Open Invitation to an ITV Virtual Press Conference Starting at 2.30pm for 3pm on 13 Oct 2021 The Zoom Meeting Link is as follows Https:// PIN is 786786 Each participant who participates will need to identify themselves and abide by iTV House Rules for the Press Conference and Panel Discussion. Panelists can ask questions. Delegates are observers. Media and invited guests are Panellists.
Agenda * Registration and logging into the Zoom Webinar will take place from 14H30 to !5H00. The ITV Virtual Press Conference will commence at 15H00 .
Opening Dua
Opening and Welcome by Dr M. Adam
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Purpose of Meeting
House Rules.
Fact Checking Process. Refer to item 5, 6 and 10 Below. Objective impartial and fair.
What should the procedure be when any person has a suspicion or query in respect of any organisation or individual?
Discussing standard set of procedures for better transparency and accountability.
Q and A on Developments at iTV
Viewing of ITV Bank Statements and FA
Do we need a forensic audit ( FA )?
Terms of reference of FA
Who will do the FA?
Establishment of a Forum to ensure better transparency and accountability and a structured and professional manner in which queries or suspicions can be raised or addressed.
Nomination of Members to the above Forum.
Terms of Reference of the Working Group established above.
Follow up meetings Page 2|3
Closing Dua
The Meeting will be recorded.
Panelists ( Speakers ) to identify themselves on the Zoom meeting for the purpose of a transcript to be provided for legal and compliance purposes and to ensure accountability and transparency.
Delegates ( observers ) will be any members of the public who will be observers.
The Host of the Meeting can promote any Delegate ( with observer status ) to a full panelist ( Speaker and full participation rights ) at the request of a Delegate and upon verification of identification and credentials of the person.
To be granted rights to be a speaker and Panelist you need to be a member of a recognised media organisation or representing any major NGO or organisation with a track record of at least 5 years and a website address.
All ITV Partners and Sponsors and ITV Associates are also invited. Members of the Public are also invited to attend. Page 3|3