#902, 9th Floor, 250-15, Sangamdong-Gil, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea, Phone : +82-2-3153-2694 FAX : +82-2-3153-2696 COPYRIGHT Š 2013 International e-Sports Federation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
NEWS BOARD Headline News
Official Announcement for Titles of IeSF 2013 World Championship - IeSF Secretariat has finalized the official game titles of IeSF 2013 World Championship. By Alex Lim
W e, International e-Sports Federation, hereby pleasurably announce the
Female Competition
official titles for IeSF 2013 World Championship. The process of screening Name of the Title
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
recommend. Grounded on the figures, IeSF has arranged most well-received
Namco Bandai
games in order, and has discussed with game publishers of the relevant
Method of Match
Individual Match
Eligible Age of Participation
13 and over
Name of the Title
Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
Method of Match
Individual Match
Eligible Age of Participation
12 and over
e-sports titles was based on the polling figures that members of IeSF
game titles. After negotiating with them about terms and condition, final decision for titles has just been made. In accordance with the process, most
beloved game titles by worldwide fans have been selected as the official titles of IeSF 2013 World Championship. Just as last year’s World Championship, there will be two separate divisions for male and female, in order to follow the standard of international sports society and to promote and develop the female sector within e-sports field. Thus, we hereby disclose the official game titles for male and female tournaments as follows:
Male Competition Name of the Title
League of Legends
Riot Games
Method of Match
Team Match (5 vs 5)
Eligible Age of Participation
12 and over
The “Rules of Tournament” and “Match Rules” for each official title will be announced shortly and sent to each member national associations via group e-mail. Name of the Title
A.V.A (Alliance of Variant Arms)
Neowiz Games
There is still a slight possibility that IeSF may accept demonstration titles with the needs of the host city. If there is any update, IeSF Secretariat will disclose them as soon as the necessary conditions with the additional titles
Method of Match
Team Match (5 vs 5)
Eligible Age of Participation
15 and over
are finalized. Also, there will be several more announcements regarding IeSF 2013 World Championship, such as Entry Regulations, Invitation Policies, Media Regulations, and Operation Plans. So, Please stay tuned for additional announcements, and please note for the crucial items to prepare your future national qualifiers, registration of players through Entry System and actual participation.
G&e vol. May / 2013. 5. 28.
IeSF News Inside IeSF
Host City and Dates of IeSF 2013 World Championship - IeSF Secretariat announces the host city and dates of IeSF 2013 World Championship. By Alex Lim
we have been organizing the IeSF 2013 World Championship, we
have designated the host city and the period. Thus, we would like to share the information with all of our members. So, we hereby pleasurably announce that IeSF 2013 World Championship will be held at “Bucharest, Romania”, from 31st of October to 4th of November.
We expect that IeSF 2013 World Championship surely will be the better event compared to any other past events. We look forward to meeting you all soon at the capital of Romania, the city of Bucharest.
As you all know, past IeSF World Championships were held in Korea for 4 years since the beginning of IeSF. However, this year, in order to extend IeSF’s global capacity and accessibility, we have decided to host IeSF 2013 World Championship in other country than Korea. Then, with great support and cooperation of Romanian e-Sports Association (PGL) and its respectful president, Mr. Silviu Stroie as well as with the support from Ministry of Youth and Sports in Romania and its esteemed Minister, Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu, the city of Bucharest expressed its intention to host IeSF 2013 World Championship, and after negotiating on several conditions for smooth operation of the World Championship, IeSF has designated the city of Bucharest as the host city of IeSF 2013 World Championship.
Updates on 4th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games and IeSF 2013 Asia Conference - International e-Sports Federation (IeSF) hereby shares several updates with 4th AIMAG and IeSF 2013 Asia Conference. By Alex Lim
A s informed via G&e for several times, 4th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts
over to
European Continents, as IeSF is targeting to cooperate with
Games (AIMAG) which is hosted by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) will
European Olympic Committees (EOC) and to have e-sports to be selected as
be held at Incheon from 29th June until 6th of July. e-Sport is included in
the official sport discipline of European Games .Regarding this issue, IeSF
this mega-sport event as one of official sport disciplines, and IeSF is taking
expect all European member national associations to support and cooperate
role of the official supervising organization as an international federation
for its success.
with recognition of OCA. As maximizing the efficiency of this opportunity, IeSF has decided to host IeSF 2013 Asia Conference during the period of
Also, many of National Olympic Committees, regardless if they are sending
4th AIMAG.
players to e-sports event, expressed their intention to attend the IeSF 2013 Asia Conference via R.S.V.P. It seems that e-sports is getting highlighted as
As Bucharest, Romania has been designated as the host city of IeSF 2013
the most beloved new sports within Asian countries.
World Championship, the attention of the Romanian Government toward esports has increased the Minister of Youth and Sports in Romania, Mr.
For the updates of 4th AIMAG, we have just finalized the Final Entry for e-
Nicolae Banicioiu and some other officials from the Romanian Government
sports event. For the result of Final Entry, 97 players from 13 countries will
decided to visit 4th AIMAG as well as IeSF 2013 Asia Conference, and will
be participating in the event with the support of their National Olympic
do some research for further cooperation with IeSF.
Committees. The list of participating countries are: China, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei, Vietnam, Islamic Republic
We expect that this opportunity may allow the new structure of e-sports within mega sports event, which is being conducted at G&e vol. May / 2013. 5. 28.
of Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
AIMAG to hand 3
IeSF News Inside IeSF
Outline of Entry System to registering players to IeSF 2013 World Championship By Alex Lim
IeSF, established “Entry System”
2) 1st Entry Submission
3) 2nd Entry Submission
registering national delegates to IeSF World
▶ Access IeSF Website (www.ie-sf.org)
▶ 2nd Entry Registration Form
Championship including officials, media and players
▶ Click “Login”
for efficient registration and management of attendants to the World Championship. We hereby share with all members the outline of the Entry System and Entry Registration Process. Whole scale of Entry Regulations including Invitation Policies and Media Regulations will be sent to all members via group e-mail. ▶ Enter ID & Password of Representative Account 1) Website Registration ▶ Access IeSF Website (www.ie-sf.org) ▶ Create Representative Account for Member Association (Click “Register”)
▶ Fill in the Register Form
▶ Click “Entry”
▶ 1st Entry Registration Form
▶ Post Report Upload - Click “Modify” - Click “Find” - Attach Post Report File - Click “Submit” ▶Click “Edit” for each category ▶Fill in each registration form and click “submit” ▶ Check the Confirmation E-mail to complete registration process ▶ Click “Modify”
▶ Notice the ID of Representative Account to IeSF
▶ Select Number for each Category at Entry State
Secretariat (limcw@ie-sf.org / jshin@ie-sf.org)
▶ Click “Submit”
G&e vol. May / 2013. 5. 28.
▶ Click “Submit” at the bottom after all necessary registration forms are filled.
IeSF News Inside IeSF
IeSF became an Official Signatory of World Anti-Doping Agency - For the result of IeSF’s exertion for a year, finally, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recognized IeSF as an official signatory of WADA. By Alex Lim
A lex Lim, the international coordinator of IeSF, expressed his impression, “Man, it has been a hell of works.” As introduced on last volume of G & e, IeSF has been struggling to get its Anti-Doping Regulations recognized by World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) in order to complete Sport Accord Membership Application project.
Therefore, we would like to share this matter of congratulation with all of our members. You can check IeSF’s name on the list of Internaitonal Federations at WADA’s website as following the link below: http://www.wada-ama.org/en/Anti-Doping-Community/IFs/List-of-IFs/
Then, as ending up the long period of suffering with WADA’s feedbacks and correspondence for them, all the researches on the Anti-Doping Regulations and building IeSF’s own Regulations and Guidebook, IeSF has been recognized by WADA and become an Official Signatory of WADA. It interprets that IeSF is one more step closer to international sports society as being an official Anti-Doping Organization, which means that IeSF is recognized as an official International Federation by a part of international sports society, WADA as well as completing the most difficult part of Sport Accord Membership Application.
Changes in Personnel at IeSF Secretariat - Noha Park the General Manager at IeSF, has resigned, and IeSF Secretariat welcomed new General Manager. By Alex Lim
N oha Park, the General Manager of International e-Sports Federation, as wrapped up his dedication to IeSF for past 4 years, has resigned from his position. He left his sincere appreciation to all member of IeSF for all the support and cooperation. As caching up the dream for his life, he moves on
He is an experienced veteran for global business, e-sports event organization and operation, administration, promotion, marketing, and IT, pretty much in most parts of businesses. Therefore, it is expected that he can contribute to the second leap of IeSF
to general Sports field, and starts working for organizing mega sports events
since we are in such period of change for good. We would like to ask all of
as cooperating with international Olympic organization, such as Olympic
our respectful members to welcome this new veteran, and expect sound
Council of Asia (OCA) and International Olympic Committee (IOC). On
cooperation with him in the future.
behalf of all respectful members of IeSF, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Noha for his dedication to e-sports and IeSF for past years. Also, we wish best luck in his future. In order to cover Noha’s absence, IeSF Secretariat welcomed the new general manager, Ricky Kim. Ricky had worked in Samsung Affiliate Jeil Communication for 3 years, and also worked at World Cyber Games from 2003 to 2011 for 9 years, and also worked. He had been in charge of IT department and Global Team, and handling pretty much all parts of the business of the company while he was working at World Cyber Games. G&e vol. May / 2013. 5. 28.