News letter Vol. 8 • Issue 40 • October - December 2012
Economic Governance Environmental criteria in public procurement Executive training seminar and high-level workshop on Internet governance Expert workshop on indicator-based monitoring of regional economic integration
Migration & Diversity IES hosts 4th Equal@ work Expert Meeting - EU policies on hiring migrants Richard Lewis at University of California at Berkely
Foreign & Security Policy Seminar on Cyprus EU Council Presidency International Peacekeeping in Africa Conference China-Africa Think Tanks Forum
Ilke Adam awarded Charles Ullens Prize
Luis in the US
Irene Wieczork on the principle of subsidiarity
CFSP for journalism students
A Global Strategy for the EU
Educational Development ‘Bridging the Gap’ teacher workshops: making a difference Launching Springboard Brussels 2015: Jean Monnet Chair Report Jean Monnet ‘Quo Vadis’ Webinars Magdalena Sapala on the EP and the Multiannual Financial Framework
Environment & Devt. Doha Climate Conference
Marie Lamensch wins Prestigious TEI Award
Sebastian on the road
Latest IES Policy Briefs: ‘The Role of Civil Society Dialogue in EUChina Cooperation on Renewable Energy’ by R. Primova & J. van Vrede
Sustainable Development beyond the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals Florian and Lisanne at the CBD COP11 in India
Introducing Drs. Gouritin & Goeman
IES Publications & Awards
‘Reviewing the EU’s Crisis Management Procedures’ by Alexander Mattelaer
answer to the research question is “to some degree, but to a limited extent”. The dissertation focuses on environmental damage, environmental harm, and the grounds for environmental responsibility and exceptions to the responsibility principle. All in all, the results of the gap-filling exercise can be viewed as rather limited. The research started with an open question and this limited result
The IES is delighted to announce the succesful
First of all, Armelle presented an overview of her
was, to some extent, predictable. Nevertheless,
defence of two PhDs in the past three months.
dissertation for the jury and the audience. Through
this lacklustre performance is, as Armelle argues,
The first of these took place on 15 October
her research, she aimed to answer the question
not entirely unproductive. It can rather be seen
2012 when IES Researcher Armelle Gouritin
of whether international environmental law and
as scientific evidence of the current limits of
successfully defended her PhD Can International
Council of Europe human rights law (European
international environmental law and Council of
Environmental Law and Human Rights Law Fill
Convention on Human Rights as interpreted by the
Europe human rights law. Consequently, were
the Gaps of EU Environmental Law? The Case of
European Court of Human Rights) fill gaps identified
international environmental law and Council of
Environmental Responsibility. Armelle prepared
in Directive 2004/35 on environmental liability
Europe human rights law to fulfil the gap-filling
her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Paul
with regard to the prevention and remedying of
exercise, potential paths for improvement are
de Hert (promotor), Prof. Dr. Marc Pallemaerts
environmental damage and Directive 2008/99 on
identified. In addition, the interplay between EU
(co-promoter) and Prof. Dr. Harri Kalimo (IES
the protection of the environment through criminal
environmental responsibility law, international
law. The research is exclusively concerned with
environmental law and human rights law can be
private persons’ environmental responsibility. The
Continued on p. 2
PhDs Gouritin & Goeman
After Armelle’s thorough presentation, the jury asked a number of probing questions to which Armelle was confidently able to respond. Shortly after the short interlude, the jury returned to give its positive verdict and thus, Armelle was proclaimed as Dr. Gouritin. Prof. Dr. Harri Kalimo, Armelle’s supervisor within the IES, made a personal tribute to Armelle and what she has contributed to the institute. After the proclamation, there was much celebration and even a ‘throwing of the bouquet’
from October 1999. This statement firmly placed
Prof. Dr. Patrick Stouthuysen, shared some warm
ceremony. But instead of the hope of being the next
integration policy on the EU agenda, marking a
words about his time working together with
in line to marry, the prize was indeed the coveted
starting point for the constitution of a true policy
Hannelore. He emphasised that Hannelore was
title of Doctor.
domain on migrant integration at European level.
a very independent and diligent researcher who
In the following years, the member states would
required very little supervision. After many more
endorse a series of EU initiatives that directly aimed
congratulations, there was time for photographs
at furthering the integration of non-EU migrants
and celebatory drinks. Following her PhD, Hannelore
throughout the Union, with the approval of a first
will continue her political engagement as she takes
‘Common agenda on integration’ in December
up a position working for the local government of
2005 as a provisional highlight. The appearance of
the city of Brussels.
integration on the EU Council agenda in Tampere may be considered surprising, given that the heads
The IES extends its warmest congratulations to
of state and government had barely paid attention
both Hannelore and Armelle on the completion
to the integration of third-country nationals in the
of their PhDs, gives thanks for everything they
European context before that time. Indeed, national
have contributed to the IES, and hopes for more
governments had long been reluctant to grant the
collaboration in the future.
European Union any role in the development of their integration policies, firmly holding on to their And lo and behold, we did not have to wait too
exclusive competence in the field. In addition, the
long for the next title of Dr to be awarded as on
treaty did not provide an explicit legal basis for
10 December 2012 Hannelore Goeman stepped
integration policy until recently, further adding
up to the challenge. At 4pm on that Monday she
to the conspicuousness of their sudden request.
gave the jury and public an impressive whirlwind
As such, we can question why the member states
tour of her PhD thesis Integrating integration: the
suddenly agreed to place integration on the
constitution of an EU policy domain on migrant
European agenda in 1999? And how the ensuing
integration. Hannelore’s defence proved very
policy domain then developed in the ensuing years,
popular with an impressively large audience present.
both in terms of timing and outcome? This thesis
The following is a summary of her presentation
seeks to tackle these questions, accounting for the
and thesis.
constitution of a new policy domain on migrant integration at EU level. Having developed an agenda-
The issue of migrant integration is not a novelty at
based model to shed light on the different steps in
European level. Several EU actors, the Commission
the policy process, it more concretely explores the
in particular, have long emphasised the need to
exact circumstances under which this new policy
promote the integration of third-country nationals,
domain took shape between 1999 and 2005.
highlighting how the European Union might play an important role in that regard. However, only
After a short interlude when the jury considered its
recently did the EU Council pick up on these
verdict, Hannelore was proclaimed as Dr. by Prof.
aspirations, explicitly calling for a ‘more vigorous
Dr. Alison Woodward, representing the Political
integration policy’ in the Tampere conclusions
Science faculty of the VUB. Hannelore’s promoter,
Economic Governance Environmental criteria in public procurement
national policies and programmes. It is nevertheless not fully clear how this push for greener public procurement complies with the central aims of public procurement legislation – guaranteeing the
Expert workshop on indicator-based monitoring of regional economic integration
best value for taxpayers’ money and the operability of the internal market.
On 25 and 26 October 2012 the IES hosted
The doctoral thesis of Ms. Katriina Alhola, which she
an expert workshop
defended on October 5 in a ‘doctoral disputation’
on indicator-based
at the Aalto University in Helsinki with IES SRF
monitoring of regional
Harri Kalimo as the designated ‘opponent’ (a
economic integration
unique Finnish tradition), analysed this question
which was organised
with several methods and tools. The work
in collaboration with the United Nations
assessed the greenness of public procurement;
University-CRIS in Bruges, GRESI and FWO.
it analysed purchasing criteria; it undertook life
IES’ Cem Tintin, PhD Researcher, was one
cycle assessments and it also explored the question
of the organisers of the workshop.
Green public procurement (GPP) is about setting
with regards to eco-label criteria. Ms. Alhola’s
environmental criteria in the public procurement
work devoted particular attention to the concept
The aim of the workshop was to exchange
process alongside the traditional purchasing
of the most economically advantageous tender as
recent developments in the regional economic
criteria, e.g. price, quality and technical features
defined in the EU’s public procurement directives.
integration indicators and to formalise
of products, services and works. GPP is considered
She concluded that the contents and applicability of
the common problems in measuring the
to be one of the key policies that could be used to
concept in the practical assessment of the economic
regional economic integration. The workshop
promote a change in the unsustainable patterns
and environmental performance of a purchase
hosted about 30 experts (economists and
of consumption and production. Indeed, public
require further elaboration. Overall, the work takes
academics) working on regional economic
purchases cover approximately 18% of the EU
forward the discourse on the greening of public
integration from different regions and
gross domestic product, which implies that great
procurement by making suggestions on ways to
organisations from all over the world
potential exists for environmental improvements
further develop the tools to improve the integration
such as the European Commission, ASEAN
through public procurement and possibilities to
of environmental criteria in the public procurement
economic community, Asian Development
create markets for ecological products and services.
process. This is an important topic as the European
Bank, and EuroAsian development bank. It
economies strive towards competitiveness and
was agreed that regional integration has
The use of environmental criteria in public
growth, while simultaneously trying to strengthen
a dynamic structure that makes it hard
procurement has increased over the past decade;
inclusiveness and sustainability.
to measure over time and across regions.
they are promoted by many international and
Given this difficulty, different organisations and academic groups are developing more comprehensive indicators that will also
Executive training seminar and high-level
the content of the Internet. First, the executive
include some contemporary issues such as
workshop on Internet governance
training seminar provided an overview of state-of-
the environmental developments and the
the-art research on topics such as the functioning
effects of movements of the skilled and
of the digital economy, the shifting liability of
unskilled labour across regions.
Internet intermediaries, the difficulties associated with international Internet regulation, and the
The workshop was successful in two main
transformation of representative democracy
through ICTs. Second, the high-level workshop involved more policy stakeholders and focused on
- It gave academics a chance to exchange
public and private mechanisms of enforcement on
their results on indicators designed for
From 11 - 16 December, the Academy of Global
the Internet. How do we deal with the challenges
measuring regional economic integration.
Governance at the European University Institute in
of human rights and security in a fast-changing
Florence, Italy organised two interlinked events.
technical and globalised environment? Opinions
- It was a networking opportunity for the high-
EEG researcher Trisha Meyer attended the
were divergent on the feasibility and desirability
level experts working on regional economic
Executive Training Seminar on “The Governance
of various mechanisms - for instance the
integration at different organsations.
of the Information Society and the Regulation
abolishment of copyright, the use of notice-and-
of the Internet” and the subsequent High-Level
action procedures for alleged illegal content and
Workshop on “Policing the Internet: Policy,
the proposed right to be forgotten. However,
Politics and Consequences of Regulating Internet
Trisha believes that common ground was found
Marie Lamensch wins Prestigious
in the need to develop policies and practices that
TEI Award “TEI Award for the best
are citizen-centric and do not overburden Internet
short publication on European and/or
International Tax Law 2012”
The Academy of Global Governance approached Internet governance broadly, highlighting policies and practices of both the infrastructure and
For more details see p. 9
Migration Diversity IES hosts the 4th Equal@work expert meeting on ‘How EU policies support or hinder the hiring of migrants in Europe’ Third-country nationals residing in the EU often face barriers in accessing the European labour market due to discriminatory hiring practices, obstacles in having previous degrees from countries of origin recognised, mobility restrictions and work permit limitations, as well as skills mismatches, just to name a few. At the same time, employers also face challenges in hiring and recruiting non-EU migrants. Many lack understanding of the various national and EU-wide policies on employment, migration, and equality. With an increasingly global workforce, employers today need to know about labour market rights and equality legislation, while also being familiar with migration policies to promote a better integration of immigrants in the labour market. The ENAR (European Network Against Racism) Equal@work Initiative is a pioneering initiative, launched in 2009, which brings together companies, trade unions, public employers and ENAR members to promote equality in employment for migrants, ethnic and religious minorities. The added value of ENAR’s Equal@work initiative is the creation of a multi-stakeholder dialogue, with the support of five major companies (Adecco Group, Ernst&Young, Groupe La Poste, L’Oréal and Sodexo). IES hosted the fourth edition of the European expert meeting on 7 December 2012. The meeting provided a platform to reflect on the policies that support and/or hinder the hiring of third-country nationals residing in Europe, and brainstormed on innovative solutions for hiring migrants. Senior researcher Ilke Adam welcomed the participants to the expert meeting in name of the IES, presented the migration cluster’s research initiatives and actively participated in the discussion groups.
Richard Lewis lectures on EU immigration policies
llke Adam awarded Charles Ullens Prize
at University of California at Berkely On 23 October 2012, Dr. Ilke Adam, Senior Senior Research Fellow Richard Lewis was invited to
Researcher, was officially awarded the Charles Ullens
speak to a small group of researchers on 6 December
Prize for research on migration and immigrant
led by Professor Beverly Crawford, Associate Director
integration for her PhD thesis Beyond national
at the Institute of European Studies, University of
models? Immigrant integration policies of the
California at Berkeley. His theme was ‘Achievement
Belgian Regions. She defended her thesis in 2010
and Setback in EU Immigration Policies’, aiming
at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
to refute the often held view in the US that the European Union has not made great progress in
The prize was
developing a migration strategy. He pointed out
awarded by the
the ambivalence of public opinion on this issue,
King Boudewijn
which has held back concrete achievements.
Public support for a high degree of cooperation
(Fondation Roi
in the field is considerable, but governments
Baudouin) which manages the Ullens Fund. Named after its generous
have resisted on two grounds. First, the ingrained
donor, Charles Ullens, this Fund aims to contribute to deepening
feeling that immigration and who is admitted to
knowledge on migration and immigrant integration with the objective of
the national territory are sovereign national issues
stimulating a knowledge-based policy debate In Belgium. There are also
and secondly because, in spite of public support,
prizes awarded for master theses and civil society contributions.
there is a strong sense that admitting immigrants is what Americans call a NIMBY issue – ‘Not in my
At the award event, Ilke and the other winners were interviewed to discuss the key conclusions from their
backyard’. The advancement towards a genuine EU
research. Furthermore, several policy papers were written on the basis of the awarded work and the results
immigration policy is a question of resolving this
of the research were discussed with policy-makers.
dichotomy of views.
Irene Wieczork on the principle of subsidiarity
European criminal law”. The authors demonstrate
authors argue that such a restricted perspective
that the subsidiarity principle for European criminal
is not desirable for the penal field. Wieczorek
PhD Researcher Irene Wieczork’s new (co-
law, highlighted as relevant by EU institutions,
and De Hert contend that, when shifting criminal
authored) paper (with Paul De Hert) will be
cannot adequately address issues related to the
issues up to the Brussels agenda, aspects related
published in the issue 3-4/2012 of the New
distribution of criminalization powers between
to democracy, legitimacy, internal coherence of the
Journal of European Criminal Law . The paper is
the EU and the Member States. Article 5(3) TEU
criminal law system, and risks of hyper-repressive
entitled “Testing the principle of subsidiarity in
describes subsidiarity as an efficiency based-
developments must also be considered along with
EU criminal policy. The omitted exercise, in the
criterion aimed at tackling technical competence-
efficiency concerns.
recent EU documents on principles for substantive
exercise issues (instrumental subsidiarity). The
European Foreign & Security Policy Seminar on Cyprus EU Council Presidency
China-Africa Think Tanks Forum
Presentation on CFSP for journalism students
On 30 October,
From 12-13 October, Anna
On 23 November, Daniel Fiott
Stahl participated in the
gave a presentation on the EU’s
Mattelaer spoke at
second China-Africa Think
Common Foreign and Security
a seminar organised
Tanks Forum (CATTF) held in
Policy and the EU’s activities
under the Cyprus EU
Bishoftu, Ethiopia. The CATTF
concerning the Responsibility to
Council Presidency.
was initiated by the Chinese
Protect to a group of journalism
In his presentation
government in 2011 within the framework of the
students from the Missouri University School of
he analysed the
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). It is
Journalism, United States, visiting Brussels for
ongoing review
conceived as a high-level platform for exchange
a study tour and to undertake internships with
of the EU’s crisis
between Chinese and African scholars, experts
Reuters, Swift and the Wall Street Journal.
and civil society representatives, and is held once
a year alternatively in China and in Africa. The
In December Daniel also published an opinion piece
Alexander argued that the procedures warrant
ideas put forward in the forum directly feed into
entitled “How to Avoid the Three Pitfalls of European
attention; what passes as an update of an arcane
the discussions at the level of heads of state and
Strategy” with the European Global Strategy (EGS)
and technical document masks a profoundly
government during FOCAC summits.
process – a think tank-driven initiative launched
political debate about what the Common Security
by the Swedish, Polish, Spanish and Italian foreign
and Defence Policy should be about. He called for
The second CATTF focused on the topic of “Current
ministries designed to stimulate debate on the
the replacement of bureaucratic scheming with a
Issues and Future Perspectives in Governance, Peace
future direction of the EU’s external relations.
more forthright political debate and warned against
and Security” and was co-organised by the Institute
In Daniel’s opinion three consistent and critical
sacrificing incompatible organisational cultures
of African Studies, Zhejiang Normal University and
errors are made when thinking about a European
on the altar of the comprehensive approach. At
the Institute for
Peace and Security
global strategy: firstly, “strategy” is never defined;
a time when security trends are pointing sharply
(IPSS), Addis
secondly, a common strategic departure point
downwards, Alexander argued, the External Action
A b a b a
among member states is assumed; and finally,
Service and the member states must look to the
emphasis is predominately placed on defining
future and embrace rather than resist change. Based
than 80
strategic objectives rather than on outlining a
on this presentation Alexander has published an
Anna was
one of the few
European strategic behaviour.
IES Policy Brief entitled “Reviewing the EU’s Crisis
scholars to
Management Procedures”.
invited to this
event. She presented a paper entitled “Fostering International Peacekeeping in Africa conference
African Governance and Development through
Eva Gross on a Global Strategy for the EU
Multilateral Cooperation between China and From
N o v e m b e r
Traditional Donors: The Case of the China-DAC
On 13 November Eva
Study Group”.
Gross spoke at a
A l e x a n d e r
conference organised
Mattelaer and
Following her participation in the second CATTF,
by the Swedish Institute
Esther Marijnen
Anna spent more than two weeks in Addis Ababa
of International Affairs,
conducting a great variety of interviews with
Stockholm. The event
European and Chinese diplomats, representatives
was organised as part of the European Global
Peacekeeping in
of the African Union (AU), the EU and the Ethiopian
Strategy. Eva emphasised the importance
Africa conference
government, as well as with African academics and
of raising awareness and engagement
organised by the
think tank experts. During her stay in the Ethiopian
among the EU’s member states and citizens
Center for Security
capital, Anna also had the opportunity to visit the
regarding what kind of power the EU should
Studies (CSS) at
Chinese funded new headquarters of the AU.
be. Eva stressed the importance of task
ETH Zurich. They presented a joint paper on the changing role of the EU in African peacekeeping.
prioritisation, involving stakeholders from Luis in the United States
Their presentation highlighted the ongoing shift
outside “the institutions” and taking into consideration how the economic crisis has,
towards a more indirect approach in advancing
Luis Simón is nearing the
and will, affect the EU’s long-term ability to
the cause of African security. It also put forward a
completion of his visiting
act. Eva published an opinion piece, with
number of competing explanatory narratives that
fellowship at the Saltzman
the EGS, based on her presentation entitled
help understand this evolution. The CSS put great
Institute for War and Peace
“A Global Strategy for the EU: What Role for
effort into the organisation of this conference, which
Studies, Columbia University,
the EEAS?”.
was attended by experts from all different parts of
New York. Since September
the world. The conference programme featured
2012, Luis has been conducting a Flemish Research
After 7 years with the IES Eva Gross will be
a wide range of scholarly perspectives on African
Foundation (FWO) funded research project on the
leaving for pastures new and taking up a new
conflicts and included top experts such as Paul
“Implications of the United States pivot to Asia for
think-tank position in Berlin. The IES wishes
Williams and Alan Doss. With the help of a good dose
European Security”.
Eva all the best for the future.
of Swiss chocolate, the deliberations amongst the participants were rich in content as well as calories.
EDU Educational Development Unit ‘Bridging the Gap’ teacher workshops: making a difference
The very lively and fruitful discussions that took place in the workshop (parts of which were recorded and can be watched on our website: http://www.ies. be/training/bridging-the-gap) led to some ideas and conclusions that need to be thoroughly considered for improving the quality of teaching the EU in secondary schools: 1. Student-centred learning: engaging the students! How? •
the use of games & interactive methods, including group work, research tasks and debates with feedback represents a very useful and fun way of consolidating the knowledge and sparking the students’ interest in the topics and their desire to explore them further.
Throughout 2012 the Educational Development
is that the teachers play a very important role in
Union has been successfully developing the
deciding what topics are being discussed and, more
‘Bridging the Gap: Improving EU Teaching’ project,
importantly, how they are being approached, what
relevant to the students (case studies: the most
part of the Life-Long Learning Programme of the
pedagogical methods are used and what the ultimate
efficient way of approaching topics related to
European Commission, ‘Learning EU in Schools’
learning goal is for the students.
the functioning of the EU is using aspects of
stream. Among the various deliverables, including
the use of information that is tangible and
the students’ lives, things they are familiar with
a handbook and an online module that can be used
But with European topics not constituting school
as a starting point and then gradually building
by teachers to plan and design their EU related
subjects in themselves, it is not an easy task to
the link with the European Union.
lessons, the highlights of the project were the two
include them in the compulsory curricula and more
international teacher workshops, held in Brussels in
often than not they end up simply as peripheral
2. Cross-disciplinary activities (including music, art,
May and November 2012.
items, dealt with in a fragmented and rushed
geography, mathematics…): the EU-related topics
manner without being fully integrated in the overall
should be taught by teachers of various disciplines,
Having had the privilege to host teachers from 16
pedagogical goals. This is why there is a real need
each one tacking the aspects closest to their subject
countries, from the European Union and beyond,
for a systematic approach to teaching EU-related
area; close coordination among teachers is crucial,
well distributed between East and West, North
topics, possibly including a core curriculum that can
but sharing the teaching burden can be seen as an
and South, old EU members, newer members and
be then customized in the different countries to best
advantage in the current context, when the time
aspiring members, we were extremely positively
address the cultural context the students belong to.
dedicated to EU topics in any given curriculum is
surprised by the knowledge and enthusiasm for
Moreover, beyond the curriculum, specific teaching
learning and sharing teaching practices. The
methods and environments can be designed to
interactive sessions offered a lot of learning
facilitate the teaching and learning process. The
3. International exchange/partnership programmes:
opportunities for all involved, including for us, as
underlying principle should be creating activities
it is very important to offer the students the
we were given an insight into the current state of
that are interactive and engaging but at the same
opportunity to become aware of the various
the educational systems and curricula in various
time fulfill the main function of conveying clear and
perspectives, so that they can form their own
countries and an honest account of the challenges
essential information on the EU to the students.
reasoned opinion about the European Union. This
the teachers are facing while introducing EU topics in the classroom.
can be best achieved by means of study visits and This is the background against which our workshops
establishing partnerships among schools from
aimed at bringing together teachers from various
various countries in the EU and beyond. Both
Education plays a crucial role in creating the feeling
countries and different disciplines and encouraging
teachers and students can benefit from these
of belonging to the European society and offering,
them to discuss their current teaching practices on
experiences and enrich their general knowledge of
at the same time, the tools for understanding our
EU topics as well as come up with sample lesson
Europe by broadening their horizons to different
rights as European citizens. Topics related to the
plans that best suit this subject. The workshops
perspectives of education.
European Union are taught in university courses
offered great added value for the participating
on politics, economics or law, but they feature
teachers and teacher trainers, who had the chance
only seldom in primary and secondary education.
to exchange their experiences with peers from
Moreover, the amount and depth with which these
different parts of Europe but they also represented
topics are tackled, as well as the level at which they
a unique opportunity for us to get a broad picture
are taught, varies hugely from country to country
of the current situation regarding teaching EU topics
(and sometimes even among the regions of one
in secondary schools. Moreover, the workshop
country); some countries have a specific curriculum
participants will act as multipliers, disseminating
for teaching EU topics, others simply touch upon
the ideas to their colleagues back home, thus
them, in an ad-hoc manner, in various disciplines.
contributing to the sustainability of such initiatives.
The consequence of this heterogeneous picture
in a rapid-fire fashion, the highlights of their own Launching Springboard Brussels 2015: Jean Monnet Chair Report by Amelia Hadfield
lecture. Students participate by listening to each of the lecturers, watching the accompanying slide
Autumn term 2012 has seen a wide range of preparations to kick start the six
show, typing in questions in the ‘Chat Box’ and
activities that comprise the Jean Monnet Chair Project, entitled Springboard
participating by audio and/or video in the dedicated
Brussels 2015. The Chair activities cover a wide range of teaching and learning
Q&A session. Now known as the ‘Jean Monnet
revolving around the topic of EU integration, and EU foreign policy in particular.
Modules’, the IES has a repository of 4 such modules
Springboard Brussels 2015 ensures firstly that students positively benefit
for 2011-2012 (
from high quality teaching on EU foreign policy and secondly that academics,
quo-vadis-eu). As of December 2012, the first of
students and civil society are beneficially influenced via the innovative blended
four webinars for the 2012-2013 academic year,
learning format. I’m confident that the impact of its 6 activities will help propel teaching and
which examined the role of IR theory underpinning
learning on EU foreign affairs more effectively into the VUB-IES’ inter-institutional relations with
EU foreign policy, has been completed and uploaded
other universities and to more genuinely connect with civil society elements via blended learning.
to the IES website, and featured the following Quo Vadis Lecturers, all drawn from the ranks of the IES:
The IES Newsletter, and indeed the IES website (
Prof Dr Amelia Hadfield, Dr Alexander Mattelaer, Dr
chair) will feature updates on each of these 6 activities, which run as follows:
Katja Biedenkopf and Prof Dr Joachim Koops.•QUO VADIS EU: A compulsory 48-hour advanced class on EU foreign policy within the VUB-IES
EuroMaster. The module supports 4 webinars, teacher training sessions and an annual public colloquium ( •EU REDUX Hendrix: A permanent spring term module for US undergrads from Hendrix College in providing a comprehensive overview of EU institutions and decision-making methods, public
Magdalena Sapala on the EP and the Multiannual Financial Framework and cohesion policy
and foreign policy. On
•EU REDUX VeCo: The centerpiece of an MSc in European Union Studies newly co-instituted by the
Magdalena Sapala took
IES and Vesalius College, an autumn term module providing advanced grounding in EU institutions
and decision-making methods, public and foreign policy.
organised by the Regional
Studies Association Research •EU Foreign Affairs Podcasts: The 5 IES online modules support the IES current blended learning
Network on ‘Effectiveness,
ethos and will anchor the production of 8+ podcasts, each running for 15 minutes, on breaking EU FP issues (
Added Value and Future of EU Cohesion Policy’. The meeting was hosted by the European Policies Research Centre (the University
•IES Online Diplomacy Depository: A practical series of public webpages listing ALL EU foreign
of Strathclyde) in Glasgow. This two-day debate
policy modular readings used by Dr. Hadfield, plus a number of key EU primary documents and
brought together academics investigating EU
secondary analyses, to be launched in Spring 2013.
cohesion policy as well as practitioners working with this policy. The theme of the workshop was
•IES Diplomacy in Action Webinar Series: Six x 1 hour webinars convened by Dr. Hadfield
the EU budget reform and the performance turn in
featuring a wide range of academics and practitioners from ENP states & Strategic Partners, to be
the 2014-2020 period. Magdalena’s contribution
launched in January 2013.
(together with her colleagues from Poznan University of Economics: Ida Musialkowska and Piotr Idczak) consisted of two presentations:
Jean Monnet ‘Quo Vadis’ Webinars Into Second
comprehensive and high quality postgraduate class
“Money and the power: the European Parliament
to fit within the pre-existing ‘EuroMaster’ MSc of
negotiating the Multiannual Financial Framework
the Institute for European Studies. ‘Quo Vadis EU’
and the provisions of cohesion policy 2014-2020”
Webinars are
is designed to operate for three years to directly
and “The performance turn in Cohesion Policy in
an increasingly
stimulate the teaching, research and reflection of
Poland? Analysis of the development strategy of
useful tool to the
the EU’s expanding foreign affairs structure to
the Lodz region”
both mainstream graduate academia, and the non-
lecturer’s toolbox. The IES has a strong reputation
academic community.
for e-learning or ‘blended learning’, and webinars
The theme of the workshop was very timely as it took place when the negotiations on the 2014-
are a recent and cutting-edge addition to this form
Webinars are a key part of this objective; they
2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and the
of learning. Under the aegis of the Life Long Learning
enable the high-quality teaching for which the IES is
regulatory package for Cohesion policy should be
Programme, a key theme of which is innovation,
reputed, to add to the traditional classroom lecture
reaching their conclusion. The discussion led to
the Jean Monnet-funded EU foreign policy course,
and seminar structure through four additional 90
exploring new research avenues and the challenges
entitled ‘Quo Vadis EU’, has used webinars as a
minute webinars. Taking place twice a term, each
confronting policy-makers and practitioners. There
key form of its interactive teaching, to engage with
webinar operates as a microcosm of the previous
is a strong will among members of the Network to
stakeholders both in and beyond the classroom.
four or five lectures, featuring each of the guest
continue this fruitful experience in the framework
The objective of ‘Quo Vadis’ EU is to provide a new,
lecturers, and the course convenor, who provide
of the Regional Studies Association.
Environment Sustainable Development Sebastian on the Road Doha Climate Conference On 12 October, Dr. Sebastian Oberthür, IES
well as new ones. The results of the workshop will
Academic Director, participated
feed into an ongoing project on geoengineering
in the concluding meeting of the
governance for the German Federal Environment
in the Doha
European Science Foundation’s
C l i m a t e
four-year COST Action “The
Transformation of Global
On 12 December, Sebastian gave a guest lecture
(formally, the
Environmental Governance”
on ‘EU Climate Policy: Internal and External
18th session of
in Amsterdam. In particular,
Dimensions’ at the University of Antwerp (within
the Conference
he presented the preliminary
their postgraduate programme on Energy and
of the Parties
results of the book volume (co-
edited with Kristin Rosendal)
on “Global Governance of
Convention on
Genetic Resources: Access and
Climate Change
Benefit-Sharing after the Nagoya
and the 8th
Protocol” (forthcoming with
session of the
Routledge). Adopted in 2010, the
Florian attended a symposium on the perspectives
Nagoya Protocol complements
of sustainable development beyond the 2015 UN
of the Parties
the Convention on Biological
Millennium Development Goals, in the light of the
serving as the meeting of the Parties to the
Diversity. The edited volume focuses on the evolving
2012 Rio + 20 summit, which was held in Bonn
Kyoto Protocol) that took place from 26
governance architecture of this area of international
on 13-14 November. Organised by the German
November to 8 December in Doha, Qatar. As
cooperation and investigates the role of different
Foundation for Development and Peace (SEF), it
a member of the Compliance Committee of
actors in the emergence of the Protocol, including
brought together a wide range of academics, policy-
the Kyoto Protocol, Sebastian was part of the
the EU.
makers and people from the developmental politics
German delegation to the Conference. The
Sustainable Development beyond the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals
community. Florian participated in two workshops:
Conference adopted, among other things,
On 5 and 6 November, Sebastian attended a workshop
(1) perspectives on sustainable development post-
an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol with
on ‘International Governance of Geoengineering’
2015, which developed into a rather broad and
commitments for greenhouse gas emission
organised by the Ecologic Institute in Berlin. Here, he
foundational discussion of the concept; and (2)
reductions of a number of developed countries,
gave a presentation on the institutional perspective/
the EU development agenda within the UN, which
including the EU, until 2020 – when a new
dimension of the issue distinguishing between more
mainly revolved around issues of EU delegation
international treaty covering both developed
centralised or devolved models of governance, that
and representation and the ‘one voice’ problem.
and developing countries is scheduled to
could involve several existing institutions (including
Overall, the workshop offered interesting insights
become effective.
the Convention on Biological Diversity, the London
into practitioners’ problem perceptions of issues
Dumping Convention/Protocol, and others) as
relating to sustainable development.
Florian Rabitz and Lisanne Groen at CBD COP11 in India From 8 to 19 October 2012, IES researchers Florian
about the effectiveness of the EU at the CBD and the
Rabitz and Lisanne Groen attended the 11th
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) of
Change (UNFCCC). She was in Hyderabad to collect
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in
information about the ways in which the EU operates
Hyderabad, India. The main aim of the CBD is to
at the CBD negotiations. As a member of the Belgian
conserve the variability among living organisms
delegation she could get valuable insights in the
from all sources. Both the EU and its 27 Member
working methods of the EU. Interestingly, instead
States are among the 193 parties to the Convention.
of Cyprus, holding the EU’s Council Presidency at
COP meetings are held once every two years.
the time of the meeting, Denmark, the previous Council Presidency, spoke on behalf of the EU and
After the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol on access
its Member States.
to and benefit sharing from genetic resources and the Aichi biodiversity targets for 2020 at the 10th
Florian attended the meeting to collect more
COP (2010) in Nagoya, Japan, the mobilisation of
information for his PhD research on the EU’s external
financial resources for biodiversity conservation was
policy on genetic resources. He went to many “side
one of the main topics at the 11th COP in Hyderabad,
events”, organised at the margin of the negotiations.
on which an agreement was concluded at the very
These are presentations on issues related to the
end of the meeting.
CBD, which aim at sharing experiences among the participants.
Lisanne is in the first year of her PhD research
IES Publications & Awards Biedenkopf, K. 2012. Environmental Leadership Through the Diffusion of Environmental Pioneering Policy. In Rigling Gallagher, Deborah (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Reference Series on Leadership. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi. SAGE Publications: 105-112.
Marie Lamensch Wins Prestigious TEI Award The IES is delighted to announce that Marie Lamensch, PhD Researcher in the European Economic Governance cluster, has won the
Biedenkopf, K and DaeYoung Park. 2012. A Toxic Issue? Global Leadership in Comprehensive Chemicals Management. In Rigling Gallagher, Deborah (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook. SAGE Reference Series on Leadership. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi. SAGE Publications: 782-791.
TEI Award 2012 (“TEI Award for the best short publication on European and/or International Tax Law 2012”) which was jointly awarded by the Institute for Austrian and International Tax
Biedenkopf, K. 2012. Emissions Trading – A Transatlantic Journey for an Idea? KFG ‘The Transformative Power of Europe’ Working Paper No. 45.
Law (WU Vienna) and the Tax Executive Institute. Marie won the award
Biedenkopf, K. 2012. Hazardous Substances in Electronics: The Effects of European Union Risk Regulation on China. European Journal of Risk Regulation 3(4): 477-488.
Services - Proposal for an Alternative Approach”, which was published in
Coene, G & Adam, I. 2012. “Mobilisations féministes pour et contre le port du foulard en Belgique. Le voile repensé?”, in Cosée, Claire (et al.), Le genre au coeur des migrations. Paris: Editions Pétra.
for her article on “Unsuitable EU VAT Place of Supply Rules for Electronic the World Tax Journal in February 2012. Congratulations to her!
Latest IES Policy Briefs
Devuyst, Y. 2012. “The European Union’s Constitutional Order? Between Community Method and Ad Hoc Compromise” in Simon Usherwood (ed.), The European Union, Volume II: The Organisation of the European Union and the Constitutional Turn, Routledge Critical Concepts in Political Science Series, pp. 293-353.
The Role of Civil Society Dialogue in EU-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy
Devuyst, Y. “De Europese Unie, godsdienst en de niet-confessionele gemeenschap”, in Dave De ruysscher, Paul De Hert & Machteld De Metsenaere (eds.), Een leven van inzet. Liber amicorum Michel Magits (Kluwer, 2012), pp. 353-373.
in the energy sector has been matched by a
Dupont, C. and Oberthür, S. 2012. ‘Insufficient climate policy integration in EU energy policy: the importance of the long-term perspective’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. 8 (2), pp. 228-247. Gouritin, A. 2012. “EU Regulation 66/2010 on the EU ecolabel: in between green consumerism and green wash?”, Revue Européenne du Droit de la Consommation, 2012/3, pp. 493-510. Gouritin, A. 2012. ‘Adhésion de l’UE à la CEDH: derniers développements’ Sentinelle Gross, E. 2012. Conceptual Gaps on Global Governance between China and the EU (with Junbo Jian). In Zhongqi Pan, ed. Conceptual Gaps in China-EU Relations: Global Governance, Human Rights and Strategic Partnerships. Palgrave,pp. 202-15. Groen, L., Niemann, A. and Oberthür, S. (2012). ‘The EU as a Global Leader? The Copenhagen and Cancun UN Climate Change Negotiations’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. 8 (2), pp.173-191. Holvoet, M. & de Hert, P. 2012. “International Criminal Law as Global Law: An Assessment of the Hybrid Tribunals” Tilburg Law Review 17, pp. 228–240 Mattelaer, A. 2012. “Back to the Future? De evolutie van de BelgischNederlandse Betrekkingen”. Ons Erfdeel, 55 (4), pp. 161-163. Oberthür, S. and Groen, L. 2012. The EU and South Africa: Building Bridges, in: Giovanni Grevi and Thomas Renard (eds.), Hot Issues, Cold Shoulders, Lukewarm Partners: EU Strategic Partnerships and Climate Change, Madrid: FRIDE/Academia Press, pp. 45-57. Tolksdorf, D. 2012. “Transatlantic Cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Question of Constitutional Reform” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Radostina Primova & Johanna van Vrede Expanding EU-China institutional cooperation parallel process of stronger economic ties between European and Chinese companies in the renewable energy (RE) sector. While the foundation of early EU-China institutional relations was based primarily on trade cooperation, international efforts to mitigate climate change and the common challenge of decreasing energy dependence brought a new dimension to their partnership in the energy sector in the mid 90s. Although the role of EU-China energy cooperation has grown tremendously in the context of EU external trade policy, the potential of civil society collaboration in this partnership has remained rather unexploited. This policy brief argues that civil society dialogue between China and EU could be an important driving force in deepening EU-China cooperation on RE and a bridge towards a more sustainable future. Reviewing the EU’s Crisis Management Procedures Alexander Mattelaer The ongoing review of the EU’s Crisis Management Procedures warrants attention. What passes as an update of an arcane and technical document masks a profoundly political debate concerning what the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) should be about. This policy brief summarises the main proposals and formulates a set of critical reflections. It calls for replacing the bureaucratic scheming with a more forthright political debate, and warns against sacrificing
Tolksdorf, D. 2012. Die EU und Bosnien-Herzegowina Außenpolitik auf der Suche nach KohärenzI. Münchner Beiträge zur europäischen Einigung 23. Nomos.
incompatible organisational cultures on the
Weil, S., & Jing, Y. 2012. The EU and China’s Perceptions of Democracy and Their Impacts on China-EU Relations. In Z. Pan (Ed.), Conceptual Gaps in China-EU Relations. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave
member states must look to the future and embrace rather than resist change.
altar of the comprehensive approach. At a time when European security and prosperity trends are increasingly pointing downwards, the EEAS and the
For more info:
IES in the media Alison Woodward : Aflevering 4: Het Buitenland, 2012-12-28 in: Canvas Alison Woodward : “Als Obama wapenwet verstrengt, schieten ze hem dood”, 2012-1217 in: VIER Daniel Fiott : ‘How to Avoid the Three Pitfalls of Euorpean Strategy’, 2012-12-14 in: European Global Strategy Alison Woodward : “Obama heeft veel mensen geïnspireerd” - Ter Zake, 2012-11-06 in: Ter Zake Daniel Fiott : The French Defence White Paper, 2013: the Global Balance-of-Power and European Defence Policy, 2012-11-04 in: ideas on europe Alexander Mattelaer : Le ‘concept stratégique’ d’une intervention militaire dans le nord du Mali, 2012-11-01 in: Radio France Internationale Amelia Hadfield : Reflections on the Arab Spring - Reformation, Neutralisation or Fragmentation? Thu, 2012-11-01 in: ELSA’s Synergy Magazine No 52, II-2012 Amelia Hadfield : Rogue Warrior or Eurosceptic Irritant? Mr. Klaus’ Adventures in Euroland, 2012-10-24 in: News/ Alexander Mattelaer : Z News 12/10/12 - Nobel Peace Price goes to the EU, 2012-10-12 in: Z News Alexander Mattelaer : NATO’nun Bundan Sonraki Tavrı Nasıl Olacak?, 2012-10-09 in: TRT Magdalena Sapala : ‘Strength in Reform’, Fri, 2012-10-05 in: Public Service Review
Master Programmes 2012: A year of weak progress in the Western Balkans towards the EU? Ivana Jakovljevic, EuroMaster student 2012 - 2013
completion of successful cooperation with the ICTY, candidate status was granted to Serbia in 2012. The new Serbian government has promised that it will implement all agreements reached on the Kosovo issue and improve
Once again we give the opportunity to one of our current students to write on their topic of interest. Ivana Jakovljevic is a full-time EuroMaster student 2012-2013 with a particular interest in EU relations with the West Balkans. She has a Master degree in
regional cooperation. It can be concluded from the Communication that the EU’s major priority is the Belgrade-Pristina relationship and until the cooperation becomes stable, the negotiation talks remains a bleak future for Serbia. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are lagging behind
Southeast European Studies from the University of
in the process of European integration. Albania still has serious problems
Athens, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in International
in fulfilling the political criteria, while Bosnia and Herzegovina has not even
Relations from the University of Belgrade.
applied yet for EU membership while Kosovo’s unsettled status remains a huge challenge for both the region itself and for EU foreign policy.
The Euopean Union (EU) enlargement policy faces many challenges. One of the challenges is the Western Balkan (WB) region, which remains a huge test
At the annual European Policy Summit on the Balkans “Balkans Progress:
ground for the EU. Looking back at the year behind us, it can be said that not
Battling to overcome the impact of crisis” held in December 2012 in Brussels,
much progress has been achieved in the WB in the EU integration progress.
Balkan key political leaders agreed that a European perspective underpins
Even though Montenegro opened negotiation talks and Serbia gained the
regional cooperation and improvement in the political and economic fields.
candidate status last year, other achievements have not been accomplished.
However, it seems that Brussels’ rhetoric of Balkan key political figures does not always match their rhetoric at home, which sometimes has nationalist and
Apart from recognising the common WB challenges such as rule of law,
populist undertones. Štefan Füle, EU Enlargement Commissioner, stressed
regional cooperation and reconciliation and economic and social challenges
that due to the enlargement fatigue there is a need for “creativity to maintain
in the EC Communication “Enlargement Strategy and Challenges 2012-2013”,
the momentum of enlargement” in the WB region.
the EC has made conclusions on the enlargement progress of each accession country. Croatia, as the near future member state, would be monitored by the
Further to this, at the meeting in December 2012, EU ministers did not
EC until the final date of accession in 2013. On the other hand, the rest of
approve opening negotiation talks for Serbia and FYROM, and Albania did not
the WB region still represents a huge challenge to be addressed. The opening
obtain candidate status while Kosovo might sign the so-called Stabilization
of negotiations talks with Montenegro is clearly a mark of improvement
and Association Agreement in the near future even though there is no
in the European integration process. However, the pace of negotiations
unique EU policy concerning its status. What is certain for the near future
which has started with heavy chapters (judiciary and fundamental rights),
is Croatia’s accession and the need for much stronger cooperation in the
will depend on Montenegro’s readiness to fully implement and put into
complex Balkan region. With possible normalisation of relations, the future
practice EU-related reforms. Even though it was granted candidate status
of aspirant countries might be more promising under the Irish EU presidency.
in 2005, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is running into problems due to its unresolved name issue with Greece. Upon the
New faces @ the IES Auke Willems is a new PhD Researcher under the guidance of Paul De Hert. He will be a part of the Migration cluster at the IES . After completing a degree in Law (LLB) at the University of Amsterdam, Auke completed an LLM in International Law at the University of Edinburgh. He then went on to the University of Glasgow, where he did his LLM by research on the topic of European criminal law. Auke’s research interests include the procedural rights in criminal proceedings throughout the EU. His PhD project focuses on the new EU flagship instrument on the topic, the ‘Roadmap on procedural rights’, which aims at setting a common minimum standard for procedural safeguards at EU level. In this project it is being examined how exactly the Roadmap affects national criminal systems, by doing so a case study is made of a number of jurisdictions. On a broader level Auke looks at what the implications of this first instrument on criminal procedural rights are for the wider project of the ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’, and whether this is a step closer towards a European public order. Dariusz (Darek) Kloza is a doctoral researcher at the Research Group on Law, Science, Technology, and Society (LSTS) and the IES (project with Peter Burgess). He holds both an LL.M. in Law and Technology (2010) from the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) at Tilburg University and a master degree in law from University of Bialystok (2008). He was also an exchange student at University of Copenhagen (2007-2008). Prior to coming to Brussels he completed a traineeship at the European Commission (Directorate-General for Information Society and Media) in Luxembourg, where he worked predominantly on the Safer Internet Programme. His research is focused on fundamental rights in the digital era (especially privacy and data protection), liability of intermediary service providers and private international law. Currently, his main research projects are the Privacy Impact Assessment Framework (PIAF) for data protection and privacy rights and
Advanced Video Surveillance archives search Engine for security applications (ADVISE). Furthermore, he has participated in the Smart Grids Task Force set up by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Energy) aimed at ensuring a high level of privacy protection in smart grids and smart metering. Chantal Lacroix is Programme Manager and Deputy Head of Mission at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Brussels. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the European Research Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (2007). Dr. Lacroix joined the Institute for European Studies as Associate Fellow in Migration and Diversity. Her work and research interests tackle questions of comparative migration policy, political processes, social movements, social integration and ethnic relations. At ICMPD she is directly responsible for the management and implementation a number of migration projects in the global south, including two European Union-African dialogues on migration.
the Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg). Upon completing his undergraduate degree, he followed the PILC programme here at the IES. Recently, he completed an LL.M. in International Economic Law and Policy (IELPO), at the Universitat de Barcelona. This programme primarily focuses on international trade law, but also covers international finance, competition law, regional integration and international investment law, as well as introducing the economics of all these fields. He has recently joined the European Economic Governance cluster as an Associate Researcher, and is in the process of submitting his PILC thesis for publication, co-authored by Harri Kalimo and Frank Hoffmeister. The paper is titled ‘Is RED Sustainability Green Protectionism? Critically Assessing the GATT Compatibility of the EU Biofuel Sustainability Criteria’. His primary area of interest lies in reconciling general government policies, such as environmental policies, with international obligations of those governments in the field of international economic law. He holds a dual Belgian/Greek nationality.
A warm farewell... Ernesto Roessing, born in Manaus, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, is an assistant professor affiliated with the Amazonas State University. He focuses on International Law and, especially, International Environmental Law. He has also headed the institution’s International Relations Office from July 2011 until November 2012. Ernesto Roessing holds a Masters Degree in International Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil) and a Specialization in Foreign Trade from the Federal University of Amazonas (Manaus, Brazil), besides holding Bachelor Degrees in Economics and Law. He is a registered lawyer at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in the States of Amazonas and São Paulo. Ernesto is a new PhD researcher in the environmental cluster for the next four years. Byron Maniatis studied English law with French Law at the University of East Anglia (Norwich), and spent an Erasmus year at
As well as Eva Gross (see p. 5), in December 2012 we also had to say goodbye to Laïla Macharis, who had been working for almost 8 years at the IES. She began in 2005 as a Secretary and later became Management Assistant. The IES wishes her all the best in her new job, working for the Flemish government. A big thank you to her for all her hard work and her contribution to the IES. IES Researcher Laura Boone, member of the Environment and Sustainable Development cluster, also left the IES in December to pursue a career in the private sector. Thanks to Laura for her contribution to the IES and we hope she will be able to continue with some of her research activities. Both ladies will be greatly missed but we hope they let us know all about their new endeavours!
Events Calendar Date Wed 13/02 12:00 - 13:15 Wed 20/02 18:00 - 20:00
Event Jean Monnet Wednesday Webinar: Actors in Play IES Spring Lecture Series: “The Multilevel Governance of Migration and Immigrant Integration” Is there a Global Migration Governance?
Wed 27/02
IES Spring Lecture Series: Establishing the Second-Phase of a Common
18:00 - 20:00
European Asylum System (CEAS): an Assessment of the Current State-of-Play
Wed 06/03 12:00 - 13:15 Wed 06/03 18:00 -20:00 Wed 13/03 Fri 15/03 Wed 13/03 18:00 - 20:00 Wed 20/03 18:00 -20:00 Wed 27/03 18:00 - 20:00
Wed 17/04 18:00 -20:00
Wed 24/04 18:00 - 20:00
Jean Monnet Wednesday Webinar: EU Foreign Policy Vehicles Frontex Cooperation with EU Member States: Coordinating, Managing or Facilitating? EU in Close-up: Intensive seminar on EU institutions and policy process IES Spring Lecture Series: The Externalisation of Migration Control for Europe: Illustrations from the Case of Turkey
Contributions to this Newsletter: Ilke Adam - Daniel Fiott - Lisanne Groen - Eva Gross Hannelore Goeman - Armelle Gouritin - Amelia Hadfield - Ivana Jakovljevic - Harri Kalimo - Richard Lewis Esther Marijnen - Alexander Mattelaer - Trisha Meyer - Alexandra Mihai - Sebastian Oberthür - Silviu Piros Florian Rabitz - Magdelena Sapala - Anna Stahl - Cem Tintin - Marie Tuley - Irene Wieczork Editing & layout by: Marie Tuley Pictures courtesy of IES
IES Spring Lecture Series: The Europeanization of EU Anti-Discrimination Policies. Did it Reduce Ethnic Discrimination in the Member-states?
Newsletter of the Institute for European Studies
IES Spring Lecture Series: Citizenship Policies in an Era of Globalization. Still the Prerogative of the Nation-state? IES Spring Lecture Series: The Regional Politics of Immigration and Immigrant Integration in Multinational States: Illustrations from Scotland, Catalonia, the (Basque Country, Quebec) and Flanders IES Spring Lecture Series: The Local Governance of Immigrant Integration in France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium: Multi-level Dynamics, Convergence and Divergence
Published by
Anthony Antoine Institute for European Studies Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 (IES) B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)