New Model for SAHUC - Draft for Comments

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Discussion Document First Draft Proposed and or sponsored by

See List of Organisations in Annexure A

This document to be debated and discussed in Zoom or other Virtual Meeting which is to be held from 1pm to 5 pm on Wednesday the 16th February 2022

A New Model for the South African Hajj and Umrah Council ( SAHUC ) Background A new Model for the regulation of Hajj and Umrah Services is needed as the current model which has been in place for over 25 years is long overdue for improvement and transformation to serve the pilgrims

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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A Seminar was held by the CRL Commission which adopted recommendations for the reform of SAHUC.

There has also been a call by the CRL Commission for proposals for a New Model for SAHUC. This document is an answer to that call. The author of this Discussion document was elected as a Chair of one of the 4 Commissions elected at the CRL Summit held on _________ at the __________ ( Venue )

This document is the logical next step in the reform and democratisation and the establishment of a new Model for SAHUC and to act as a road map for such a transition.

If one looks at the Hajj Models in other countries one finds that there is no single right or wrong model. It is up to the Muslims in each country to be proactive and to develop their own solutions taking into account their local circumstances

There are many challenges in finding a solution which is the best for the majority of Muslims. These are listed below:

Resistance to Change. Vested Interests

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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Lack of knowledge how the current Hajj and Umrah Model ( HUM ) works and areas for change The starting point for a discussion is to compare the existing Hajj and Umrah Model and to compare it to a new Hajj and Umrah Model This comparison will enable us to determine clearly in which aspects the new HUM is better then the existing HUM The Table below will compare the existing Hajj and Umrah Model and compare it to the proposed new Hajj and Umrah Model for South Africa.



Existing SAHUC

Proposed New SAHUC


Legal Entity




Legal Vehicle


Co-Operative with a Federal Structure which will be overseen by a separate Hajj Ombudsman which will oversee the new SAHUC

The Hajj Ombudsman should be a separate Legal Entity which should

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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act as a regulatory authority which will have powers to ensure that the transition from the current SAHUC Model to the new SAHUC Model takes place smoothly and that any complaints regarding service delivery by structures of SAHUC are addressed.



Funding of SAHUC is by

Funding Model of the

means of services

new SAHUC will be by


contributions of the members of the CoOperative.


Ownership and

By existing NGO

The existing SAHUC is not


members of SAHUC

democratic as control

which are the 35 NGOs

and power vests the

each of which have 2

NGOs who effectively

seats and 2 votes

own and control SAHUC

exercised at an AGM

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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The new ownership This structure is not

structure proposed for

democratic and leads to

SAHUC Pilgrims is a Co-

all the problems of

Operative Structure

vested interests and

which will be structured

distance of the

in a Federal Structure

leadership from the wishes of the Pilgrims

The Proposed Organogram of the SAHUC Organogram is shown in Table B

Thus the owners of the new SAHUC will be the Pilgrims who become members of the SAHUC Cooperative

Each Level of the SAHUC Co-operative will be entitled to elect its own office bearers and have either Provincial, or Regional autonomy

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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Transition Period

It is proposed that there

The Transition Period to

be a phased transition

ensure that there is a

period from the existing

smooth transition from

SAHUC Model to the new

the existing SAHUC


Model to the new SAHUC Model


Proposed Phases

Two Phases are proposed for the transition from the

in the Transition

existing model to the new model for SAHUC

period from the existing SAHUC

Phase One

Model A period of one year in which there is a gradual transition from the existing SAHUC Model to the new SAHUC Model. This transition to be managed and overseen by the Hajj and Umrah Regulatory Authority ( HURA ) or by the Hajj Ombudsman. HURA and the Hajj Ombudsman can be one legal entity. Much like the HPCSA of South Africa.

During this period the following milestones to be achieved

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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Adoption of new Constitution for SAHUC based on the Proposed New Model of SAHUC. This to take place within a 12 ( Twelve ) month period

Phase Two

This will be a period of three years

Election of new Governance Structures after the new Constitution of SAHUC based on the new Model has been adopted as overseen by HURA

The term of office of the new Governance structures of SAHUC to be a period of 3 years


Hajj and Umrah

The current SAHUC

In the New SAHUC Model


Model is one in which

HURA and a Hajj

Authority to

there is no oversight on

Ombudsman ( with both

oversee SAHUC


being two separate

and or a Hajj

This situation is

functions of HURA as in



the case of HPCSA ) will

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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act to ensure that there is an oversight on SAHUC and Hajj and Umrah Operators

Proposed New Model for SAHUC

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