsletter of the Institute for European Studies Published by

Anthony Antoine Institute for European Studies Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 (IES) B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)

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